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Pakistan votes for Israeli resolution

Guys its all about IPRs. (Intellectual Property Rights). if the GoP can guarantee this, I for one who is very closely related to this business can state with authority that companies like Monsanto & the one i work for are more than willing to transfer the technology for cotton, rice and vegetables which can double the crop production of our country.

I do believe acceptance of the US proposed IPR was one of the major reasons for the derailment of the Pak-US BIT negotiations.
Interests and money is what it is all about!

28 billion dollar investment in the Gulf says Indian Reliance - Tens of billions going into refineries and real estate from the Arabs to India. Of course the Arabs countries are investing billions in Pakistan as well, and that is a good thing, but it is about interests now.

If the Arabs can deal with India, why shouldn't we deal with the Israelis?
One cannot ignore an opponent. It did not bring anything in the past so why continue a bad policy. And the arabs were never Pakistans saviours. Do remind that if Al Qaida brought something to mulsims then it is a bad name (anti muslim sentiment is higher then ever), almost ruined nations (attacks in Irac/Afghanistan and Pakistan) and it ain't going to make us better in the future... Thank you arabs. Thanks a lot.
it's a sad situation. but United Nations in my eyes lost credibility the day iraq was invaded by coalition of terror - viz usa, uk, australia, japan and its american bootlickers.
A very pragmatic decision.

Good that the ostriches have been abandoned!
I agree, finally we've taken a neutral stance.
Well done! :tup:

One wonders why South Africa voted against the resolution.
I believe Israel and RSA still have issues regarding Israeli pull out from Denel's missile programme. Israel abandoned the programme under US pressure but not before she transferred some sensitive technology.
Remember isreali pm suddenly out of the blue congrulated musharraf on his second win for president. How many times in the past did we see that? Indeed something is cooking.

Welcome to Real Politik. :agree:
Pakistan does not have diplomatic relations with Israel. How can we vote for a country we do not even recognize.

Its a UN resolution, opted by Israel.

Grow up all of you. The resolution was for "agriculture technology development" and UN support. We just happen to be working very hard in this field, with some success, I might add, Bahawalpur, once the desert state, is now an agri hub. Serioulsy maybe we should stop breathing oxygen because the Israelis do so?

Well said mate! :tup:
:angry:WHAT , U N O wht is that??? pakistan is going to lose its honnor by doing voting in of favour ISRAEL.

1000% PAKISTAN will GOING to lose its support within its ARAB freinds.

by the way what pakistan will get????

may be thats the diplomatic end of , ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN.

and COULD BE start of MUSHARF REBUBLIC OF PAKISTAN????:angry::hitwall::angry::hitwall:

MAY ALLAH send some hidayat to musharf!

Man you never stop do you?? :hitwall:

Try to see bigger picture here, resolution is about betterment of agriculture hence local lifestandard and economy, the whole region will benefit from it including muslim palestinians!
Which reminds me - are we ever going to move towards the Biotech seeds India has been using for years and has utilized so well to boost its crop production?

Last I heard was that Pakistani institutions wanted a crack at developing their own variants, rather than produce them under "license" as the Indians and others seem to be doing. I understand that they are only good for one use, and the problem with this indecision is that farmers are using smuggled seed, and then replanting them the next year resulting in poor crops, since there is no official program to educate them on its proper use.

Perhaps the government should be pragmatic and swallow the extra cost associated with utilizing the existing seed, while continuing to develop its own variants.

Genetically manipulated crops (GMC) are the future, USA has been using them for decennia and many EU countires have adopted the same method.
Pakistan can atleast threefold major crops by using GM seeds.
I'm surprised that so many Muslim states abstained from voting for a resolution that may actually be beneficial to them. Israel is an agricultural wonder not to mention on the forefront of technology.

Pakistan put the social/political animosity aside and voted in favor of something that will benefit it's people in the long run... that is a sign of good leadership and decision making.

Modified seeds have been used in India for quite some time, and they have certainly garnered good yields in many places; but in general the biggest impediment is still the lack of adequate infrastructure. In some places like Vidharba, water management is abysmal, which is why even expensive genetically modified seeds don't really amount to much. Transportation networks are also poor on account of substandard roads and red tape which results in a lot of wastage. The other problem with some seed variants is that they were engineered to suit the conditions in the country of their origin (usually in the west) and aren't all that effective in the subcontinent. The BT cotton seeds for instance are designed for the southern states of the USA where cotton production was very popular. They are now aggressively marketed to farmers in central India who pay a lot of money for it but don't really enjoy all it's supposed benefits.

This is why IMO India needs to put it's social and political hubris aside, take charge and start producing variants specifically with south Asia in mind instead of mass producing reverse engineered foreign variants. If they can collaborate with Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and possibly Afghanistan, it might actually end up being a highly profitable venture which will also alleviate the problems a lot of farmers in the region.

Good post Energon, I confirm your theory!
About 20% of our crops is lost due poor water management and infrastructure, problem is rather of logistic nature then the material used to grow crops.


Very informative post. That actually explains the reluctance of the GoP to move towards BT seeds, keeping India's experience in mind, and their desire to develop their own variants. And I agree - this would be an excellent project for South Asian nations to cooperate on.

Developping and growing GM seeds isn't a technological miracle anymore, remember IR-69? Its a kind of GM rice seed developped in Pakistan in 1968 resulting in thrice the yield compared to classical species. Its been exported to othe rcountries.

South Asia houses approximately 1.5 billlion people and still we have potential to export grain by cooperating with eachother. We should remove tarif barriers, open eachothers markets for export and enhanced transportation. Sindhi wheat and rice can reach Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu much faster then Indian wheat and rice from East Punjab and Vihar.
Gujrati sugercane and vegitables can be transported to Karachi and Hyderabad mills thru Badin passage if its reopened again saving a lot of milage and loss due poor transportation.
Both countries will benefit from it.
Interests and money is what it is all about!

28 billion dollar investment in the Gulf says Indian Reliance - Tens of billions going into refineries and real estate from the Arabs to India. Of course the Arabs countries are investing billions in Pakistan as well, and that is a good thing, but it is about interests now.

If the Arabs can deal with India, why shouldn't we deal with the Israelis?
Damn straight. It is all about interests and money... and IMO there really isn't anything wrong with that.

It is however of utmost importance that the two be kept separate. Quid quo pro financial/economic agreements should be separated as much as possible from non financial (primarily strategic) arrangements. Trying to mix and match the two usually yields in severe pathology. Pakistan is probably the best example elucidating this dangerous and damaging phenomenon.

An overwhelming majority of the monetary investments made into Pakistan by the USA, Arabs and the Chinese haven't been/ aren't on the basis of a healthy bilateral economic prospective relationship, but rather as a barter for strategic goals. There is ample ranting regarding the actions of the USA, but the dubious dealings with the Arabs isn't discussed as openly (probably for the sake of religious sentiment). Saudi for instance has always doled out cash to impoverished Sunni Islamic states such as Pakistan, but the caveat other than promotion of Saudi Salafism through madrassas is the unloading of unwanted elements. The Arab states were providing ample monetary support for the Afghan war on the condition that they also accept boat loads of fundies who were considered to be problematic by their own governments. OBL is only one such character, and people forget that when he came to Pakistan, it wasn't only with full pockets... but with a whole Arab army (Steven Coll "Ghost Wars"). These people have not only manged to destroy the social fabric of parts of Pakistan, but continue to plague the nation to this day.

As far as the Chinese are concerned, the honeymoon phase is still on; but the potential problem remains the same. The truth of the matter is that there are no "all weather" relationships between patrons and client states.

This is exactly why Pakistan since the early 50s has existed as a rental state. Pakistani leaders have no other option but to be subservient to their patrons. It doesn't matter who becomes president, prime minister or dictator... that person is at the mercy of all of Pakistan's benefactors because of the vast amount of debt which cannot be repatriated via economic means.

Pakistan is going to have to make some big sacrifices to get out of this vicious cycle in hopes to establish more equitable relationships with their potential investors.
dear, mr, NEO what bigger picture you are thinking about?

.....OH.. now i , see no more KASHMIR?

ITS , so foolish to think suddenly, by voting in favour of ISRAEL we will get prposed, un assistance
for our agriculture sector.

it will only for the countries who are in partnrship with ISRAEL OR israel can get any advantege from them.

how crazy we are in our thinking that ARABS were anti -pakistan and israel can get us to the road for progress.

its , big joke for me how arrogant and blind govt. pakistan is that they supprted a motion from a country which is partner and have stratgic relations with bigst enemy of pakistan.


so, plz have some self honour and respect, and self belive. we are lossing our idealogical pakistan.

its so sad , every time whenever QUESTION OF KASHMIR was the motion in UNO israel supprted indian stance , not a single time ISRAEL WAS ABSENT.

and also wana mention the fact that, this theard about PAKISTANs supprt to ISRAELI RESLOTION IN UNO, NOT FOR PAKISTANs AGRICULTURE PROGRESS.
Stance on Israel unchanged: FO

By Sajjad Malik

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has rejected insinuations that support for an Israeli resolution in the UN General Assembly was reflection of its policy shift on the Jewish state.

“Voting for the resolution has no impact on Pakistan’s traditional stance on Israel and Pakistan’s position remains as before,” Foreign Office spokesman Muhammad Sadiq said during the weekly briefing on Wednesday.

Responding to different questions about Pakistan’s support for Israeli resolution, he said it was not Israeli resolution as 74 countries including Turkey, Albania and Bangladesh co-sponsored it. “It was a technical and not political resolution aiming at technology transfer in agriculture sector and 118 countries voted in its favour, 29 abstained but none opposed it,” he said.


Sadiq also clarified that in the past Pakistan and Israel had jointly supported numerous UN resolutions and took part in the UN committees. “Israel supported every Pakistani resolution calling for withdrawal of Soviet Union troops from Afghanistan in the past,” he said, adding that supporting a resolution had nothing to do with diplomatic relations.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Look janto, the thing is that world politics dont work or follow the rule of self emotions these days. Its all about self interest whether its a muslim country or a non muslim country. All these years we never accepted isreal as a country, how exactly did it benefit the arab nations and the palestine cause? What we need to understand is that isreal as a country is going no where. Its there to exist. All these years we did not accepted it and how exactly did it help the palestine cause. All it did was to actually encourage india to get involved with isreal in a strategic relationship and isreal started supporting the india's stance on kashmir. In such a case where one does not acknowlege the fact about the existence of a state, you expect the state to actually vote in favour of you against its strategic partner. You know isreal is involved in bilateral strategic partnership with egypt and turkey where actually isreal also makes defence equipments for these two nations. In the past egypt was actually in war with isreal. Isreal more then anything wants a relationship with pakistan, it has expressed on a number of occasions, its us who dont want to because of arabs, which doesnt give a *** when they develop relationship with the greastest enemy of pakistan i.e india. We should stop living in a fantasy world and should face the fact that isreal is there to stay, and whether its in a favour or not, we should accept the fact and open diplomatic relationships with isreal, because if we can do it with india with which we fought three wars we can surely do it with isreal as well.

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