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Pakistani establishment vs Indian establishment and American establishment

You make it sound like the Russians can nuke European capitals without a response :D
Russian has size advantage they have borders with jappan in asia near South China sea.. European main capitals are intensely populated. Russia has big size and they can afford to relocate their population after atomic war Sinario
Russian has size advantage they have borders with jappan in asia near South China sea.. European main capitals are intensely populated.

Why would have I hit anything outside of top 10 metros ?
The Pakistani establishment knelt before the international establishment and blocked Imran Khan's path and brought the country to the brink of bankruptcy. on the other hand The Indian establishment opened doors for Narendra Modi by lobbying the global establishment and helped India's economy.
Amaraicn establishment brought Biden in power.This Biden administration is the face of Imperialism. Biden is an old rat. he is a key member of Angelo Saxon Led imperialism since 50 years to run American and west cruelty around the world. American establishment design things to lose trump elections and brought Biden into power and then started the Ukraine war as the Afghanistan war loss was too big for them. any human stand against that system he or she is Destined to be killed. likes of sadam Gaddafi murssi. now they are after Putin trump and Imran Khan.
Pakistani establishment is just small dirty dog of international establishment they killed blondly very famous journalist Arshad Sharif and later they kidnapped and killed another very famous journalist imran khan raiaz. many journalists ran for their life and faceing cases. Young girls are being kidnaped and raps in police custody. ex-prime minister imran khan was attacked. They tired to kill him and his senior leadership was thrown into jail and forced them leave imran khan.Pakistani society is dying. nation's morale is historically low. Young boys are leaving country and running to other countries. Recently some 400 Pakistanis died in the sea of Greece. their ship was sunk. it all happened when they removed Imran Khan from office on behalf of international establishment. When you do things againt will of people country fall is done. Only option Pakistani nation as is imran khan. He is the only one can Lift and hail nation's moral. He is the only one who has trust of abroad living pakistanis as well inside Pakistan

There is a example can be admired.The prime example how turk nation stood against its own establishment which was working againt the will of people of Turkey. Turkish establishment was lap dog of west.People of turkia showed the world how you must react when your own establishment committs treason.
Pakistan doesnt have establishment.
It only has paid prostitut** which are willing and are selling everything for dollars
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