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Pakistan’s ISI from the inside

Sadly, I do not see any realistic hope of a change in the status quo.

That remains a challenge VCheng. However, if our "Awam" keeps on electing the same lot than we should not complain but wait for the inevitable.
Aren't you considering GoP more than what they are worth? Zilch!

Providing any access to GoP inside Military establishment without cleansing the major political parties from anti-Pakistan and self-indulged elements is like giving monkeys a box of matchstick and then lighting one in front of them.

I would rather take control from GoP of every major department and run in privately by specialists who have clean slate from last 2-3 generations.

If we take your suggestion ‘think tank sponsored by GoP (but not staffed)’ who is to know GoP is not going to ‘interfere’ in their work later in the coming time?

Do you agree that policy should be formulated and governed by elected reps. instead of paid employees? If so than fifty percent of the battle is won the other fifty percent has to fought at the ballot box.
That remains a challenge VCheng. However, if our "Awam" keeps on electing the same lot than we should not complain but wait for the inevitable.

Please do not judge me harshly if I say this, but the evidence continues to mount that the challenges are increasingly likely to be insurmountable given present trends. Having said that, I can only hope and pray I am proven wrong.
Join the prayer group Sir -- you are welcome;-) I tell you it just eats you up from inside
Join the prayer group Sir -- you are welcome;-) I tell you it just eats you up from inside

I know that only too well. I went through years of agonizing thought and introspection before I came to the heart-wrenching decision to emigrate. I still pray for things to change, and try to help wherever I can, or am allowed to to do so.
Well I came back from the land of plenty to make a "Difference." Let us see how long I last?
Do you agree that policy should be formulated and governed by elected reps. instead of paid employees? If so than fifty percent of the battle is won the other fifty percent has to fought at the ballot box.

The problem with any democracy is the most basic ideal it is founded upon, how can one expect a majority of illiterate and ill informed people to make the correct decision. The Urban areas with all the media channels and education may be able to judge things.
But the majority of the vote bank and seats is from areas that are privy to nothing more than hearsay.
Even with absolutely free and fair elections.. No rigging, no paid votes.. nothing. You will still see the same faces.

a paid Think tank to solve problems is all great.. but paid think tanks usually think where the funding they receive would like them to.
Whoever appoints the Think tank.. would like it to think that way that benefits the ones who put them there.
Technocrats have been tried before.. we all know the results of that.

Please do not judge me harshly if I say this, but the evidence continues to mount that the challenges are increasingly likely to be insurmountable given present trends. Having said that, I can only hope and pray I am proven wrong.

And We pray with you, have been hearing of Insurmountable problems for this country ever since I came into this world.
Just the threshold of insurmountable has kept changing.

On the topic..
The ISI's primary task is to protect our national interest by the methods of its organization.
And it has , is and will continue to do so... There are many tales untold of how and where the ISI has saved this nation from disaster.. if they were ever declassified(since I only hear of the existence of such tales) it may help us appreciate it more. sadly such tales never come out. Its subordinate nature to the Army is a hindrance since the usual Rank issues have led to the ISI's opinion being ignored now and then in critical decisions.
It has made grave errors in executing its primary task, but if one was to weigh those against errors made by other agencies.. they compare in a favorable light... if only in the seriousness of the errors.. not the consequences.
Other nations have survived because they had checks and balances, other branches with saner heads to save their faces.
Sadly.. in our case.. it is usually the one eyed man stumbling in a room full of the deaf,dumb and the blind.

While I agree with most of what you have written -- I think other nations also went through this crucible to shine at a later stage. We will make mistakes but there will also be a learning curve (Provided we speak the truth about our history -- both victories and defeats). This is the key (The history bit) otherwise this experiment will turn us into a quasi banana republic type of a failed state.

The baratheri element is slowly being eroded by urbanization and inroads of the media. The challenge is to speak the truth. The media has a huge responsibility here but it, at this point in time, does not understand the critical role it has to play in the future nation building.

BTW I agree with your observation on ISI. There have been some remarkable successes but also some colossal mistakes - those we can see clearly see, the successes -- very little to write home about given the current circumstances. That is the nature of the spy-craft the CIA also complains of this unfair treatment by the American public.
The problem with any democracy is the most basic ideal it is founded upon, how can one expect a majority of illiterate and ill informed people to make the correct decision. The Urban areas with all the media channels and education may be able to judge things.
But the majority of the vote bank and seats is from areas that are privy to nothing more than hearsay.
Even with absolutely free and fair elections.. No rigging, no paid votes.. nothing. You will still see the same faces.

And that is why I keep saying education, education, education at every opportunity.

Would you believe I have seen landlords try to bribe a District Education Officer way back in the day to start a school in their opponents village, such is the power of education to break shackles of exploitation. It is for this very reason the power elite will not let it flourish if they can help it.

a paid Think tank to solve problems is all great.. but paid think tanks usually think where the funding they receive would like them to.
Whoever appoints the Think tank.. would like it to think that way that benefits the ones who put them there.
Technocrats have been tried before.. we all know the results of that.

We already have those "think tanks" headed by a select few individuals, only their results are geared towards themselves, as we all can see.

And We pray with you, have been hearing of Insurmountable problems for this country ever since I came into this world.
Just the threshold of insurmountable has kept changing.

Yes, everything is relative. Pakistan is no doubt surviving very well, it is just that the world is running ahead while we are crawling. It might be good enough for now, but in a world with ever increasing competition for resources, it may not be in a few decades. Exhibit A: Water resources.

On the topic..
The ISI's primary task is to protect our national interest by the methods of its organization.
And it has , is and will continue to do so... There are many tales untold of how and where the ISI has saved this nation from disaster.. if they were ever declassified(since I only hear of the existence of such tales) it may help us appreciate it more. sadly such tales never come out. Its subordinate nature to the Army is a hindrance since the usual Rank issues have led to the ISI's opinion being ignored now and then in critical decisions.
It has made grave errors in executing its primary task, but if one was to weigh those against errors made by other agencies.. they compare in a favorable light... if only in the seriousness of the errors.. not the consequences.
Other nations have survived because they had checks and balances, other branches with saner heads to save their faces.
Sadly.. in our case.. it is usually the one eyed man stumbling in a room full of the deaf,dumb and the blind.

ISI serves itself and the PA by extension first and foremost, having successfully sold itself on the idea that it is the best judge of what the national interests are, and I can agree that it will continue to do so.

Those tales that you mention, are heroic no doubt, and the rank and file who gave their lives are to be respected forever. The real pity is that those who benefit from those untold sacrifices are not the people, but the elite.

What I fear is that the one eyed fool is likely going to poke himself in the sole eye and stumble around only to drown in the kitchen sink if present trends continue.
........................ otherwise this experiment will turn us into a quasi banana republic type of a failed state.


Dear Sir: That event threshold was crossed some time ago already.
Hmmmm! There is somehow resilience in the population of this country -- how, do not ask me but somehow we manage to move from one disaster to another. The operating word here is "Move." It is just that we need to move in the right direction and at the right speed.
"What I fear is that the one eyed fool is likely going to poke himself in the sole eye and stumble around only to drown in the kitchen sink if present trends continue."

Very funny and Ironic at the same time.
Hmmmm! There is somehow resilience in the population of this country -- how, do not ask me but somehow we manage to move from one disaster to another. The operating word here is "Move." It is just that we need to move in the right direction and at the right speed.

The Pakistani nation is one full of strength and talent no doubt. However, I have yet to see, in my life or travels, a more sorrowful tale of so much potential of so many gems wasted for the benefit so few scumbags.

The tragedy is that is that having potential, unless realized, and SOON, will not be enough. History tells us that very clearly.
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