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Pakistan welcomes formation of Saudi-led 34-nation military coalition

I appreciate that. Nepotism and alliance do not go hand in hand.
Obviously, If this coalition is "Islamic" Coalition then why selective countries...I hope some sane minds in Saudi Arabia will think about it and try to add Iran and other countries too in it...!
I appreciate that. Nepotism and alliance do not go hand in hand.

Even Daesh ISIS discriminated against South Asian Muslims recruits sending them for suicide missions while keeping Arab fighters for less risky operations.
Now that Pakistan is in a military alliance, I think they can get over their paranoia of India always looking for opportunities to attack them.....'cause now if India attacks, there is an alliance to defend Pakistan.....
Pakistanis should condemn their military establishment if they try to spread India phobia again...

Even Daesh ISIS discriminated against South Asian Muslims recruits sending them for suicide missions while keeping Arab fighters for less risky operations.

Almost all their suicide bomber are Arab.
The great majority of the coalescent are the creator , or the godfathers of the Terrorists. From Pakistan under Zia to Turkey under Ergodan...
The strategy of the coalition of the 34 is to isolate the few countries that refuses the Sauds dictate or their money.

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Nope Iran is our neighbour we will not be a part of any war on Iran
Arabs and Persians taking this fight to their own ends......others muslims just obliged to attends funeral services to both happily.

Let's see what will happens to Hanbali, Jafari and Zaidi after this fight.

Shia-Sunni-wahhabi map in the ME:


55% of the Muslims in the ME are Shiites.
Not an ideal situation as Pakistan needs to secure its own borders first. The entire Iranian and Afghan frontier needs to be sealed with secure checkpoints.
Daesh ISIS is creation of Zionazis and is supported by US and Saudi Arabia to destroy other Muslim states. Pakistan faces too may challenges at home and we must not join. Egypt with 320,000 troops could send 200,000 troops in Syria. Egyptian already got $30 billion and another $12 billion is being offered. Egypt is being pampered with money without boots on the ground while Pakistan is being recruited to do the real fighting and dying. Pakistan should stay away from this Zionazi war. World has seen Pakistan Muslim credential when they massacred fellow Muslims in East Pakistan, conducted militancy in Afghanistan that killed Muslims and Zarb-e-Momin also target fellow Pakistani Muslims. No wonder they want Pakistan a certified Muslim killer in this coalition.
Yes Pakistan gave entire provinces to Taliban and we told the afghani army to be drug addicts and exort local population

Arabs and Persians taking this fight to their own ends......others muslims just obliged to attends funeral services to both happily.

Let's see what will happens to Hanbali, Jafari and Zaidi after this fight.

Wrong colour for Pakistan because unlike other states Pakistan is a mix sectarian country and is the second biggest Shia country in terms of population after Iran
Yes Pakistan gave entire provinces to Taliban and we told the afghani army to be drug addicts and exort local population

These militants did not invade Pakistan one morning !!! They were here from the begining recruiting, training, obtaining arms and occupying villages. Where were the Pakistani police, security services, intelligence, ISI and Pakistan Army ? Clearly they knew from the beginning and they encouraged them or ignored them.
These militants did not invade Pakistan one morning !!! They were here from the begining recruiting, training, obtaining arms and occupying villages. Where were the Pakistani police, security services, intelligence, ISI and Pakistan Army ? Clearly they knew from the beginning and they encouraged them or ignored them.
I was talking about Afghanistan but you deflected the topic good going

Terrorism is result of extremism some hate Shias to the core just like you hate Mirzais to the core see how it sounds like to tackle terrorism we forst need to deradicalize our society and terrorism in Pakistan is the result of US invasion in Afghanistan
A pak China alliance is good enough for pakistan.

if KSA was so concerned about other muslim countries, it could have come up with this idea 10 years ago.

Iraq ruined.afghanistan ruined. Lenbanon ruined. Egypt ruined. Libya ruined. Syria being ruined. Now turkey beung ruined.

Pakistan holding on its own with major help from China and aid from USA.
Nope Iran is our neighbour we will not be a part of any war on Iran
Really? the fact of being in a coalescent is to participate. What if tomorrow the Sauds wants to spar with Iran? Pakistan wouldn't not be at liberty to chose when and when not to engage...

Eventually Algeria,Iraq,indonesia and Syria will be part of this alliance.
Algeria will not be part of this charade. Her constitution, among other thing, forbids to put Algerian armed forces under a foreign command.
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