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Pakistan's former ambassador to US 'lobbying against own country', says Aziz

Because it will show the world that Pakistan follows the rule of law in trying its criminals. Or, as you said, the alternative is to not pay attention. Making a statement attacking the person and not the content only makes Pakistan look mean, vindictive and lacking an effective counter-narrative. Surely there is a better way!
The law has already proven that he is absconding. The world(Usually used to describe US and it's pack of minions in the Europe) chose to believe what comports with its belief system and that is all. I don't think that Pakistan has anything to prove to please the people who don't even know where Pakistan lie on the map. Simple debunking his lies wont cut it, he needs to be discredited for the repute given to him by Pakistan.
Now why is it that you see it clearly, but I am failing to get this point across to the membership (and the administration) here?

Because "we" don't have a dog in this fight.:-)

Also Because "we" are slightly less emotional than our neighbours in the West and tried hard to learn from our mistakes. Making messiahs out of humans has hurt us deeply and repeatedly.
HH is the consultant for runaway MQM leadership that is currently residing in US after ranger raid. Zardari, HH and MQM, all are part of the same game. To disintegrate Pakistan. Zardari wants sindh, MQM wants Karachi and HH wants his shares out of both.
The law has already proven that he is absconding. The world(Usually used to describe US and it's pack of minions in the Europe) chose to believe what comports with its belief system and that is all. I don't think that Pakistan has anything to prove to please the people who don't even know where Pakistan lie on the map. Simple debunking his lies wont cut it, he needs to be discredited for the repute given to him by Pakistan.

Fine, please go ahead and see just how well (or not) this discreditation campaign works out for Pakistan, without responding to the actual heart of the matter, which are Pakistan's policies, and not HH himself.

Because "we" don't have a dog in this fight.:-)

Also Because "we" are slightly less emotional than our neighbours in the West and tried hard to learn from our mistakes. Making messiahs out of humans has hurt us deeply and repeatedly.

But I do. I care about Pakistan deeply. I must try to speak up for what I think is the correct course of action here (and elsewhere), despite the resistance and personal attacks I face. Truth and honesty are never popular.
Hussain Haqqani had tried to sabotage Pakistan's strategic defence assets. Put that case in Interpol to issue red-warrants against the goone and then demand USA to hand this b!tch over. I know USA won't but at-least build your list of demands to put pressure on them to nail this patriot.
This exactly is the issue, slander, criticism, but no counter to what he says.

There is no merit in arguments when devil talks of scripture. The gentleman accuses Pakistan of menagerie of crimes but all of it is moot because quite simply Pakistan does what it thinks is best to preserve and advance it's own interest. Put simply there is no place for morality in statecraft, there never has been and there never will be.

One can talk about supporting terrorism- But what terrorism? Name a single major power whos hands are clean when it comes to using violence to advance their interests? So by which classification can you call Taliban a terrorist org? Where French resistance terrorists?

Second proliferation - How exactly did Israel, France, China and India get the bomb? Do you mean to say there is no transfer of missile tech from Russia to India?

Textbooks used in government schools in Pakistan distort students’ perceptions, limit their critical thinking skills and obscure the real causes of violence and terrorism in the country, claims a report commissioned by the US Institute of Peace.

The author of the report, “Education and Attitudes in Pakistan; Understanding Perceptions of Terrorism,” Madiha Afzal says that “Pakistan’s current educational system does not equip students to counter the prevailing problematic narrative in society and the media.”

Instead, she claims, the system creates and propagates narratives of its own -

... most teaching practices involve rote memorization and little critical engagement with the texts. “For many views” held by students, she says, “we saw a direct correspondence between textbook content and what the students say, which then appears to be beefed up by societal and media narratives -

...[Moeed Yusuf, director of South Asia programs at USIP]: "It’s clear that bad curriculum does things to minds, not only in Pakistan but around the world. But there’s also enough contrary evidence in the mindset of Pakistani youth [that doesn’t] gel with what the curriculum is saying.”

While textbook content may have some role, the “biggest variable to look at is the state,” Yusuf said. Policies adopted by successive governments and the political-ideological environment created by the government probably play a bigger role in shaping mindsets than curriculum does, he said. Curriculum reform is “definitely needed,” he said. “But whether that’ll solve Pakistan’s violence problem, I remain skeptical.”

link1, link2

What textbook doesn't propagate narrative? What is history if not a narrative from the winning side?
But I do. I care about Pakistan deeply. I must try to speak up for what I think is the correct source of action here (and elsewhere), despite the resistance and personal attacks I face. Truth and honesty are never popular.

No offence but I have been seeing you fight this loosing battle for 5 years. You come here every single day, trying to talk reason and facts and get abuses in return. Though I admire your conviction, apart from a handful (and I mean that quite literally, you can count them on your fingers with a few to spare) you are not going to convince any of them.
No offence but I have been seeing you fight this loosing battle for 5 years. You come here every single day, trying to talk reason and facts and get abuses in return. Though I admire your conviction, apart from a handful (and I mean that quite literally, you can count them on your fingers with a few to spare) you are not going to convince any of them.

All that does not matter. What matters is that I am trying.
This exactly is the issue, slander, criticism, but no counter to what he says.
the gentleman in question was Pakistani Ambassador to USA in the previous but acted like spokesman for USA.
before and after the Memogate scandal where he has absconded from Pakistani courts..

he contradicts his rebuttal to Satraj Aziz by justifying his position over alleged Jihadi support of Pakistanis.

if hosting and helping the trilateral dialogue to bring peace in Afghanistan is supporting Jihadis then UAE stands blamed and so do all those CIA official that meet up in Doha with the Afghan Taliban leadership.
the guy hates Pakistan army, it is understandable. so does the TTP and its hosts & "friends" inside Afghanistan.

he should be honest, just say that he opposes Pakistan because of its army and therefore will continue to campaign against it whether or not he is paid for it.
looks like he is making himself acceptable and agreeable to possible Trump's administration.

if he is lucky he will get a

""That Pakistani American there.....!"
from Trump... that will be his highlight. or he can get it changed to Asian American or Indian American to become acceptable
Fine, please go ahead and see just how well (or not) this discreditation campaign works out for Pakistan, without responding to the actual heart of the matter, which are Pakistan's policies, and not HH himself.
Doing so will take away his credibility as a Pakistani for b!tching against Pakistan..........Then he will only be an American and this is exactly what the Americans are good for these days........Wouldn't bother us at all.
Quite amusing that he deny to obey the laws of the land but somehow is concerned about it's policies, he is a hypocrite and a liar and therefore in no position to pass these jaundiced judgements. Oh you got banned?:o:
Nothing new for him. I have seen him battling the forum staff since the day I joined and even before that.
I don't know what is up with these people. Don't they know that the truth doesn't come in a silver platter with a ribbon on top. The truth is ugly and that is how it should be.
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