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Pakistan’s India obsession a mistake: Obama

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India is currently a cash cow and with anti- american sentiment rising in Pakistan it's not surprising that the US will make favoring comments towards them. I would ignore the stupid comments of the Internet warriors aka the Indian members here, Obama needs to look at this forum and see the pathetic behavior of the indians on here and how the over populate the forum and even after getting banned they are so desperate to come back here.

Why? Is Obama planning to take up a job at PDF? :lol:
mmmmm Afghanistan is totally a different issue and we have all the rights to get worried.

secondly its infact India who despite the biggest buyer of arms in the world get crying even if Pakistan buys a water gun.

so in reality its Indian obsession with Pakistan not other way round

A normal Licensed gun holder raises flags when he sees a schizophrenia patient buying a gun.. doesnt he??
:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) thank you for giving the clue ;)

what clue jana ???? dont spread false roumors here if u think i have multiple ids then ask mods to check up pls .... Dont be such a pathetic liar... i ve seen u in every loosing discussion u go off topic and bash your no sense out...
The nonsense is running around like a flu.

80% of Indian military is on Pakistani borders. All their offensive divisions are on Pakistani borders. Obama and others have their head buried in the sand.

Bharat regularly makes statements about carrying out raids, surgical strikes in Pakistan.

Good god, get a grip with the reality and facts.

That said, we still need to make sure we don't spend exuberant amount of money on the military. We currently spend 4% of GDP, which is slightly higher than average but nothing extraordinary. And a lot of this is due to WoT - if WoT ends this will probably come down to somewhere around 3% - 3.5%.

Go and ask your Brave and trust worthy generals like Yahya khan and Ayub khan they will teach you about the real threat from India whether it is true or not.:)
Obama knows after the pullout from Afghanistan,India will be more valuable & helpful than Pakistan,Great news.:cheers:
seriously laughing on **** Americans on this website especially seniors...

These so called terrorist are "JIHADIS and friend" of Americans in 1980s and now they are become terrorist...
seirously laughing on **** americans on this website especially seniors...

These so called terrorist are "JIHADIS and friend" of americans in 1980s and now they are become terrorist...

and also friends of pakistan few time ago, may be still.......
having 80 % on pakistani border does not mean we want to attack pakistan .. it is for defence pourpose we know what cross border terrorism is...

And how exactly are armoured and mechanized divisions supposed to stop terrorism? Don't delude yourself.
Playing victim comes naturally to some Pakistani hawks. First poke your neighbour, many orders in magnitude bigger and stronger, and then when this neighbour eyeballs you, you go all over the town complaining how this big neighbour is a threat to your existence.

80% of Indian military is on Pakistani borders. Yes. Because it is hard to forget Sir Creek, 1965, Siachen, 1999 and numerous other betrayals, not to mention the terrorism originating from Pakistan.

But things have changed significantly. Now only 100,000 Pakistani troops are on Indian borders (if even that). Pakistan is embroiled in WoT. You think Pakistan is going to start a war now? Yet Bharat still has 80% of military on Pakistani borders. Again, facts and reality is lost on some.
But things have changed significantly. Now only 100,000 Pakistani troops are on Indian borders (if even that). You think Pakistan is going to start a war now? Yet Bharat still has 80% of military on Pakistani borders. Again, facts and reality is lost on some.

The reason which your army gave for not starting N Wazirstan operation ..do you remember?

If terrorist are your first priority... how come you are find it difficult to deploy enough troops to even take control your own country from terrorists ..such that they are able too attack you every second day?
The reason which your army gave for not starting N Wazirstan operation ..do you remember?

If terrorist are your first priority... how come you are find it difficult to deploy enough troops to even take control your own country from terrorists ..such that they are able too attack you every second day?

We have enough troops for TTP which is our first priority. TTP has been almost destroyed (your state can take the credit for supporting them) and we're moving into the last areas where they exist (N.W.). You can spin it which ever way you like but fact remains that there are very few troops on the Bharati border to start a war. What's your idea, Pakistan is planning a war by having less than 100,000 on Bharati border?
We have enough troops for TTP which is our first priority. TTP has been almost destroyed (your state can take the credit for supporting them) and we're moving into the last areas where they exist (N.W.). You can spin it which ever way you like but fact remains that there are very few troops on the Bharati border to start a war. What's your idea, Pakistan is planning a war by haviny less than 100,000 on Bharati border?

"TTP has been almost destroyed"..pitty those who have been fooled in believing this face saving ..were this true ..you won't be having terrorist attacks in Pakistan..every other day..

You have been moving that last "one area" for one and half year now..are you that inefficient that it takes you more than year just to consolidate your gains?
Seems like a full-out attempt at diversion. I guess not expecting ares to divert would be like not expecting grass to be green. Listen, answer the relevent question. Is Pakistan planning a war by having less than 100,000 troops? You can spin it by saying that the troops in FATA are not doing anything, but fact remains that they are NOT ON EASTERN BORDER.

I will answer what you ask only in a relevant thread.
what clue jana ???? dont spread false roumors here if u think i have multiple ids then ask mods to check up pls .... Dont be such a pathetic liar... i ve seen u in every loosing discussion u go off topic and bash your no sense out...

I told you, he is funny.. dont take him seriously, all you wanna do is LAUGH at him. lol
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