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Pakistan should Give Palestine and KSA Its Nuclear umbrella


May 26, 2016
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Pakistan should finally move beyond its problems ,Doesn't meant it shouldn't act or forget.
We know that problems like poverty aren't going anywhere when our leaders take around Gigantic Mercedes and protocol,Its time we should make laws to Improve this system.
A poor nation led by one of its wealthiest?
On a larger scale we know that Pakistan doesn't anywhere near holds the International importance and recognition as it used to,During the cold war and Iron curtain Pakistan was the only state that took hold of communist foray by aligning itself with the Western superpowers along with that the fall of East Pakistan also happened due to the very reasons
Yes our Government made their own mistakes which contributed to the fall of East Pakistan.
Pakistan needs to make itself heard on the World stage and stop pretending like Nothing,We've the backing of Iran(future superpower and Important regional player)Turkey and China.
Most Secular Pakistanis hold KSA to a Disregard and blame them for Wahaabi Mullana's,Whatever that is should be forgotten as NAP is working on this.
KSA holds outstanding significance to all muslim's around the world,It is a country with own self importance,Given the fact we already would act if its threatened with aggression,Why shouldn't we take the Saudis under our Nuclear umbrella?
The Saudis would help us in our Future Nuclear ambitions and that could cover a range of developments.

We Already know the problems with Palestine,Moving our nukes into Jordan to provide Palestine a umbrella would be a win/win situation for everybody.
First step should be to hold talks with the Israelite,Convince them that we're here to solve this problem,Just get them in the game,Tell them we don't want to talk about how you made Palestine your home with all the Askenzai and Oranzai whatever jews,We just want peace for Palestinian people,Tell them that a huge chunk of radicalized terrorist groups exist because of this country where you live peacefully that contributed to a sense of betrayal for the rest of the world.
Second step would be to convince Anti-Zionist groups like hamas to lay down arms. Once they do you can create a Palestinian defense force (PDF) and let em protect their borders.

What's in it for Pakistan?
Besides peace for the region,We would create strategic depth for our country and our nuclear arsenal. If Palestine issue comes to a stop,One part of Middle east is automatically going to be repaired,We can demand favors like Military bases in Jordan and Saudi-arabia.
Pakistan can ultimately get its much needed Geo-political significance on the world stage,As currently we're busy cleaning up the mess in our own country but it should be noted that since 1948 we've been fighting war's so our Country is used to it.
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There is no nuclear threat for them at the moment.
Could Pakistan and other Islamic countries start diplomatic relation with Israel upon condition if they accept two-state solution and give Palestine its due freedom ?
While extending nuke umbrella to KSA is very much possible, doing the same for Palestine is as impossible as it can get, let alone Israel, even many muslim nations will not agree with this, this is the thing about nuke, if you don't have one you won't like it in your neighborhood, no matter who is operating it.
Let's invite KSA for a joint OP in Kashmir first and see their reaction to it ? I mean if KSA is willing to fight a war for us, only then should we be willing to fight their wars. Fair?
While I completely understand the emotions that Pakistanis feel towards palestinians, Pakistan will never extend nuclear security to Palestine not sure about KSA though, there is a reason why nations are not run by the whims and wishes of their respective online communities
Can we protect our own people first? how about protecting Kashmiris being bombarded by indian shelling or protect our people from terrorism. how about helping the people of iok gain their freedom?

We seem to care more about Arabs than they care about themselves.
Let's invite KSA for a joint OP in Kashmir first and see their reaction to it ? I mean if KSA is willing to fight a war for us, only then should we be willing to fight their wars. Fair?
Think of it like this,Saudi Arabia is already under Pakistani nuclear umbrella,You would just make it official.

Can we protect our own people first? how about protecting Kashmiris .

Kashmir is off topic.

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