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Pakistan will Unite Afghanistan and its Pasthun's in the distant future

Should be done or not?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 63.6%
  • Nope

    Votes: 11 33.3%
  • I'm Indian and I hate this idea m8

    Votes: 1 3.0%

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May 26, 2016
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The American Invasion Of Afghanistan

Military solution was ignorant and unwise right from the start of 9/11 and invasion of Afghanistan especially after a decade of propaganda from hollywood to mainstream news agencies in the west and glorifying the Mujaheeden and Pakistan to go on Invading Afghanistan after Soviet defeat,This not only turned on the global focus of proxies on Afghanistan but also made more enemies for Americans themselves and more importantly Pakistan which was supposed to be a developing country rivaling other nations economically like India.

To invade a country to just kill one individual even when the Taliban had extended open self introspect is the biggest mistake of the war on part of Americans.

Historical background 1947

Starting from the Partition of India and formation of Pakistan in 1947 ,There have been numerous skirmishes by Afghanistan and this spiteful approach continues till this day.

Afghanistan was the only country which unrecognized Government of Pakistan to-reclaim Pashun dominated area’s under Pakistan because the Afghan Elite considered Pakistan a weak state at the time.

Pakistan inherited the Durand Line agreement after its Independence in 1947, but the Afghan Government has always refused to endorse the Durand Line Agreement. Afghanistan has several times tried to seize Pakistan's western provinces of Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The then Afghan Prime Minister, Muhammad Hashim, said "if an independent Pushtonistan cannot be set up, the frontier province should join Afghanistan. Our neighbour Pakistan will realise that our country, with its population and trade, needs an outlet to the sea, which is very essential".

In 1949, Pakistan Air Force bombed the Afghan militants in border areas including an Afghan village to curb an unrest led by Ipi Faqir propagating independent Pashtunistan.

The Afghan Cell 1970s (Pakistan’s Foreign Policy on Afghanistan)

Prime-minister Zulfiqar ali Bhutto due to continued policy of Afghan leaders to claim Pakistani Pashtun territories by force after 1947 led to the creation of “Afghan Cell” which was a top secret initiative to support Pro Pakistan groups in Afghanistan.


This is where the historical timeline of Pakistan supporting the Taliban and similar anti-communist/Afghan Governments begin due to the continued hostile policy of Afghan Governments aimed at Pakistan.

Why Civil War?

There can only be a Political Solution to Afghanistan which is found in its History which is full of animosity between different factions of the country and its inhabitants.

Unfortunately the American’s are drawing down this war to no-avail and as their Top Generals call it “A stalemate” which is more a Defeat than a “Stalemate”.


Afghan civil war - Wikipedia

Afghanistan has a volatile history full of Civil wars either due to external scenarios of the cold war or due to internal situation of extreme poverty low literacy and extremism to the point even the present war in Afghanistan is characterized as a “Civil war”.

The point that everybody needs to realize is that no matter how much the western thick tanks cry their hearts out and accuse the Inter services or Pakistani military for supporting the Taliban which is farcical because the local population is the Taliban and they aren’t blue eyed Nordic Europeans or aliens but the legitimate people who want the foreign legions out of their country.

Even if the Government of Pakistan or it’s military has supported the Taliban is probably due to self-interests and the aggressive policy of the Afghans themselves,Not forgetting the Afghan Taliban government was jointly recognized by other arab states in the 90s.

Whenever there is a civil war ,It is due to difference’s within a country that make partition inevitable which is also due to different groups which no-longer wants to legitimize each-other and co-exist either politically or ethnically.

Just like the Partition of India in 1947 which was due to variety of different reasons which carved out Bangladesh and Pakistan from India for the greater Good.

Afghanistan needs to be partitioned to bring peace into this region ,as the Afghanistan central Government can no-longer address the needs of its people nor is it justifiable to rule over a people in constant war.

In the people to people connection the Afghan Government is nothing more than a extended arm of United states to continue benefiting from the opium production which is more likely to include natural resources under president trump,Its democracy is seen likely nothing more than a Puppet by the Afghan People.


95% of soldiers in Afghanistan national army (ANA) are from the northern tribes of Afghanistan which are despised by the people of central and eastern Afghanistan mainly the Pushtoons hence during on-ground operations or offensives the People usually support the opposing sides against the Afghan army.

The Afghan national army alongside the police and other law enforcement agencies are neither trained ,Equipped or Supported financially to fight this war and these needs cannot ever be addressed in the current and long-term state of Confusion that prevails in Afghanistan.

The Greater Khyber Pukhtunkwa (KP province of Pakistan)


The people of Afghanistan are ethnically similar to the Pakistani Pushtoons or Pashtun Ethnic group in Pakistan.

The Pakistani Pashtun’s are socially superior to the one’s in Afghanistan based on their social and historical standings,Many of them including the present and past Afghan president’s have lived in Pakistan.


This man Abdul Ghaffar Khan is a hugely respected figure for all Pashtun’s and he had openly accepted the Partition of India into Pakistan ,based on his decision but although its quite possible it might be impossible in a sense Pakistan does not have any active Pashtun Nationalist intellectually honest or moral upright personalities like Bacha khan ,So I remain skeptical with this idea.

Now that Pakistan has absorbed Afghanistan by holding a plebiscite weather the pashtun’s want to join Pakistan or not the new borders will look more like this.

After re-drawing the new borders it will be followed by short to medium and long term Plans to integrate the people into Pakistan socially and economically .


Short Term

Type of Provincial Governance -:

Complete provincial autonomy will be given to the Ethnic pashtun’s similar to that of the current model of Pakistan’s previously known province NWFP(North west frontier province) now known as Khyber Pukhtunkwa.

Although the idea of Shariah law is loathed in the west but it is effectively practiced in more modern ways similar to that of the United Arab emirates .

Shariah law in countries like the UAE has the lowest crime rates and nobody wants to lose his hand for stealing or bribing and nobody wants to lose his head for other issues.

If the Afghans choose the shariah law as their basic guidance principle in their respective protectorates of Pakistan ,Then it should be accepted.

Surrender or Die-:

Decades of war in Afghanistan has invented new branches of Islam and new monsters in the appearance of terrorists that don’t even spare Pakistani children .

Although the absorption might create problems for Pakistan in the short term but this problem is the same one that is being spilled over in the present stage.

Flow or arms will be banned into terrorist groups from every major country including India and Russia and terminating their cash supplies and influence into Afghanistan.

War of the hearts-:

The Pashtun’s have historically been very supportive of Pakistan ,Primarily due to their shared borders and Families on the Pakistani side.

Unlike the united states ,The Pakistanis will not be outsiders to the majority of Newly reunited Pashtun’s and will be welcomed with open hearts Similar to the blumenkreig


Medium Term Plan’s for Reunification of Pashtun’s-:

Pakistan army and its Government has been numerous times commanded by Pasthun’s and the Punjabis been characterized as the “Ruling elite” is nothing more than a myth and propaganda.

The political bashing of the Punjabis is by the socioeconomically backward area’s of the country like Baluchistan due to brainwashing and the people which have been oppressed by the local lords but the presence of ethnic Pashtun’s in Balochistan who have always been stanch Pakistani nationalists is a big problem for the idea of “Free Baluchistan” as its dreamed by the Anti-Pakistan states and its citizens.


To elevate the local Afghan’s and its entic Pashtun population ,The idea’s of Abdul ghaffar khan and his free education and socio-economic uplift have to be re-invented and implemented in the same area’s.

This will conclude with free education and basic Government healthcare.

Long Term Plans

The area’s Pakistan will annex are among the least developed regions of the world but had the world seen dubai in the 70s ,They would’ve called it Hell in a desert and karachi would’ve seen like heaven which was the most fastest growing city in south East Asia.

Everything from infrastructure to local politics and permanent peace-keeping policies will be developed as part of the long term Plans.

Advantages of Unification of Pasthun’s.

Pakistan as a country is economically and culturally powerful enough which might make this assumption inevitable in the future.

The situation in Afghanistan has deteriorated from the last 10–15 decades for it to remain unified any-longer which prolongs the suffering of the innocent people of our region and families on both sides of the borders whose voices have now been suppressed for generations and carelessly forgotten by the local/International media.

The Newly integrated Afghan area’s will be under the control of a enormously powerful military which ranks among-st the top 10 and 14 currently by Global firepower rankings.

The Pakistani military will have unlimited access and local intelligence to successfully carry out COIN(Counter Insurgency) Operations in the region thereby bringing stability to the region.

All foreign proxies in the region by Iran,Saudi Arabia ,United Arab emirates,Pakistan ,India ,Russia and america will be broken and dismantled to be effectively neutralized.

The Taliban which are now more moderate in their approach due to the resentment in the local population in the past will be politically integrated, many of them consider Pakistan and its military as their ally in the fight against foreign occupations.

Pakistan will get its rightful place in world politics and will solve the afghan problem once and for all.

Disadvantages of Reunification

Hostility with the Northern States or (Afghanistan) ,they might consider this an act of war.

The American reaction will be sanctions and possibly bombing invading Pakistani forces which is why they must leave this region and step towards more realistic scenarios for the benefit of local populations.

Unfortunately currently there is no mainstream Pasthun nationalists nor is Pakistan at the moment politically strong enough to pull off such a huge decision but I remain hopeful as Pakistan has some of the most educated ethnic Pasthun’s on our side of the border.

Its more realistic than some might think.
As a Northerner ,When I hear stories of young people who lost their lives in the Afghanistan war ,It brings an immense anger especially when I see the families of these people disturbed.

The people of our region deserve better.
If this thing can happen it should be done fast enough to not prolong the suffering of the people in our region.
Kindly discuss how likely is this scenario
Open to the idea of creating a Pashtun nation out of Afghanistan, but not open to the idea of integrating it into Pakistan.

I'd be fine with it if they held a referendum and opted to join Pakistan, but in that scenario I think they would probably opt to become independent anyway.
Good read, but I saw a couple flaws here and there.

The Pashtun’s have historically been very supportive of Pakistan ,Primarily due to their shared borders and Families on the Pakistani side.

Unlike the united states ,The Pakistanis will not be outsiders to the majority of Newly reunited Pashtun’s and will be welcomed with open hearts Similar to the blumenkreig

Afghans have been brainwashed beyond repair and blame Pakistan for every single problem they face. They have been filled with false-conspiracies and a hate-oriented nationalism. So any 'plebiscite' or local support of Pakistan is very unlikely. But it is still my wish to see all Pashtuns unite under the flag of Pakistan - which would be hard for the Afghan Pashtuns to digest as they are ethno-nationalistic while our nationalism is derived from religion, collective defense and diversity.
All I know is Abdul Ghaffar Khan refused to accept Pakistan. He was a close friend of Mr. Gandhi and didnt vote for Pakistan in referendum. He wanted to annex Pukhtoon ethnic areas of Pakistan in Afghanistan but failed. He was against Pakistan. Even when he died, he refused to bury in Pakistan. But for this, I have respect for him because he was true to his intentions unlike present ANP leaders.

Afghanistan should be divided in two countries: Kabul as capital of Pukhtoon ethnic population and Mazar-e-Sharif as capital of areas under NA control with farsi speaking, tajik and uzbek population. Greater KPK is out of question. We are already suffering our wrong policies of past- hosting Afghan refugees
You can create any number of "Tans" for Pushtoons but unless their mentality isn't changed, nothing will change and all "Tans" will fail.
Open to the idea of creating a Pashtun nation out of Afghanistan, but not open to the idea of integrating it into Pakistan.

I'd be fine with it if they held a referendum and opted to join Pakistan, but in that scenario I think they would probably opt to become independent anyway.
Don't be stupid creating one will definitely cause a similar ripple effect in fata and khyber pakhtunkhwa.
Pakistan isn't rich enough yet to pull that off. First USA will have to withdraw all support, militarily and economically After that Afghanistan will desiniegrate along ethnic lines once government doesn't have money to support afghani army.

Now coming to your other point about Pakistan integrating these regions... Doesn't look likely even if afghanis want it. Politicians will oppose it, will mean less influence for those already in Pakistan and idea of sharing pie with huge new and poor population from a land with hardly any resources. So your plan doesn't have any future I'm afraid.
Pakistan isn't rich enough yet to pull that off. First USA will have to withdraw all support, militarily and economically After that Afghanistan will desiniegrate along ethnic lines once government doesn't have money to support afghani army.

Now coming to your other point about Pakistan integrating these regions... Doesn't look likely even if afghanis want it. Politicians will oppose it, will mean less influence for those already in Pakistan and idea of sharing pie with huge new and poor population from a land with hardly any resources. So your plan doesn't have any future I'm afraid.
These lands have a lot of mineral resources and if we include the wakhan corridor in there we have a land route to central asia.
These lands have a lot of mineral resources and if we include the wakhan corridor in there we have a land route to central asia.

Just like Pakistan has trillions of mineral resources hidden somewhere without any mean to exploit them, its all hogwash.
Afghanistan as a society feeds of racism and ethnofascism. Just go to social media how Tajiks and Hazaras spread ethnic hate against Pashtuns. Afghanistan's Pashtuns who are either refugees in Pak, or got Pakistani CNIC's (became supporters of ANP) abuse Punjabis in return for all the problems they face. Even people of KP are sick of these refugees now. It is simply too much baggage of hate and ethnofascism for us to handle. Pakistan is a diverse country and we need tolerance. Annexing Afghan areas would be suicidal.
Afghans dont like Pakistan and consider it a Punjabi state and they have enmity towards Punjabi people because of past history of wars ad conflict with sikhs rule during the period of ranjit singh and durrani . I have seen most of them still keep this arrogance and racism and label Pakistani Punjabi Muslims as kale dal khor Hindu lol and at the same time they are friendly with India simply because of sharing same anti-Pakistan sentiments. Afghans are not trust worthy no matter Pashtoon or non pashtoon

Best solution for Afghanii is to accept durrand line and give up this obsession with ethnic nationalism.They all need to be united with others ethnic groups within Afghnaistan and work for betterment of their country and people instead of still living in past durrani empire and day dreaming about changing the border as it was during durrani empire with this loy Afghanistan or pashtunistan. . Beauty of any country is its diversity . I am Punjabi/Photohari but i like others ethnic groups because its boring to be surrounded by same ethnic group so i personally will hate country whether punjabistan, baganlistan or pahstunistan based on one ethnic group

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