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Pakistan's class divide.


May 26, 2016
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Why did i create this thread?
I did so to paint the bigger picture to all fellow PDF members as well whoever may read this thread in the hope for it to be the faintest remainder of our problems at home before ditching all our problems to the Taliban or India.
In the end I will conclude how I became a PTI supporter from apolitical and again a PTI supporter in the hope we could somehow change this country from top to bottom which it desperately and dearly need.

One of the many reason's terrorism exists now is because of our enormous "Class disparity".

As part of my "Last thread" before jumping onto conclusions ,I would like to do a little self-introspect.
In the Quran For centuries we've been reminded as a nation or people that The Greatest Jihad is trying to educate one's soul ,Above all it is stated in the Quran that everything from Personality and little deeds are a form worthy of and considered a religious worship.

My father after serving the Government with utmost honesty for 40-50 years of service was restricted to a life he did not deserve even after becoming a Grade 22 officer and serving in the most important institutions of the country.
In a small 5 marla house ,We had to enlarge the door to even park our sedan.
at the same time suffer from all the so called "Lower class problems",Many times our neighbors would selfishly make the road dirty for our Guests.
It was "Herankun" to see ,The psychological sewage that is our glass divide.
Over the course of my time in this neighborhood ,I sensed people becoming and sounding sweeter when there was a time of profit but becoming spiteful later on.
All of this also changed my psychological outlook as i started to consider many of these people as sub-humans or I became racist or white supremacist,I guess its human psychology to evolve into his surrounding environment.

God was kind to us that in such a city with enormous amount of problems for basic facilities like water or Gas ,We had access to both these for at least short periods of time in a day when in the neighboring sector there was no source of water even though it had big houses built.

In rawalpindi we stayed even though we could've moved to our 1 canal home in the countryside of northern Pakistan with the best view and facilities,which was my suggestion to my father ,As we figured out it was impossible to live a decent life in a country enormously divided on the class system .
We could not do so as I had to finish my education.

I would wish to create awareness in our masses of our huge class divide that exists and which shakes the very fabric of our very own society ,Self individuals and country.

46 years later we have not been able to change our country after the disaster of 1971.

As a person I grew up in a very liberal household and went to the best school in town ,throughout the civil service of my father we had the benefit of living in a middle to upper class neighborhood ,Growing up deeply loved by all till we had to move out and settle in a Middle-lower neighborhood.

Before moving I had prior knowledge that our middle-lower and lower middle-class families are very frustrated bunch of people but After traveling from karachi to almost every part of Rawalpindi , I had never seen the amount of discomfort i felt with these branches of our class divide because mostly i grew up in middle class neighborhoods.

Now that you're probably left scratching your head wondering what is this all "Lower middle" class ,below the graphic will help understand you better.

Our so called "18th largest middle class" is a slapstick.

Basically Pakistan is a country where almost 1.0 percent of the wealth is controlled by the upper class and most of them are Dual class citizens.
It includes tax evaders ,Corrupt elite and the political / Military Dictatorship like that of musharraf/Zardari and white collar criminals like the Sharifs.

Trying to fit in a Lower middle neighborhood after living most of my life as a middle class citizen ,I was not even aware of this enormous "Class divide" which is spread from everything to living standards to basic healthcare and education.
Anyone below the lower middle class in Pakistan is enormously frustrated and have gone Mad.

In the worst case scenario of a war ,Let alone the Indians ,Most of these frustrated citizens will loot and rape similar to the one flashback we had in 1971 or 1947 when many criminals took to the streets to butcher innocent families.

To finally conclude.
As a citizen of Pakistan I absolutely loathe the Prime-minister for ignoring requests of my father for financial support during a very troubled time for my family (as we had to spend enormous amount of money on a ailing family member) The prime-minister ignored our request,Even though during service my father was one of the top bureaucrats in the country with various distinguished institutional roles.
Although I'm completely sure it would've been accepted had he been a PML-N member.

All in all ,Its just a one out 100 other stories in our unfair and corrupt country called "Pakistan".

We're one amazing country (Aren't we)?
Guess it explains our expats and their rejection of our country,Once i didn't believe them but now i do and my disagreement with them now makes me a total idiot.

My father tried his luck in Every Government housing scheme ,Many of them became part of corruption scandal's and a media-spinoff or a court case.
Some of them were enormously expensive to afford anything.

To me its not an issue,but when i moved on to this lower middle class neighborhood I witnessed the hate and "frustration" of our people.

My heart often tells me ,My father never got any-sort of help from the Government when at the same time ,Many of my father's colleagues even the ones of lower ranks settled in decent places after amassing enormous amounts of wealth through infamous corruption which was known to even gate-keepers in our communities during his time in service.

Did my father not deserve a decent accommodation by the Government after serving it honestly for 40 years of his life and retiring at grade 22?

What message does the Government give out to my Generation and my Generations Generation? That there is no help for the honest man in this country?

We didn't ask for any special help but at-least we should be just in our approach.
If the corrupt lives in a mansion being 2 grades lower then my father ,What was my father's sin to not be corrupt?

Terrorism was first introduced as a military solution to the soviet problem in Afghanistan ,who later turned their guns on us.

Religion was introduce to fight a war and madrassas started to swell in numbers throughout this country, thanks to which we have recognition abroad.

To cut it short ,We need a total change in this country ,Top to bottom.
People are extremely suffering with rich getting richer and the honest man is suffering due to his honesty, It is the end of any human civilization when you have an enormous amount of unfair social system.

Pakistan doesn't have any enemies !
The only enemies we have is poverty ,class divide ,Faulty education and absence of basic human facilities.
We should Ignore our enemies or push them aside and focus inward to at-least bring the smiles an deliver justice in our own homeland before asking it for kashmiris.

As Pakistanis we should feel ashamed that several countries much backwards than our own have steadied their ships towards becoming major leaders in economic growth.
Especially if you consider what Pakistan was achieving in the Past and east was the main pillar of our economic growth which formed the 5th fastest growing economy of the time and is among the most developing countries in the LDE list of economies today.

We could've seen the same infrastructure and human capital development in Pakistan if our leaders had took better approach than to fight off fucking wars for the past 70 years since our independence.

We could've never had the nukes and followed the model of South Korea for human development and India didn't had the Balls to touch us.
We made the bomb by eating the grass ,They said.
But in truth it is the grass the poor ate ,Not the rich.
This is dubai in 1990s
This is karachi in late 1960s.

We Pakistanis have tried our best to ruin Pakistan to the point it stands today,Totally divided on class and ethnic lines.

We're our own worst enemies.

We cry about terrorism when there are huge socio-economic issues related to it which are being completely ignored by our Rich elite class that governs us today.

We let the "Quetta Shura" operate in our borders for decade and still blame the afghans for their hatred for us.

Our so called military and Political establishment needs to realize that unity is in diversity and equal growth opportunities and absence of class divide or class support is the true promise of a countries progress.

Any war of today is fought on which country has a more educated scientific base and equal economic Per capita ,This is the reason why Today PAF finds it difficult to revolutionize the existing system and develop the platform for a 5th Generation fighter.
I wish there could be more people like ACM sohail aman, who change the system.

There is a reason why Pakistan ranks among the most poorest countries in the world when it comes to Per capita income due to its enormous class divide.

We should start now and infest more in education which is totally screwed up ,At the same time do something to elevate our class system which is being suppressed day in and out and its size is shrinking.


Quaid e azam would've truly been ashamed of us today.
@Signalian @Djinn @MastanKhan @Mentee
What are your thoughts ?
Do you guys think we should've followed the path of south korea and spend more on human development rather making the bomb and a divided country based on a corrupt class system?
I cant say for all but from my experience what i understood was that people give so much trouble to white young males in middle class because everyone thinks that they will be fucking upper class belles throughout their lives. They are jealous of this destiny of theirs.:lol:
@Signalian @Djinn @MastanKhan @Mentee
What are your thoughts ?
Do you guys think we should've followed the path of south korea and spend more on human development rather making the bomb and a divided country based on a corrupt class system?
Mate lets not downplay our holistic capabilities. You see, the Koreans have a north korean centric military of .7million folks . And Indus basin has been witnessing a variety of military actions since its inception so, by default we need to modestly pour more resources in our military industrial complex.
Corruption index in Pakistan is going out of chart unchecked , this is not the case with the Koreans . Efficient checks n balance system could potentially recover billions of $$$ from the fat a** folks paying almost zero amount of taxes to the state . And iam sure that you an idea about the level of Tax evasion-----

As for the bombs , its mere existence is evident of the fact that we are a technically stable nation . So what we need to do is to quadruple the process of getting any sort military tech. The more a nation has the know how of the military toys the more the applicability of that superior tech in the private sector .
@Signalian @Djinn @MastanKhan @Mentee
What are your thoughts ?
Do you guys think we should've followed the path of south korea and spend more on human development rather making the bomb and a divided country based on a corrupt class system?

The bomb was a necessary evil. The existence of Pakistan today is only a testament to the great efforts of the Armed forces.

In my view this country needs reforms in the political, legal, and police systems, and the only way I see that is by having PTI in the centre. After they reform the system, introduce transparency, and make everybody accountable, parties would actually campaign on their ideologies, PPP would actually present socialist policies, and PMLN would actually start implementing conservative ideals.

At the moment, several foreign firms have left Pakistan citing government corruption as the main reason. How can anybody expect Pakistan to prosper when corruption is the main driving force behind the government?
For HDI we just progressed to medium category from low which is a good sign . Need to do more as we have a long way to go . Pakistan has immense potential

Start providing justice and impose the rule of law---have order in the society---that will cure the ills.
Mate lets not downplay our holistic capabilities. You see, the Koreans have a north korean centric military of .7million folks . And Indus basin has been witnessing a variety of military actions since its inception so, by default we need to modestly pour more resources in our military industrial complex.
Corruption index in Pakistan is going out of chart unchecked , this is not the case with the Koreans . Efficient checks n balance system could potentially recover billions of $$$ from the fat a** folks paying almost zero amount of taxes to the state . And iam sure that you an idea about the level of Tax evasion-----

As for the bombs , its mere existence is evident of the fact that we are a technically stable nation . So what we need to do is to quadruple the process of getting any sort military tech. The more a nation has the know how of the military toys the more the applicability of that superior tech in the private sector .

Bro I'm all for the bomb.
The bomb is Good if we had taken some sensible decisions afterwards which we didn't so it makes me question it's advantages over disadvantages.
South korea was able to defend itself just by the backing of United states after the initial civil war and has been at the front of "Technological growth".
They could've made the bomb too ,But they didn't,instead they invested on their human capital.
We could've developed our conventional capabilities similar to south korea which at the same time try to elevate our below par standards of economic growth from the late 60s.
If you invest on your human capital you create industries automatically,As i also explained initially this is the direction the Pakistan air force is taking today due to necessity,because of non-existence of human capital in technological growth or expertise inside the country.
South korea doesn't have that problem hence they can develop their own Jet today,whereas all of our tech is based on foreign supplies and nations.

The bomb was a necessary evil. The existence of Pakistan today is only a testament to the great efforts of the Armed forces.

In my view this country needs reforms in the political, legal, and police systems, and the only way I see that is by having PTI in the centre. After they reform the system, introduce transparency, and make everybody accountable, parties would actually campaign on their ideologies, PPP would actually present socialist policies, and PMLN would actually start implementing conservative ideals.

At the moment, several foreign firms have left Pakistan citing government corruption as the main reason. How can anybody expect Pakistan to prosper when corruption is the main driving force behind the government?

Pakistan needs institutional reforms ,which can only come through PTI.

#1 PML-N will never strengthen NAB to catch criminals hence NAB is totally offline ATM.
#2 PML-N has legalized corruption and tax evasion (That is why they themselves do it),at least they indirectly support tax evasion by inaction.

Both of these points are enough to disqualify any party or its leaders ,unfortunately our judiciary is not strong enough to do so.
Can't claim PTI is the savior and aren't without flaws or imran khan for that matter,I'm hugely disappointment they weren't able to garner much support from inside the masses but they're necessary for the evolution of a corrupt broken society and country that is in Pakistan.
Otherwise all these parties of PPP,PML-N survive in political glory because of a weak and incompetent political system .
Pakistan needs institutional reforms ,which can only come through PTI.

#1 PML-N will never strengthen NAB to catch criminals hence NAB is totally offline ATM.
#2 PML-N has legalized corruption and tax evasion (That is why they themselves do it),at least they indirectly support tax evasion by inaction.

Both of these points are enough to disqualify any party or its leaders ,unfortunately our judiciary is not strong enough to do so.
Can't claim PTI is the savior and aren't without flaws or imran khan for that matter,I'm hugely disappointment they weren't able to garner much support from inside the masses but they're necessary for the evolution of a corrupt broken society and country that is in Pakistan.
Otherwise all these parties of PPP,PML-N survive in political glory because of a weak and incompetent political system .

I agree, and i'll probably continue backing PTI unless another big reformist/anti-corruption party decides to come in. Maybe PSP ?

I hope IK starts to get the party in order, because if PMLN wins again then Pakistan will be much worse off.

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