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Pakistani Female Students in UK


Jul 19, 2010
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One of My friend told me its better to study in Pakistan then UK.Coz you hav to spent in lakhs there in UK.While on that much money Teacher will come to your home and will teach you alone.

If a Student want Education he can get it anywhere.Its Up To You.

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If you want to study you can study anywhere. But its a good way of getting things off parents to say oh but i need this for eductaion. well at least thats what i used to say. lol
and the quality of Education ?

the dream that Imran khan sees for Mianwali to be knowledge city makes him to me the Wali of our times, Sir Sayyed of our times, sahib zada abdul qayyum khan of Sarhad (KP), the Fakir of our times, the Sufi of our times...

may Allah bless him and succeed him in his mission...

Inshallah it will be them coming to our lands for Education...
Dear, there are sadly no institutes like King's College, Oxford or Cambridge in Pakistan. The level of learning and exposure you get from these institution arm you with a plutonic method of critical thinking. something none of our universities can offer. Its sad but true. The important thing is go to learn, and come back with a pledge to serve your country by utilizing your expertise, despite the hurdles that you will face in doing so. Don't loose your identity, strengthen it instead.

Surely you have heard of this hadees: Gain knowledge, even if you have to go to China for the achievement of this purpose.
Can someone tell me how many students go to America and UK for studies from Pakistan every year? I see few people coming to US. Can someone share that information?
Dear, there are sadly no institutes like King's College, Oxford or Cambridge in Pakistan. The level of learning and exposure you get from these institution arm you with a plutonic method of critical thinking. something none of our universities can offer. Its sad but true. The important thing is go to learn, and come back with a pledge to serve your country by utilizing your expertise, despite the hurdles that you will face in doing so. Don't loose your identity, strengthen it instead.

Surely you have heard of this hadees: Gain knowledge, even if you have to go to China for the achievement of this purpose.

Institutions take decades to build their reputation... see Oxford, King's college, Queen mary, Cambridge, LSE they all took centuries to become what they are now....

same level of learning can be brought with teachers and syllabus design, however the exposure comes with interaction of different ethnicities, regional and country students, still to build the environment it would takes decades or maybe centuries... but this is the only way to build up nations...

brick by brick... :pakistan:
Can someone tell me how many students go to America and UK for studies from Pakistan every year? I see few people coming to US. Can someone share that information?

I dont know the exact number for US, but to GB, the number last year was 6000 plus. and I think its a huge figure.

recently I have seen the trend that people are preferring Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Turkey/Cyprus and other European countries for studies...
I watched this video of talat on youtube and i think this man is only showing one side of pic which is dark side. There are many girls from Pakistan who is doing great job in their fields after completing their education in UK. There are many females professors, doctors and teachers here from Pakistan. He is showing and talking to those girls who enter into UK on fake bank statement for purpose of work. These girls thought that they can work full time on student visa and will cover their tuition fees and living expenses from their earnings which is not possible. Obviously you should not come here if you cannot afford study and even many Pakistani girls with some honour will prefer to go back to Pakistan instead of living with guys here if they cannot afford themselves.

I also think many private universities/colleges in UK are only interested in making money and its their business to give admission to foreigners student even when they don't qualify just to get some cash because international students pay double fees than home students. I know some student who don't even know what ACCA stand for but they are here on student visa to gain this qualification lol
I'm currently at Bristol and I swear I've seen loads around, they all seemed pretty rich though...
Can any body claculate how much money Uk Govt earnning just from ILETS Test ?

I mean there are Centers in Peshawar Islamabad Lahore and Other cities.Every month there are two tests.Every candidate have to pay around about 14 thousand PKR.

So can any tell me how much money the earn everymonth just from this TeSt ?

What is the price of building character---you learn to appreciate hardwork----over here in the u s----millionaires put their kids to work on minimum wage and make them live on minimum wage.

I the 90's I work in so cailifornia, at a honda dealershi----the owners son was about 6' 4' plus, handsome guy-==daughter a tall 5'11" blonde built and looked like a model----both of them USCgraduates---he made them work as porters at the dealership----made them clean the toilets---made them wash and detail new and used cars----worked as service porters---basicallt made them work on payroll in every department and made them work awhile in each position---so that they could appreciate the hardwork poor and average people put to make a living and feel humble.

When they became managers, they were so kind and gentle people, it was unbelievable.

Once----son of Thomas Acura in covina ca worked with me----his father made him work as a sales person at this other dealership for a few years----before he gave him the dealership.

Pakistani parents need to kick their lazy fat / skinny kids out of their houses and make them work for a living---UNtiL AND UNLESS THEY DON'T DO THAT----PAKISTAN IS GOING TO STAY IN THE SH-IT HOLE THAT IT IS IN.

It should not be a matter of pride to say that "we didnot even fill a glass of water in our house in pakistan"----until and unless you are not ashamed to say it otherwise----you all are living a lie when you say you love your country----you don't love your country----you only love your skin.
I dont know the exact number for US, but to GB, the number last year was 6000 plus. and I think its a huge figure.

recently I have seen the trend that people are preferring Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Turkey/Cyprus and other European countries for studies...

With regard to your earlier post....Queen Mary no longer is a leading institute.....i mean they have dropped in prestige and rankings......and LSE......My brother goes there for study abroad (originally he is in a US college)......and his list of complaints doesn't stop....lol...and LSE isn't even 'Centuries old'....only Oxford and Cambridge are....and it's a shame to put LSE in the same list as Oxbridge.........those institutions are a league apart......i mean Cavendish....Newton.......you can't put them in the same league as some politician non-sense :no:

With regard to your second post.....the number of Pakistani Students in USA was 5000....i went to USA as well.......and you can get in all kinds of colleges in USA if you are willing to foot the $40,000 per year bill.....however getting scholarship/financial aid as foreign national is truly another story............there are low ranked state schools and elite public schools....

What is the price of building character---you learn to appreciate hardwork----over here in the u s----millionaires put their kids to work on minimum wage and make them live on minimum wage.

I the 90's I work in so cailifornia, at a honda dealershi----the owners son was about 6' 4' plus, handsome guy-==daughter a tall 5'11" blonde built and looked like a model----both of them USCgraduates---he made them work as porters at the dealership----made them clean the toilets---made them wash and detail new and used cars----worked as service porters---basicallt made them work on payroll in every department and made them work awhile in each position---so that they could appreciate the hardwork poor and average people put to make a living and feel humble.

When they became managers, they were so kind and gentle people, it was unbelievable.

Once----son of Thomas Acura in covina ca worked with me----his father made him work as a sales person at this other dealership for a few years----before he gave him the dealership.

Pakistani parents need to kick their lazy fat / skinny kids out of their houses and make them work for a living---UNtiL AND UNLESS THEY DON'T DO THAT----PAKISTAN IS GOING TO STAY IN THE SH-IT HOLE THAT IT IS IN.

It should not be a matter of pride to say that "we didnot even fill a glass of water in our house in pakistan"----until and unless you are not ashamed to say it otherwise----you all are living a lie when you say you love your country----you don't love your country----you only love your skin.

Yes sir, very true......however i went to a private college in US....and most of the kids doing part time jobs with me..like in the library...tech support etc were international students or other immigrant based students....the rich were out partying at Frats and Sororities.....like ****** rich...who were paying $55000 per year to party there.....drive German cars......once i was coming back from class and i literally overheard a blonde yelling over the phone to her dad about how her friend has a boat and she wanted one......i was like....WTF!
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