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Pakistani Forces against Militants.

July 11, 2011. Monday.


A soldier stands guard on a road while a vehicle carrying internally displaced people flee military operations in Tora Warai, a town in Kurram Agency located in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), during a military trip organised for media along the Afghanistan border, July 9, 2011. PHOTO: REUTERS


At least 11 more extremists were killed in action on Sunday against terrorists by Pakistan Army near Pakistan-Afghanistan border in Upper Dir. According to Sana news agency, a total of 30 extremists have been killed over the past two days.

According to a correspondent of The Express Tribune, security forces have established complete control over Soni Darra, Nusrat Darra and Kafira Chinna areas in Upper Dir.

Meanwhile, people living near the border areas continued shifting to safer areas.

DCO Upper Dir Ghulam Muhammad has said that the situation in Upper Dir is under control and people are not immigrating.

The local operational commander said that militants were still trying to intrude from the other side of the border. However, security forces and the people of Nusrat Dara were alert. He said that the border areas would be cleared in 10 or 15 days.
ISLAMABAD The Pakistani army in its recent Operation Clean-up achieved progress in battling against the Taliban militants in the country's northwestern tribal region of Kurram where life had been paralyzed by the militants since 2007.

According to security sources, over 100 militants have been killed and dozens of others injured since the operation was launched on July 1 at the request of the local tribesmen. Though the army captured many areas from the militants and destroyed their hideouts militants are showing their strength with surprising attacks on the local people.

Kurram bordering Afghanistan have become a safe heaven for the militants who fled U.S. drone strikes and Pakistani army's offensive.

Kurram, which is divided into three parts, lower, central and upper Kurram, has always been critical for the militants as it provides them with an easy access to and from Afghanistan.

Local tribesmen told Xinhua that Pakistani Taliban, who fled army actions in other tribal regions, first entered the central and lower Kurram in 2006 and demanded help from local tribesmen in the form of cash, food and hideouts.

Some tribesmen came under pressure and started their silent support but majority of the local Toori and Bungish tribes refused and launched an armed fight against Taliban. In early 2007 Taliban tried to penetrate into the upper Kurram, an area dominated by Shia Muslims, but failed due to the unexpected retaliation from the local tribes.

Then Taliban militants cut the link bewteen Kurram and the other parts of the country by making checkposts at the 70- kilometer-long Thall-Parachinar road.

The Pakistani army ignoring the U.S. demand to conduct an operation in North Waziristan tribal area surprisingly accepted the request from the local tribesmen for an immediate military offensive in Kurram.

Before the start of the operation Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan ( TTP) suffered its first split on June 27 when its leader in Kurram, Fazal Saeed Haqqani, detached himself from TTP and announced his new group while speaking against killing of the innocent people, abduction for ransom and actions against Pakistani security forces.

In the second week of the assault, swiftly advancing security forces captured the militants' stronghold and symbolic headquarter Manato in central Kurram.

Military sources claimed that army's offensive with the help of gunship helicopters, cannons, tanks, jets had forced militants to escape to Afghan border and neighboring tribal areas of Orakzai and Khyber.

"First we deployed our entire division and then moved the troops swiftly, captured vital points around Manato, and then went for the final assault," said Brigadier Muhammad Basharat, the officer in charge of the operation.

According to official estimate, around 600 hardcore fighters are active in the area, including about 250 locals and dozens of foreigners.

Official sources told Xinhua that about 12,500 families affected by the operation fled their homes to safe places. About 9, 610 displaced families have taken refuge in their relatives' homes while 2,934 families had settled at the Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps where food, medical service and clean drinking water are being provided.

Talking about the Operation Clean-up, Pakistani analyst asked the government to set up permanent army checkposts in the region otherwise militants would return to the area after some time.
MIRANSHAH: Mortar shells fired from across the border in Afghanistan hit a Pakistan military border post martyred four soldiers. - AFP
23 July, 2011. Saturday.

KALAYA: Six militants were killed and a soldier sustained injuries in a clash in Orakzai Agency, official sources said on Friday.
The sources said that the militants attacked the Sheraki checkpoint in Dabori area from all directions with sniper guns and heavy weaponry. They said a soldier named Omar sustained injuries in the attack.

Other soldiers manning the checkpoint returned the fire and killed six militants, the sources claimed, adding, two militants were injured in the attack. Security forces launched a massive search operation in Arhang, Gall and other adjoining areas and recovered 50 mortar shells and a machinegun.
July 24, 2011. Sunday.


PESHAWAR: At least 20 militants were killed and many were injured in the Masood Zai area of central Kurram on Saturday during clash between the militants and the locals, DawnNews reported.

Fifteen members of the local anti-Taliban militia were also injured in the clash. The Associated Press quoted at least 13 militants being killed in the clash.

Encouraged by Islamabad, the tribesmen recently formed the militia to kill or evict Taliban militants and their supporters from the region.

They have killed 25 insurgents in clashes this week.

Kurram is located near Afghanistan. The Pakistani military also has carried out several offensives against Taliban who are hiding in the area after escaping last year’s offensive in the nearby Orakzai tribal region.
July 24, 2011. Sunday.


Security forces also destroyed several militant hideouts. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE

Eleven militants were killed and six others were injured in a clash between militants and security forces in the Ali Sherzai area of Kurram Agency on Sunday.

The security forces also destroyed several militant hideouts.

At least 41 militants have been killed in the last four days in Kurram Agency where security forces are carrying out an operation to clear out militancy from the area.

On Saturday, five militants were killed and eight were injured in a clash with members of a local lashkar in central Kurram. Around eight members of the local Masozai lashkar were also injured in the clash.
Sources said the clash had been going on for three days.

Meanwhile, the tribal elders of the area asked the government and the security forces to support the Qaumi Lashkar in fighting the militants.
The army has launched an air and ground offensive in Kurram regionon the Afghan border.
Security forces clashed with armed militants in the Ali Sherzai area of Kurram agency on sunday, resulting in the death of 11 militants. - AFP
نصرمن اللہ فتح ان قریب

my dear Soldiers
continue with your duty, we are with you dont worry about the news Anchors, right wing politicians as Allah will shame then and prove then wrong again and again until they are discredited and discarded by all Pakistanis.
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My above post was infracted & I was banned "unjustly".

Tell me whats wrong with my post?

I merely stated to Mr Irfan Baluch who is using a Quranic Ayat in his above post, Why do you think Allah is with the Army when Army is NOT fighting for ALLAH. Army is Aiding the American Infidels who are AGAINST Allah, and Army is Fighting for PAKISTAN.. SO please don't use quran ayats to promote our army.

Before banning me again, please do explain me whats wrong?


And on a different note: Please think, when a COUNTRY's army is facing so much trouble, which has SO MANY resources and AMERICAN aid behind it, imagine how mujahideen (TTP/Terrorist/Whatever u want to call them) manage it!

Allah also stated, those Nations are those people are put through hard times (Believers) who can get out of them and have the courage to live through it. Allah doesnt give you any problem which you canot handle. Problems are actually opportunities with thorn on them,

As for the other part, Allah also says, the non believers will reach the skies and be successful ONLY in this world. Hence they are gonna enjoy the fake world not the real one. I hope it answers your question, although its off topic.
My above post was infracted & I was banned "unjustly".

Tell me whats wrong with my post?

I merely stated to Mr Irfan Baluch who is using a Quranic Ayat in his above post, Why do you think Allah is with the Army when Army is NOT fighting for ALLAH. Army is Aiding the American Infidels who are AGAINST Allah, and Army is Fighting for PAKISTAN.. SO please don't use quran ayats to promote our army.

Before banning me again, please do explain me whats wrong?


And on a different note: Please think, when a COUNTRY's army is facing so much trouble, which has SO MANY resources and AMERICAN aid behind it, imagine how mujahideen (TTP/Terrorist/Whatever u want to call them) manage it!

How is this America's war ? If it's our market's, our houses, our offices, our streets being bombed.
How is this America's war ? If it's our people dying.
How is this America's war ? If it's our infrastructure being destroyed.
How is this America's war ? If we are losing on investment ?

It is by all means our war and it is thus by all means a muslim war, which makes our fine uniformed men fighting this war Allah's warrior's and though my words may not make any sense to you, it is probably because you are sitting comfortably in Seattle or somewhere else in the US. So either cut the bullshyte or man up, put your frequent flier miles where your mouth is and come visit FATA yourself, and when you are there do take the time to ask the locals who is right and who isn't.

With respect to your second question the TERRORISTS manage it quite easily because they blend in with the local populace and are not held accountable for any loss of life or property that may occur as a result of their attacks.
^ Because IT started when PAKISTAN started supporting America in Afghanistan, OPENLY

When WE gave americans space, logistics, supplies, we became part of their team.. WITH US OR AGAINST US.. only after that the war came here.. which shouldnt have happened.

If the drones stop and the supplies stop from pakistan and still the TTP strikes, than call it a local war
How is this America's war ? If it's our market's, our houses, our offices, our streets being bombed.
How is this America's war ? If it's our people dying.
How is this America's war ? If it's our infrastructure being destroyed.
How is this America's war ? If we are losing on investment ?

It is by all means our war and it is thus by all means a muslim war, which makes our fine uniformed men fighting this war Allah's warrior's and though my words may not make any sense to you, it is probably because you are sitting comfortably in Seattle or somewhere else in the US. So either cut the bullshyte or man up, put your frequent flier miles where your mouth is and come visit FATA yourself, and when you are there do take the time to ask the locals who is right and who isn't.

With respect to your second question the TERRORISTS manage it quite easily because they blend in with the local populace and are not held accountable for any loss of life or property that may occur as a result of their attacks.
don't waste your energy my brother we just have many pu$$ys in Pakistan and seems like Pakistani nation is scared of talibans and acting like pu$$y and the one who wanna stand up to talibans and terrorists they are being called munafiq traitors etc
Why do you think Allah is with the Army when Army is NOT fighting for ALLAH. Army is Aiding the American Infidels who are AGAINST Allah, and Army is Fighting for PAKISTAN.. SO please don't use quran ayats to promote our army.

This is why,

Quashing a fitnah is an Islamic duty of a state, TTP is nothing but a bunch of pests & hooligans under the drape of Islam. TTP are committing blasphemy by justifying their torture, murder, rape (through multiple forced nikkahs) and looting as Islamic, therefore eradicating them for their travesty is an Islamic duty of Pakistan army.

I know it really irks the pro-taliban apologists when we ordinary Muslims quote Holy Quran for the justification of our fight to defend our country, because fanatics think that they “own” and have the sole rights to define Islam. But Alhamdolillah they are proven wrong and shamed like the Maulana Burqa of Red Mosque who used to spit anti-Pakistan fatwas like a machinegun.

It will be quite fitting if I end with a Quranic verse which fits too well with the successful conclusion of Operation Rah e Nijat.

جَاء الحَقُّ وَزَھَقَ البَاطِل انَّ البَاطِلَ کاَنَ زهوقا


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