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Pakistani server used to hack Indian Army officer’s computer

Taking into account the security level appiled in indian systems
u pakistani's can neither be proud of or u can claim it as ur talent
Bcoz Even a DTP operator who is not a tech savvy have hacked the indian passport website

Grapes are sour.Ain't they.
Hacking is simple....make a program which can read the files system....trigger an event by a program which PC get connected to internet
and read the file and send the data in form of http packets...the fire wall thinks that user is accessing some website....

Hacking is simple....make a program which can read the files system....trigger an event by a program which PC get connected to internet
and read the file and send the data in form of http packets...the fire wall thinks that user is accessing some website....

Its not as easy you think it to be! I have worked in ISRO and know how strict policies are for any organization. hackers users multiple hosts so it harder to trace their origins, for all we know, the Pakistani server may also be compromised. I just think us Indians get excited whenever we see the letters Pakistan anywhere.
Hacking is never easy it takes at least 10 years for becoming a pro, that dude might be experimenting his new skills, beware next time he will be invisible :lol:
Bad hackers get caught.

Therefore this Pakistani hacker is utterly stupid.

Your comment is utterly stupid, I am sure you are not aware of the skills required in doing such things.

Keep your snarky little comments out of here, this is my last warning.
Keep it up, pakistan!

Hope, Indians will learn from you!
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Honeypot does not infect .ITS is a formof IPS that used to study attacks.Although after applying Network Security (firewall at perimeter ,IPSIDS then Kernel level HIDS ) organizations thinks there job is done .
But it is not correct you have to constantly monitor traffic ( We also Study traffic pattern at one of bank here in mumbai) then apply correlation rules to granular it and then amend policy and give network admins instructions to apply that policy. Doing this much also does not guarantee you are secure . There is need arises to monitor application layer security organization do black box testing to see any threats .

Also Application security is a main concern we have to review codes and find out chances of exploitation . Remember what happens at Google in china. This is the IE vulnerability they have exploited.

Remember Educational institute and govt organization are easy to penetrate and exploit . because they do not do such measures .

I today world even a script kiddy can do much harm so much of tools and OS available ( Backtrack 4 , Metasploit , NMAP and nessus to fingerprinting and vulnerability detection)

internet par sab free me milta hai bhai logon.

lekin sahi hai bhidu hamare naukri koi koi khatra nahi :victory:
You can see this as terrorist does not need planning to attack any vulnerability of armed forces ,civilian organizational they can rise from abyss and attack.

But security forces have to do multilayer protection right from border of nation to security of school

this does not mean terrorist is great and talented i hope you got it and more questions are welcome
making the program is easy part :agree:!

infecting the target system is the main task,achieved by penetrating through layered security depending upon the setup. all the network peeps here would agree how hard it can be to hack in if an industrial strength firewall is configured properly and locked down at a very granular level.

Now the first question should be how the computer was infected? , was it done over the WWW or was the PC physically bugged.

If it was done over WWW how the hacker penetrated stringent defence network.. or is it that the target PC actually visited some malicious honey pot and got infected. (This is very common now a days where a honey pots are setup in DMZ and someone trying to gain access think they hacked in but actually they are only accessing fake server which in turns infects the source.)

Another possibility is where hackers had physical access to the device and they bugged it - so it uploads info to servers whenever user connects to internet.

from my experience i have noticed that most of the times networks / PCs get hacked because proper security is not applied and security policies are not adhered by the end user.

1) Properly configured firewall does not grantee security . Security is a multilayer approach.

2) What is physically fixed bug?

3) Honey pot allow us to study what attacker using (tools , measures,etc) .I would prefer SIEM instead of this one . It is normally easy for good cracker to guess honeypot.

4) They might installed backdoor.This can occur if they not properly patched systems and become victim as signature database is not properly updated to detect trojans etc.
This tells their systems are vulnerable. If pakistani hackers won't hacks then will the hackers in Iceland hack ?
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