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Pakistan will continue shelling Millitants along Afghan Border

Is every drone attack by the US a result of a militant attack against US forces, as is the case in the shelling by Pakistan?

Pakistan is not shelling year round, it is shelling specifically in response to militants attacking Pakistani villages and security posts in the hundreds, multiple times.

Secondly, on the drone issue, Pakistan's objections are over US operations of drone strikes in Pakistani soil - Pakistan is willing to continue the drone strikes and other targetted operations based on intelligence (if provided the technological capability and resources).

I have not heard Afghanistan/US offer to conduct military operations against these terrorists finding sanctuary in Eastern Afghanistan so far.

In my view, there are only 2 principles in operation here.. 1. Attacking another country's territory. 2) Acceptance of collateral damage

Both USA and Pakistan are doing the same. Attacking other's soil and killing civilians. Whats good for Peter is good for Paul in my view.

About the offer to conduct operations, I havent heard Pakistan offering to conduct operations in North Waziristan as well..
I suppose Pakistanis had a whole lot of different idea about the Afghans back in the 80s...Sigh...its just the opposite now.One should explore more into what caused this change.

The change my friend is backed up by facts after facts in what is going down in Pakistan right now being done by them... back in the 80's we did them a favor a good thing so to speak and today we are paying the price for it their are thousand of stories and news on this read up on it on the net on books and newpapers and you will get you so call answer about the change. When some people try to destroy your home and try to hurt and destroy your way of life you will think otherwise perhaps how we are thinking right about now i rest my case good luck reading.
In my view, there are only 2 principles in operation here.. 1. Attacking another country's territory. 2) Acceptance of collateral damage

Both USA and Pakistan are doing the same. Attacking other's soil and killing civilians. Whats good for Peter is good for Paul in my view.

About the offer to conduct operations, I havent heard Pakistan offering to conduct operations in North Waziristan as well..

When has Pakistan attacked US soil what the hell you talking about u alright?
I find it hard to believe that Pakistan will refrain from using disproportionate retaliatory strikes in Afghanistan once our troops come home. Canadian troops started their withdrawal but a few hours ago. I hope to God the remaining soldiers are not put in any worse situation compounded by Pakistan's wrath.
Where has Muslim brotherhood gotten us today? Allowing so many Afghani refugees into Pakistani soil was a mistake. We should build a replica of the Great Wall of China on the Pak-Afghan border to disassociate ourselves from that dirt poor country and those backwards hateful criminals.

I dont think Afghanistan and Afghani people are that important to be our rival, but I do believe they are a nuisance and Pakistan should do what it can to get rid of the nuisance.

Its not about rivalry, Afghanistan shares 2500 km long border with us, they are our neighbours, they are important to us. And Pakistan cant afford great wall on durand line.....
By the way i dont like your tone about poor and backward people...Our country has also so many poor and backward people, think about it.
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