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Pakistani man walked from Karachi to Mecca, Saudi Arabia

On topic: Good going, he deserves recognition.

Don't despair. I heard PIA might get new batch of planes with manual pedals and polythene wings attached to them.

That wont do em any good. Fancy cogs in a broken machine.
man walked from karachi to makkah reached saudia :P for hujj damn he lose his waight i wanna do same for become slim @Yzd Khalifa :lol:


god damn airlines increased charges so now try the ways before air sea links :lol:


This here is dedication. May Allah SWT reward him.
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MashAllah...May Almighty Allah bless him for his dedication and hardships he bore to reach the Holy Land....
Yes, he will. He will have all-time-free-pass to Jannah Gym. What has a stunt got to do with reward? Or is it that, slap the word "Mecca" and all of you will go "Allah-u-Akbar", praise be to the walker..... :laughcry:

Why should he not be praised? If he does not deserve praise then he most definitively does not deserve scorn. Not everyone abides to your kemalist idea of religion sir if he walked that many miles to be closer to God then more power to him.
still you have to walk 50km in iraq no thanks they will behead me

Why would they do that? There was a similar story of some European Muslim I believe Bosnian walking through the civil war in Syria for Hajj and both sides stopped him and demanded to know where he was going and BOTH let him go through after giving him some food and stuff. All he had was his Quran and his passport I believe.
Why should he not be praised? If he does not deserve praise then he most definitively does not deserve scorn. Not everyone abides to your kemalist idea of religion sir if he walked that many miles to be closer to God then more power to him.
@Hyperion had a fight with you ... ?? :woot:
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Manhoos, God does not reside in any particular geographical location. He could've found God on an airplane as well. It was more of a stunt than anything else. :woot:

Why should he not be praised? If he does not deserve praise then he most definitively does not deserve scorn. Not everyone abides to your kemalist idea of religion sir if he walked that many miles to be closer to God then more power to him.

He will need loads of trainers for the return trip home..... :girl_wacko:

May Allah reward him greatly for his effort ..


Someone already posted his pic
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Manhoos, God does not reside in any particular geographical location. He could've found God on an airplane as well. It was more of a stunt than anything else. :woot:

No one said God is in Mecca, btw only reason he is on the news is because Saudis were impressed and gave him the coverage. I doubt he had the means to promote his own trip nor did he do it for that reason.
Manhoos, God does not reside in any particular geographical location. He could've found God on an airplane as well. It was more of a stunt than anything else. :woot:

Is there anything wrong in doing efforts .. ??
Them darn Arbeez........ they never miss an opporutniy to bring another idiot into their fold........ Saudi 10,000,000 - Pak 0........ if the same man were Shia, I bethcha, you'd have seen a totally different headline: "An Iranian terrorist, inside the hide of a Pakistani arrested at the border"

It wasn't him trying to advertise it, it's them who got mileage out of it..... fools will be fools..... tomorrow you'll see many other idiots, taking up similar trips to "holy lands"...... :D

No one said God is in Mecca, btw only reason he is on the news is because Saudis were impressed and gave him the coverage. I doubt he had the means to promote his own trip nor did he do it for that reason.
A bike trip will be much more exciting ... wish i could do it like @Thor
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Them darn Arbeez........ they never miss an opporutniy to bring another idiot into their fold........ Saudi 10,000,000 - Pak 0........ if the same man were Shia, I bethcha, you'd have seen a totally different headline: "An Iranian terrorist, inside the hide of a Pakistani arrested at the border"

It wasn't him trying to advertise it, it's them who got mileage out of it..... fools will be fools..... tomorrow you'll see many other idiots, taking up similar trips to "holy lands"...... :D

First time I am agree with you .. .110% possibility

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