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Pakistani flags in three places in Assam..wake up India

Ok ladies this stops here!
Back to topic please: Pakistan flags waved in five Indian districts

It is acceptable to wave Pakistani flag than bombing busy markets. :pakistan:
Hey you are correct. I think this has had a farther reach impact as a sign of protest than taking the lives of innocent people. Only problem is, if these people are killed for hoisting the Pak flag then there might be retribution killings as well.

But rightly said. An ingenious way to make your mark!
Forget it darkstar, the MoD put him in his place.

But Jana made a fair point, even if they ARE illegal immigrants, shouldn't they be running around from the government. Hoping to get a decent job and all that? As opposed to trying to exert their own 'mob' identity.

It is acceptable to wave Pakistani flag than bombing busy markets.

Wait a min, did this guy mean wave Pakistani flag and "then" bombing busy markets or wave Pakistani flags as opposed to bombing busy markets?
The guy I just quoted, 'anand'.

I think what me meant was that rebellious muslims would do better by publicly waving Pakistani flags than expressing their discontent in radical ways like bombing public places.
Forget it darkstar, the MoD put him in his place.

But Jana made a fair point, even if they ARE illegal immigrants, shouldn't they be running around from the government. Hoping to get a decent job and all that? As opposed to trying to exert their own 'mob' identity.

Wait a min, did this guy mean wave Pakistani flag and "then" bombing busy markets or wave Pakistani flags as opposed to bombing busy markets?
The Indians here and even in the media are shifting between terming this action from illegal immigrants and local population.

If they are illegal immigrants then like all other illegal immigrants of the world, they should remain in hiding. Not hoist flags.

My personal take is that there must be illegal aliens in the region. But over decades they've integrated with the locals and so has their influence.
They are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. i.e. Bangladeshis settled in India who now have sufficient numbers to exert political power as a group.

If they really are illegal immigrants, how do they exert political power? I mean, do they vote en bloc? If they have the vote, how are they illegal? Is the Indian election commision in the habit of doling out votes to illegals? I admit I am unaware of voting procedures, so don't know if an Illegal, or even a legal migrant who is not an indian national, can actually vote and exert political influence.
Oh I see. Also extremist Hindus would do better by addressing Muslim grievances as opposed to getting all worked up because of our beautiful flags.
Oh I see. Also extremist Hindus would do better by addressing Muslim grievances as opposed to getting all worked up because of our beautiful flags.

This debate has already been stared in Indian media. Atleast some section of people have already started realizing that, we should be more careful in dealing with sentiments of monitories.
If they really are illegal immigrants, how do they exert political power? I mean, do they vote en bloc? If they have the vote, how are they illegal? Is the Indian election commision in a habit to dole out votes to illegals? I admit I am unaware of voting procedures, so don't know if an Illegal, or even a legal migrant who is not an indian national, can actually vote and exert political influence.

Political power is not always legal.

Indian government has no real count of the number of Bangladeshi immigrants in Assam and other Northeastern states, but estimates say that they make up a large chunk of the population as of today.

As far as voting is concerned, the ones who have been here for more than a generation could have got voting rights, and in any case, the procedure to obtain ration cards is highly corrupt and its quite easy to get a fake one made as well.

The problems would be lessened if the migrants learnt to assimilate with the locals and atleast learn the local language, but the problem arises when these people are adamant to preserve their own identity at the expense of that of the locals. This leads to social strife in the region and consequently riots.
In such an environment, it becomes easy to influence these people with radical/Islamist ideology and the locals with their own extremist ideology (based on Christianity) etc.

Ultimately, we have two fighting factions, the Bangladeshis (who are now demanding independence by waving Pakistani flags) and the Bodos (who have founded the (Christian) NDFB to mobilize their population..

The third party, the local police and the army, periodically intervene to keep the calm but are unable to do anything to address the real concerns of either camp.

Such scenarios have been happening for time immemorial in the history of mankind, when entire countries fight it out (India and Pakistan) or small tribes fight it out. From Crusades to Jehad, to the Hutus and the Tutus in Rwanda.
Oh I see. Also extremist Hindus would do better by addressing Muslim grievances as opposed to getting all worked up because of our beautiful flags.

If they are illegals, they shouldn't be there in the first place. Why should we bother to address their grievances? In the name of humanity?
Great News Anand. It took 60 years for the debate in the media to start, so how long it takes to get to the corridors of power is anybody's guess, as no one can accuse the Indian govt to be quick decision makers.

It's been 6 years since the Gujrat ethnic cleansing, and now people are starting to make noises. Has this got to do with the recent wave of bombings? Why has it got to be, that no body listens until you use violence to attract attention to your cause.

Well, better late than never.

Although I do not see any change in a positive direction, especially in places like gujrat, which has long been a hot bed of xenophobia and anti muslim violence. This from the state with the most number of vegetarians, as they are "Ahnisa ka pujaris".

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