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Pakistani father of 35 aims to have 100 children

Hmmm....so far 35 children with 3 wives, even a fourth wife won't take his score to 100, he needs to have at least 7 to 8 healthy wives!!

Godspeed Father Rambo...:P
Even at that age, he hasn't achieved maturity mentally. I am pretty sure out of 35 of his current children, a lot of them would already be smarter than this sorry excuse of a man.
That's why education is a must for people like this, it's just that I feel bad for the kids who won't get the parents attention and for God sake the lady is not a baby making machine....this guy needs to be stopped...
Apparently he is a doctor.
100 potential suicide bombers in the making..there is a good reason why hitler decided to castrate socially rejected persons like this idiot!

Thats bit too far stretched bro.
That is 25 babies per wife.. Considering that atleast one year is needed to make one baby, each of his wife needs to be pregnant for a good 25 years... That is really bat siht insane.... :crazy:
Bhai Hakeem ka pata bata do, who do you consult for the immortal power?
Sardar Jan Mohammad Khilji, 46, says he believes it is his religious duty to have as many children .

Religious duty...:o:o_O

Is it true ... islam says u have to keep on producing till u can.?

According to Abrahamic religions god commanded man to procreate and spread when he created humans
Utter nonsense.
Can he look after his 100 children own on his own?
Will he be able to look after them well?
Does he even bother to care about the health of the women who produce his kids???
Vasectomy!!! Yes such irresponsible ppl shld get it done ASAP.
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