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Pakistan to ‘drain the swamp’ of Taliban-linked militants in US-backed offensive

Clean Pakistani society from extremism of religion.
Steps to achieve that:
1) stop flirting with secularism
2) teach Islam from state level to the general public
3) make parents teach their children about the deen too other then relying on a mullah for everything
4) strive to become an Islamic state
5) declare full out war against khawarij and use Islamic evidence to back the war

If we do these 5 steps we’ll automatically destroy khawarijites and jahils in our society.

How does religious extremism and exploitation of religion start? It starts when people neglect religion and rely on Mullahs for everything while there’s no checks in place to see which mullah even is properly islamically educated.

As Dr Israr R.H said, there is no molvi profession in Islam. Everyone should be capable of learning Islam them selves.

The war waged by TTP on Pakistan is not a religious war with its roots in religion ?
Its roots is religious and we choose secularism to fight it.
If from day 1 we fought back with religion and destroyed their khawarij ideology and proved them khawarij to everyone, they would be extinct.
Kill ttp = ideology survives
Promote secularism = polar opposite of ttp ideology so it boosts their ideology
Label and prove them khawarij = destroys their ideology cuz it’s based on religious extremism and we fight back with religion

That ethnicity you mentioned is binded by religion. TTP wants their own version of Islamic caliphate and Government, a glimpse of what was seen in Swat. Its not ethnic but religious.
So our focus should be religiously educating them and Islamically proving why ttp is khawarij. We should educate them religiously to destroy their false ideologies.
Fight that ethnicity with secularism and you’re gonna lose. You strengthen them when you turn to secularism.
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A very effective smokescreen, but not just a smokescreen.

RAW's hand was seen in many forms, one of which was seen when uncircumcised deadbodies of terrorists were found, who were fighting along hardened militants with lineage from Afghanistan war of 1980s, but in any case its a religious movement, though false in nature, which is why I mentioned extremism in religion, a means how these movements prey on public.
Our kaffir enemies find a way to use religion to harm us and that too attempting to use Islam against us while they’re spread their cancerous ideologies. Those agencies are good agencies because they have nothing in common with our other enemies but still ally with them against us. They make their enemies into assets against us.
What I don’t understand is despite the amount of fault lines ttp has and Afghanistan in general has, Pakistan has never been able to take advantage of it.
Maybe we need to learn from our enemy agencies on how to make our enemies of assets.
The real threat from Afghanistan isn't conventional to begin with.

It's their support to terrorist groups or in other words, insurgencies by using the porous western border. Best way to nip this is a buffer zone and deporting refugees while not allowing anyone to cross-over.

This way the one leverage they have over us disappears.
But that will require Military intervention by Land forces into Afghan Territory like Turkey did in Syria.

But Problem is do we have enough Diplomatic support in international community to pull this off? All the stake holders of the region.
India will make big problems for us, USA we have alienated, Iranis and Russians no idea how they will react to the developement.
This sovereign nation crap only comes up in case of weaker countries like us.

Secondly are we economically capable of pulling such massive manuver? Operating in our own land is one thing. Majority of Tribal people were sick of Taliban and welcomed the Operation. So forces had immense local support. Cant say much about afghans though.
Our kaffir enemies find a way to use religion to harm us and that too attempting to use Islam against us while they’re spread their cancerous ideologies. Those agencies are good agencies because they have nothing in common with our other enemies but still ally with them against us. They make their enemies into assets against us.
What I don’t understand is despite the amount of fault lines ttp has and Afghanistan in general has, Pakistan has never been able to take advantage of it.
Maybe we need to learn from our enemy agencies on how to make our enemies of assets.
Pakistan's agencies were hijacked by sympathisers in the past that didn't actually aggressively pursue our interests.

Plus Pakistani society is too easy to exploit because it's way too diverse. Ethnically, religiously, etc. The biggest way to destabilise a nation is on ethnic grounds and America constantly uses this blackmailing tactic.

In my honest opinion I don't see Pakistan surviving long-term unless it becomes a single unified identity based on single culture, values, language, otherwise with enough foreign prodding a civil war is easy to provoke eventually.

But that will require Military intervention by Land forces into Afghan Territory like Turkey did in Syria.

But Problem is do we have enough Diplomatic support in international community to pull this off? All the stake holders of the region.
India will make big problems for us, USA we have alienated, Iranis and Russians no idea how they will react to the developement.
This sovereign nation crap only comes up in case of weaker countries like us.

Secondly are we economically capable of pulling such massive manuver? Operating in our own land is one thing. Majority of Tribal people were sick of Taliban and welcomed the Operation. So forces had immense local support. Cant say much about afghans though.
We 100% have international support for a buffer zone, it's the economic aspect which needs to be considered.

Also the army's opinion with the public is gone to shit. People are supporting the enemies against them, many people are supporting Afghanistan and even India nowadays, they're beghairat with no brains.
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A welcome move.

Pakistan to ‘drain the swamp’ of Taliban-linked militants in US-backed offensive​

  • Pakistan warned that ‘the full force of the state’ would ‘take on all and any entities that resort to violence’, referring to Afghanistan’s Taliban
  • Public pressure to abandon efforts to negotiate with the TTP has intensified after police on December 23 thwarted an apparent suicide bombing attempt

Pakistan appears poised to launch a major ground and air offensive against Tehreek-i Taliban Pakistan (TTP) militants that could target hideouts in neighbouring Afghanistan, experts say, as a surge in attacks on security forces threaten to plunge the country back into a cycle of violence.

Dozens of Pakistani soldiers and policemen have been killed and wounded in recent months in near-daily armed assaults, assassinations, roadside bombings and suicide attacks by the TTP, or the Pakistani Taliban, in parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, the two western provinces bordering Afghanistan.

Pakistan’s civil and military leadership issued a warning late on Monday that “the full force of the state” would “take on all and any entities that resort to violence”.

Pakistan’s PM Shahbaz Sharif (right) chairs a meeting of the National Security Committee, on January 2. Photo: AP

Pakistan’s PM Shahbaz Sharif (right) chairs a meeting of the National Security Committee, on January 2. Photo: AP

In a thinly veiled reference to Afghanistan’s Taliban regime – that is separate from the TTP but allied – Pakistan’s national security council warned that “no country will be allowed provide sanctuaries and facilitation to terrorists”.​

“Pakistan reserves all rights … to safeguard her people,” said the statement by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s office.​

Public pressure to abandon efforts to seek a negotiated settlement with the TTP has intensified after police on December 23 thwarted an apparent attempt to launch a suicide bomb attack on Islamabad, the first since 2015. A suspected militant detonated explosives while being chased by police, prompting embassies to warn their citizens to restrict their movements.​

“Talks with the TTP have failed, the number of attacks and their geographic spread is rapidly increasing, and political pressure to do something is mounting,” said Michael Kugelman, director of the South Asia Institute at the Wilson Centre, a Washington-based think tank. “Something has got to give. Islamabad no longer has the luxury of simply sitting on its hands.”​

Pakistan enlists Taliban to rein in group that

Since the Taliban seized power in neighbouring Afghanistan, the number of deadly attacks inside Pakistan has tripled, according to data collated by the Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies, an Islamabad-based think tank.

Some 441 people were killed in 254 terrorist attacks during 2022, double the deaths recorded in 2020, it reported

Analysts say the statement from Pakistan’s leadership is a clear indication that it is planning a major offensive, supported by an air campaign against TTP camps inside Afghanistan.​

“There will be a large ground operation for sure. Intelligence-led strikes will be employed to drain the swamp,” said Abdul Basit, a research fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore.​

A Taliban security personnel stands guard at the Afghanistan-Pakistan border in Spin Boldak. Photo: AFP

A Taliban security personnel stands guard at the Afghanistan-Pakistan border in Spin Boldak. Photo: AFP

Any counterterrorism operation within Pakistan is likely to focus on four districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa – North and South Waziristan, Dera Ismail Khan and Lakki Marwat – where the TTP re-established its networks under the cover of a Taliban-mediated ceasefire between May and July last year.

Basit said Pakistan will take this approach to avoid the blowback from displacing local populations, as occurred during operations against the TTP at the height of the insurgency between 2007 and 2015.

“Air strikes and the use of drones in cross border missions is a given. Some sorties inside the Afghanistan border region to soften terror hideouts before ground incursions are equally expected,” Basit told This Week In Asia. Pakistan estimates that 7,000 to 10,000 TTP militants – along with 25,000 of their family members – are based in Afghanistan.

Pakistan had hoped that Taliban’s takeover of power in Afghanistan would help secure its western borders.

What Pakistan suicide blast reveals about the Balochistan insurgency and China

30 Apr 2022

While it played a key role in helping the US dismantle al-Qaeda after the September 2001 terrorist attacks, Pakistan was frequently accused by the Western powers of providing safe havens and logistical support to the Taliban during the 20-year US-led occupation of Afghanistan which ended in August 2021.

However, the Taliban regime has resisted pressure to force the TTP to surrender, a position experts say reflects its closeness to the Pakistani group, a virtual offshoot.

Spiking tensions between Islamabad and Kabul have sparked lethal exchanges of gun and mortar fire between Pakistani and Taliban forces, leading to the temporary closure of border crossings.

The Taliban’s defence ministry on Sunday denied the TTP was operating from Afghan territory, adding Taliban forces stood “ready to defend its territorial integrity and independence”.

Pakistan has already secured assurances of US support for its counterterrorism operations against the TTP.​

At a December 19 press briefing, State Department spokesman Ned Price said the US would help Pakistan to address the “increasingly dangerous threat” posed by Afghanistan- based terrorist groups like the TTP.

“We have partnered with our Pakistani friends to help them take on this challenge. We stand ready to assist, whether with this unfolding situation or more broadly,” Price said.

As part of the US budget for 2023, Congress has approved tens of millions of dollars of funding to help Pakistan “with border security”, foreign minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari told the Karachi-based Dawn newspaper on December 24.

The funds would be the first released since the US suspended security aid to Pakistan in 2018 after then-president Donald Trump accused Islamabad of duplicity.

“A move could well be coming – we can’t rule out that possibility – but at this point at least it doesn’t appear to be official US policy,” said Kugelman of the Wilson Centre.


Analysts say US support could involve the Pentagon and the CIA providing Pakistan’s military with intelligence gathered by satellites and drones – such as the real-time movements of TTP militants on either side of the border with Afghanistan.

The US could also carry out drone strikes targeting leadership figures of the TTP and allied groups like al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent, who have been declared terrorists by the State Department.

But the scope of US support would be driven by its willingness to unfreeze security aid; the reach of Pakistan’s operation – particularly if it extends into Afghanistan – and the amount of help that Islamabad may receive from other partners, “especially China”, Kugelman added.

“The short of it is that we shouldn’t overstate the potential US help for a Pakistani counterterrorism offensive.”

Yes we are warning them in advance so these buggers can find a better place to hide.
Can new Chief afford to not go all out ? With reputation of his organization already down.. He has to do a Rahil Sharif..
Can new Chief afford to not go all out ? With reputation of his organization already down.. He has to do a Rahil Sharif..
To fix your reputation you always have to address  why it's ruined.

Previously it was ruined due to increased levels of terrorism, Gen Raheel Sharif tackled the core issue and he was praised for it.

Right now the issue is not only terrorism, but in fact poor governance and repetitive corrupt faces.

If the reputation is to be fixed, old faces like Sharifs and Bhuttos, Zardaris, must be sent home. There must be effective governance from ground level to national level.
Pakistan should employ passive aggressive policy here.

Full scale incursion is not feasible.

Special operations taking out head of snakes of TTP and Taliban if they are found to be supporting TTP should be order of the day. These kinds of operations should not cease.
Nothing less than full destruction of TTP bases and infrastructure along with naming and shaming Taliban sympathizers will do. We need video evidence.
Steps to achieve that:
1) stop flirting with secularism
2) teach Islam from state level to the general public
3) make parents teach their children about the deen too other then relying on a mullah for everything
4) strive to become an Islamic state
5) declare full out war against khawarij and use Islamic evidence to back the war

If we do these 5 steps we’ll automatically destroy khawarijites and jahils in our society.

How does religious extremism and exploitation of religion start? It starts when people neglect religion and rely on Mullahs for everything while there’s no checks in place to see which mullah even is properly islamically educated.

As Dr Israr R.H said, there is no molvi profession in Islam. Everyone should be capable of learning Islam them selves.

Its roots is religious and we choose secularism to fight it.
If from day 1 we fought back with religion and destroyed their khawarij ideology and proved them khawarij to everyone, they would be extinct.
Kill ttp = ideology survives
Promote secularism = polar opposite of ttp ideology so it boosts their ideology
Label and prove them khawarij = destroys their ideology cuz it’s based on religious extremism and we fight back with religion

So our focus should be religiously educating them and Islamically proving why ttp is khawarij. We should educate them religiously to destroy their false ideologies.
Fight that ethnicity with secularism and you’re gonna lose. You strengthen them when you turn to secularism.
"Strive to become an Islamic State." BC pehlay Canada sai nikal.
"Strive to become an Islamic State." BC pehlay Canada sai nikal.
Make Pakistan an Islamic country then yes I will.
Otherwise, Muslims of Pakistan are oppressed under Pakistani police and elite. Pakistanis are treated like shit in Pakistan. It’s a shame a kaffir country gives me more freedom than “Islamic republic of Pakistan”. The way Pakistani mafia police and mafia elite treat the average Pakistani and treat molvis in Pakistan, even the police and elite in Canada can’t think of it.
Islam doesn’t say I’m not allowed to live in Canada. Islam allows me to live anywhere that lets me practice my religion openly. Me being from interior sindh I know what Pakistan is like and how the waderas and police mafia treat us. Canada gives more freedom including religious freedom than the police mafias and waderas of interior sindh give us.
Also idc if you go promote secularism in Pakistan. It will only harm Pakistan as it will strengthen Ttp propaganda. I’m safe in Canada.
Make Pakistan an Islamic country then yes I will.
Otherwise, Muslims of Pakistan are oppressed under Pakistani police and elite. Pakistanis are treated like shit in Pakistan. It’s a shame a kaffir country gives me more freedom than “Islamic republic of Pakistan”. The way Pakistani mafia police and mafia elite treat the average Pakistani and treat molvis in Pakistan, even the police and elite in Canada can’t think of it.
Islam doesn’t say I’m not allowed to live in Canada. Islam allows me to live anywhere that lets me practice my religion openly. Me being from interior sindh I know what Pakistan is like and how the waderas and police mafia treat us. Canada gives more freedom including religious freedom than the police mafias and waderas of interior sindh give us.
Also idc if you go promote secularism in Pakistan. It will only harm Pakistan as it will strengthen Ttp propaganda. I’m safe in Canada.
Thank you for making my point. Afghanistan is an Islamic state. You may try there. You will not, of course. You feel "safe in Canada."
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