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Pakistan to Tajikistan link by Wakhan Corridor from Lawari Tunnel

If we had purchased that corridor then Soviets would have directly attacked Pakistan instead of Afghanistan to reach warm waters. Every thing in this world happens for a reason that you might have over looked. :)
sir i dnt think they would attack us. There was no way to start a war and face us when whole europe was fighting against comminism. we had a chance and we terribly missed it without thinking about future
In the past, this area offered for sale by Afghanistan to Pakistan.
Just shocking that we didn't buy it.

If we had purchased that corridor then Soviets would have directly attacked Pakistan instead of Afghanistan to reach warm waters. Every thing in this world happens for a reason that you might have over looked. :)
They wouldn't have accepted the overthrow of the communist Afghan regime in Kabul regardless of ownership of Wakhan or not. USSR couldn't ignore that event and attack pk directly.
If we had purchased that corridor then Soviets would have directly attacked Pakistan instead of Afghanistan to reach warm waters. Every thing in this world happens for a reason that you might have over looked. :)

You probably read in Pakistan studies that Soviets attacked Afghanistan to have access to warm waters,sadly that's not the case. It was more about having a soviet friendly government in Kabul as the soviets were not happy with the Afghan government making friendly overtures to America.
If you believe I'm making assumptions then here is the proof.


@beijingwalker, @Beast, is this true?

Throughout the period of the Great Game (and before) China also fought for territory in the Wakhan Corridor, and recently won back a small stretch of land in the far northeastern corner of Tajikistan that had been under dispute since the mid-1800s (between Tsarist Russia and China). This section, rumoured to be rich in mineral wealth, was ceded to the Chinese by the Tajik government in 2011 as payment for debts the Tajik government owed to China for construction of several roads and bridges. The Tajiks living in the villages in these areas were forced to relocate to even more austere locations, lacking in water or arable land for farming or livestock.

@beijingwalker, @Beast, is this true?

Throughout the period of the Great Game (and before) China also fought for territory in the Wakhan Corridor, and recently won back a small stretch of land in the far northeastern corner of Tajikistan that had been under dispute since the mid-1800s (between Tsarist Russia and China). This section, rumoured to be rich in mineral wealth, was ceded to the Chinese by the Tajik government in 2011 as payment for debts the Tajik government owed to China for construction of several roads and bridges. The Tajiks living in the villages in these areas were forced to relocate to even more austere locations, lacking in water or arable land for farming or livestock.

Chinese social media called that treaty an unequal one since China only got 3.5% of the land she claimed.

sir i dnt think they would attack us. There was no way to start a war and face us when whole europe was fighting against comminism. we had a chance and we terribly missed it without thinking about future
The soviet union at the start of Afghan war was giant monster who even the mighty USA was afraid of, now that they are defeated doesn't means they were weak. Soviet invade Afghanistan to reach warm waters. We kept Fata tribal land so long because of that threat. We fought Soviets and defeated them in Afghanistan because their target was warm waters in South. Having a direct border with Tajikistan the then soviet union was not a good idea. It meant 3 hot fronts for Pakistan.

You probably read in Pakistan studies that Soviets attacked Afghanistan to have access to warm waters,sadly that's not the case. It was more about having a soviet friendly government in Kabul as the soviets were not happy with the Afghan government making friendly overtures to America.
If you believe I'm making assumptions then here is the proof.


You missed one important part when Soviets came to Afghanistan the govt there was already soviet friendly. Their reason was same which they used in Syria today.
The soviet union at the start of Afghan war was giant monster who even the mighty USA was afraid of, now that they are defeated doesn't means they were weak. Soviet invade Afghanistan to reach warm waters. We kept Fata tribal land so long because of that threat. We fought Soviets and defeated them in Afghanistan because their target was warm waters in South. Having a direct border with Tajikistan the then soviet union was not a good idea. It meant 3 hot fronts for Pakistan.

You missed one important part when Soviets came to Afghanistan the govt there was already soviet friendly. Their reason was same which they used in Syria today.

Well if the government was Soviet friendly then what was the purpose of killing the Afghan president in the presidential palace by Spetnatz.
Afghanistan can never stop Pakistan from connecting with Tajikistan. Pakistan has leverage and can get the access any time. Afghanistan is land locked country they need Pakistani ports.

What's holding Imran Khan back?

Wakhan was a buffer zone, separating British India from Soviets. This area didn't belong to Afghanistan either. Why not Tajikistan or Pakistan claim this area for a direct border. India has a Air Force bade in Tajik side which gives India to invade Pakistan in few minutes. In the past, this area offered for sale by Afghanistan to Pakistan. We made mistake by not accepting the offer.

How is it possible that it was offered for sale. Afghanistan has been giving headache regarding the Durand line for the last 70 years, they will hardly offer to sell a large chunk of strategic land to Pakistan.

This sounds like a story told by some uncle that everyone believes without questioning.

Still, it is a very good idea and if it can be done now, it would be great.
when the whole cake is for u why settle for breadcrumbs
when finally the afghan matter would be solved (alignment to our intrests)
wakhan and much much more would be opened afghans as much as pakistan would benefit from it
its a long game and we aren’t getting exhausted soo early let everyone leave
things are going according to plan
You already have one route from kashghar. Why start was war for something you already have? Am I making some sense?
That's not straight route and visa for China is not straight forward as well.
Not a practical route to use for trade or tourism.
If Pakistan manage to build a bridge and provide air cover from miscreants, that would increase trade, boost local industry, but only if this is on agenda of Imran Khan.
The story of the Wakhan Corridor being up for sale does sound like a myth pushed by uncles much like the Soviets wanting our warm waters Russia has a lot of ports already and when it was the USSR a lot more,Afghanistan be it communist or non communists was always a pain in the *** for us they never recognized us they sent rebels during the 60s to prop up their Expansionist policies always ungrateful as for a tunnel not worth it first Tajikstan is small not much resources only good is the dams they are planning to build and Moscow still has a presence there too and Beijing also not possible for us unless there is a guarantee of stabilty anyways I really think we should have allied with the Soviets in the Cold War the Americans were never great with us tbh or at least been neutral now present times I think the Karakourum Highway to Kashgar is more feasible to logistics as the Chinese are rapidly developing Xinjiang as a logistics hub and Kashgar is not far from all those former Soviet republics in Central Asia
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