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Pakistan-Syria relations


Apr 30, 2012
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Pakistan–Syria relations are the relations between Syria and Pakistan are historic where the two have ancient civilizational ties. They have very good relations with each other. Both countries were on the silk route through which civilizational exchanges took place for centuries, Islamic missionaries that introduced Islam after 711 AD were from Syria.
[edit]Yom Kippur War

During the Yom Kippur War of 1973 (usually referred to as the Ramadan war in Pakistan), Pakistan sent number of Military personals to help and provide training to Syrians. Pakistan Army Advisors trained Syrians in various tactics and maintained a minimum combat strength to save Damascus from any possible Israeli Attack. Pakistan Navy provided Naval Hardware to Syria to bolster its Naval vessels. Pakistan Air Force sent several Pilots to assist Syrian Arab Air Force, they flew Syrian Migs and made aggressive patrols over Syrian Israel border. PAF fighter pilot Flight Lieutenant Sattar Alvi on deputation to No. 67A Squadron, Syrian Air Force (SAF) flew a SAF MiG-21F-13 Fishbed (Serial No. 1863) and shot down IAF's Mirage IIICJ flown by Captain M. Lutz. In other engagement Squardon Leader Arif Manzoor leading a Mig21 patrol, forced two Israeli Mirages 1st into a close combat,and then shot down both Aircraft with his K13 AAMs. Flight Lieutenant Sattar Alvi and Squadron Leader Arif Manzoor were awarded two of Syria’s highest decorations for gallantry, the Wisaam Faris and Wisaam Shuja’at in 1973 by the President of Syria Hafez al-Assad in a public ceremony.
[edit]After War

Pakistan continued its economic and diplomatic support for Syria after the Arab-Israeli war and supported the Syrian stance on Golan Heights in the UN. Syria also supports Pakistan over its Kashmir cause and refers to the Indian occupation of Eastern Kashmir as an open aggression. In 2005 Syria and Pakistan agreed on mutual cooperation in the fields of science and technology.[1] Pakistan also exports wheat and cotton to Syria where Syria provides oil to Pakistan at lesser rates.

Experts extol Pakistan’s Syria

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan’s initiative to seek
peaceful resolution of Syria crisis based on
the principles of non-intervention and non-
interference is being hailed as Islamabad’s
careful attempt to build a broad based
consensus among the members of Muslim
Ummah while maintaining its neutrality.
Background discussions with senior
diplomats suggest that Islamabad stance on
Syria was quite logical and its participation
in international conference hosted by Iran
was in line with the national security
“The situation in Balochsitan province
bordering Iran warrants that Islamabad
should have good working relations with
Tehran as Pakistan’s important neighbour”,
a senior diplomat said while requesting
He was of the view that Pakistan has
limited options on crises in Syria because of
the complexity of the issue, adding that
Pakistan’s efforts to build broad based
consensus among important OIC members
including Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia
was the best available policy option.
This follows Pakistan’s diplomatic efforts
ahead of the extraordinary meeting of 57-
member Organisation of Islamic Conference
(OIC) convened by Saudi King Abdullah in
Makah (Mecca) on August 14 and 15 aimed
at evolving a broad-based consensus on
crucial Syrian crises.
President Asif Ali Zardari along with
foreign minister Hina Rabbani Khar will
attend the conference on the invitation of
King Abdullah.
Pakistan’s efforts to keep neutrality – as it
did by abstaining from US-sponsored
resolution on Syria which was vetoed by
Russia and China – is the best approach to
prevent misunderstanding between Saudi
Arabia and Iran as to strive for a broad
based consensus in order to ensure unity in
the OIC.
“Pakistan cannot ignore the important role
of Iran in stabilising Balochistan, therefore
its neutrality on Syrian situation is the best
policy option it’s employing to address the
issue,” another sources said.
He elaborated that in case Syria is
destabilised as a result of a one-sided
imposed solution, it would have far
reaching implications for other regional
countries including Iran and Pakistan,
therefore, Islamabad has to follow a
cautious diplomatic approach, he added.
“It is complex situation in Syria where
major world powers stand divided and so
are the divergent positions between the
Arab League and Islamic republic of Iran,
therefore Pakistan can only play a role of
consensus builder rather than taking sides
with any of the foreign stakeholders.”
Sources further said that since initiative of
Saudi King is also aimed at seeking a
consensus solution to the Syrian crisis,
Pakistan’s efforts to build consensus among
the members of the OIC was imperative.
“Pakistan should strive to keep the OIC
united,” veteran diplomat and former
foreign secretary-general Akram Zaki
opined while talking to The Nation.
On the other hand, Saudi Arabia has also
stepped up efforts to keep the OIC united on
Syria question and is striving to push for a
consensus Mecca Declaration to be adopted
at the end of the OIC extraordinary meeting.
Apart from thorny Syrian crisis, the OIC
would also take up for deliberations
important issues including plight of
Muslims in Myanmar, issues of Palestine as
well as Kashmir.
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