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Pakistan urges world to take notice of Shiv Sena

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Pakistan urges world to take notice of Shiv Sena activities - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Thursday requested the international community to take notice of the activities of India's hardliner political party Shiv Sena.

Foreign Office spokesman Qazi Khalilullah during the weekly briefing said that Pakistan has repeatedly expressed reservations over Shiv Sena's activities.

The FO spokesman maintained that Indian ambitions are destabilising the security situation in the region, while Pakistani missions worldwide have been exposing Indian designs in this regard.

He urged India to refrain from entering into an arms race in the region and work towards improving the security situation.

About the recent earthquake, Khalilullah said that United Nations (UN) and a number of other countries have offered help but Pakistan has so far not decided to accept international help in this regard.

The spokesman said that Pakistan and Russia have agreed to jointly construct a gas pipeline and will welcome Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit to Pakistan early next year for the project's ground- breaking ceremony.

On October 19, activists belonging to Shiv Sena attacked the Mumbai headquarters of Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) just before Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Chairman Shaharyar Khan was to meet BCCI Chief Shashank Manohar to discuss a bilateral series scheduled to be held in December.

The activists shouted anti-Pakistan slogans and held posters that read 'Shahryar Khan go back', determined to stop Manohar from meeting his Pakistani counterpart. The protesters entered Manohar's office and crowded around his desk, shouting slogans.

The meeting was cancelled after the incident.

Earlier this month, Shiv Sena activists attacked Sudheendra Kulkarni, who organised a book launch in Mumbai for former Pakistan foreign minister Khurshid Kasuri.

Recently a concert of Pakistani singer Ghulam Ali, scheduled to be held in Mumbai, was cancelled after security concerns arose over threats issued by Shiv Sena activists.

Relations between the Pakistan and India are at their lowest ebbs with allegations of ceasefire violations and involvement in terrorism from both sides.

Planned talks between national security advisers from India and Pakistan were canceled in August hours before they were due to start, dashing hopes the two might tackle the violence that many fear could one day spark a nuclear showdown.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during his speech at the 70th session of UN General Assembly earlier this month, presented a four point peace initiative to resolve all issues with India.

But India rejected the peace plan accusing Pakistan of promoting terrorism in the region, Pakistan handed over three dossiers of Indian involvement of terrorism inside Pakistan to UN chief.
Hope Schutzstaffel Sena is banned as a terrorist organisation.
Shiv Sena is nothing but a political party in a democratic system...It is not going to other countries nor it is sending any terrorist throughout the globe...Why would world watch Shiv Sena? If Pakistan people are feeling that they are impacted by Shiv Sena, then simple ask your actors or whoever it may be, do not go Mumabi and go to other parts of India...India is not all about Shiv Sena...So when you go to the world they will ask you that did Shiv Sena send suicide bomber across the world?....
Pakistan urges world to take notice of Shiv Sena activities - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Thursday requested the international community to take notice of the activities of India's hardliner political party Shiv Sena.

Foreign Office spokesman Qazi Khalilullah during the weekly briefing said that Pakistan has repeatedly expressed reservations over Shiv Sena's activities.

The FO spokesman maintained that Indian ambitions are destabilising the security situation in the region, while Pakistani missions worldwide have been exposing Indian designs in this regard.

He urged India to refrain from entering into an arms race in the region and work towards improving the security situation.

About the recent earthquake, Khalilullah said that United Nations (UN) and a number of other countries have offered help but Pakistan has so far not decided to accept international help in this regard.

The spokesman said that Pakistan and Russia have agreed to jointly construct a gas pipeline and will welcome Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit to Pakistan early next year for the project's ground- breaking ceremony.

On October 19, activists belonging to Shiv Sena attacked the Mumbai headquarters of Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) just before Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Chairman Shaharyar Khan was to meet BCCI Chief Shashank Manohar to discuss a bilateral series scheduled to be held in December.

The activists shouted anti-Pakistan slogans and held posters that read 'Shahryar Khan go back', determined to stop Manohar from meeting his Pakistani counterpart. The protesters entered Manohar's office and crowded around his desk, shouting slogans.

The meeting was cancelled after the incident.

Earlier this month, Shiv Sena activists attacked Sudheendra Kulkarni, who organised a book launch in Mumbai for former Pakistan foreign minister Khurshid Kasuri.

Recently a concert of Pakistani singer Ghulam Ali, scheduled to be held in Mumbai, was cancelled after security concerns arose over threats issued by Shiv Sena activists.

Relations between the Pakistan and India are at their lowest ebbs with allegations of ceasefire violations and involvement in terrorism from both sides.

Planned talks between national security advisers from India and Pakistan were canceled in August hours before they were due to start, dashing hopes the two might tackle the violence that many fear could one day spark a nuclear showdown.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during his speech at the 70th session of UN General Assembly earlier this month, presented a four point peace initiative to resolve all issues with India.

But India rejected the peace plan accusing Pakistan of promoting terrorism in the region, Pakistan handed over three dossiers of Indian involvement of terrorism inside Pakistan to UN chief.
ShivSena is Democratically Elected Party in State Govt of Maharashtra they are Far-Right Wing And they Never Hide it .
I Have my Issues with Them But doesn't Mean I Don't Respect their views.There Way of Expression is Harsh but Some views of there's were enjoyed by others too
What Shiv Sena has done to the world? :woot:

By potentially nipping any cricket ties of Pakistan with India and internationally, it has dealt a blow of at least 300-400 million dollars in revenue to Pakistan Cricket Board. This loss to PCB has to be taken into account by the "World."
What Shiv Sena has done to the world? :woot:

It has Given "UDDHAV" just like Congress has given "Rahul G"......

P.S. Don't assume otherwise, "G" in Rahul G is not just the shortform for Gandhi, but as a MARK of respect to the honorary VP of the Great Indian National Congress, like in "Ji" :D
Wat JUD has done to the world ? :rofl::lol:
Errr...acting as front to the terrorist groups perpetrating attacks on neighbouring countries! I'm not saying this...UN does!

It has Given "UDDHAV" just like Congress has given "Rahul G"......

P.S. Don't assume otherwise, "G" in Rahul G is not just the shortform for Gandhi, but as a MARK of respect to the honorary VP of the Great Indian National Congress, like in "Ji" :D
UDDHAV & PAPPU will form an alliance to bring no confidence motion against BJP in Maharashtra. All of a sudden SS will become secular from communal! Bal Thackaray will be given Bharat Ratna...:p:
Sive Sina is instrumental in violating human rights and instigating communal violence in India.
Stupid and futile attempt by Pakistan.
As long as Shiv Sena is not going to stage terrorist attacks on Pakistan like JuD is doing in India the world should not even spare its time for Shiv Sena.

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