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Pakistani Nuclear Safety: Queries

You can have it, like I said. Just edit it to sound like a general critique about the article as opposed to commentary directly addressed to the author if you want to send it to a magazine or a newspaper. If you just want to give some friends a link then ofcourse you can, its open to anyone who views the forum anyway.
Concerning our Nuke Safety;

US Government has recently sold to SPD about 35 Bell 412 helicopters. These helicopters have been provided DIRECTLY by the US Government without the involvement of the local agent in Pakistan. The Bell 412's are primarily to be used for ferrying nuke/ missile experts to-fro the sites that are currently not on the US intel maps. All one needs is a credible GPS device that can calculate the locations frequently flown and penciling them on a digital map somewhere in the confines of CIA HQ thereby exposing the likely locations of our nuke/ missile assets.

Sounds like conspiracy theory does'nt it? But I am seriously concerned about this development at SPD who does not have the technical ability to avoid such a scenario from happening.
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