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Pakistan ready to attack India with nuke-powered drones !! :: JuD chief Hafiz Saeed

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Jun 17, 2010
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Islamabad: In yet another provocative remark against India, the alleged mastermind of 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks and Jamaat-ud-Dawah (JuD) chief Hafiz Saeed has warned India of lethal consequences if it pulls off an act of aggression against Pakistan.

“If any drone attack takes place against Pakistan from Indian bases, we have enough drones for whole India,” Hafiz Saeed had said while addressing a rally in Pakistan recently, according to a TV news channel report.

Earlier this year, the JuD chief, who has the backing of Pakistan's ISI and its Army, had launched a mass recruitment drive of terrorists to execute its anti-India plans.

Saeed had reportedly visited various launching pads near the Indo-Pakistan border from where terrorists are being infiltrated to India.

With India erecting latest Laser walls at the International Border for full-proof security, the JuD is also believed to be planning to push its new recruits into the Indian side in this summer season.

During his two day stay near border, he had made provocative speeches in at least 10 villages.

The UN had declared JuD a terror organisation and also individually designated Saeed as a terrorist in December 2008. The US has already put a $10 million bounty on his head.

Saeed, who orchestrated the November, 2008 Mumbai terror attack in which 166 people were killed, roams around freely in Pakistan despite being a designated terrorist and has made many anti-India remarks and speeches.

Nuke powered drones? Duh! Does this turd Hafiz Saeed really believe that Pakistan has nuke powered drones? The idiocy and delusions of these yahoos are mind boggling in scope!

But then, I don't see 'nuke drones' being mentioned in the article! Or am I missing something here?
China publicly names Pakistan for Mumbai terror attacks
ANI | Jun 7, 2016, 01.45 PM IST
HONG KONG: In a major development, China has for the first time, publicly acknowledged the role of Pakistan in the coordinated terror attacks that took place in Mumbai between November 26 and 29, 2008 that claimed the lives of 164 people and left another 308 injured.

Chinese State Television CCTV9 has, in a documentary aired recently, highlighted the role of the Lashkar-e-Taiyaba (LeT) and its sponsors in Pakistan in this horrific attack which shook the world.

This change in policy by China is significant in the sense that it is taking place on the eve of the expiry of Beijing's decision to place on technical hold the listing of three known LeT/JuD(Jamaat-ud-Dawa) militants - Hafiz Abdul Rahman Makki, Talha Saeed and Hafiz Abdul Rauf, on June 9, 2016.

The listing of these individuals by the Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee of the United Nations Security Council in September 2015, had the overwhelming support of all members of the international community, with the exception of China, which acted on Pakistan's behest.

China is already facing considerable global flak over a similar technical hold over the listing of Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) chief Hafiz Saeed, even though the JeM stands listed by the United Nations Sanctions Committee.

China has obviously realized that extending blind support to Pakistan on terror-related issues taints its own reputation as a responsible world power that is seeking to build an international consensus on the need for all countries to jointly fight the menace of terror.

Predators and reapers taking off from a forward Indian base and picking out kashmiri jihadis is what hafiz saeed imagines.
China publicly names Pakistan for Mumbai terror attacks
ANI | Jun 7, 2016, 01.45 PM IST
HONG KONG: In a major development, China has for the first time, publicly acknowledged the role of Pakistan in the coordinated terror attacks that took place in Mumbai between November 26 and 29, 2008 that claimed the lives of 164 people and left another 308 injured.

Chinese State Television CCTV9 has, in a documentary aired recently, highlighted the role of the Lashkar-e-Taiyaba (LeT) and its sponsors in Pakistan in this horrific attack which shook the world.

This change in policy by China is significant in the sense that it is taking place on the eve of the expiry of Beijing's decision to place on technical hold the listing of three known LeT/JuD(Jamaat-ud-Dawa) militants - Hafiz Abdul Rahman Makki, Talha Saeed and Hafiz Abdul Rauf, on June 9, 2016.

The listing of these individuals by the Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee of the United Nations Security Council in September 2015, had the overwhelming support of all members of the international community, with the exception of China, which acted on Pakistan's behest.

China is already facing considerable global flak over a similar technical hold over the listing of Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) chief Hafiz Saeed, even though the JeM stands listed by the United Nations Sanctions Committee.

China has obviously realized that extending blind support to Pakistan on terror-related issues taints its own reputation as a responsible world power that is seeking to build an international consensus on the need for all countries to jointly fight the menace of terror.


Huh 2008... So to reach 2016 it will be another decade for China India diplomacy. China who is super power aspirant who support Pakistan on global terrorism. Does that sounds hard? Any one?

Predators and reapers taking off from a forward Indian base and picking out kashmiri jihadis is what hafiz saeed imagines.
Mann what will happen when India actually clinical have deal for predators drones?
Nuke powered drones?

Not mentioned in the article, the title is the contribution by the author..... Not that it makes any difference.....

Mian Hafees Saeed saab, Agle Hamle Kab karne walen hein???
No wonder the fruits of madrassa education are seeing light. I hope who can save India from such brilliant Pakistani masterminds like Hafiz Saeed :rofl:
Oh my goodness, how dumb and idiot anyone can get is example all the INDIANS commenting without even reading the half-page worth of details where not a single nuke word has been used and the OP has falsely titled the thread. Regardless of what Mr Saeed has to say and whether one agrees with him or not, one must quote the TRUTH....I think a taboo word for Indians...
I request mods to take necessary action for spreading false information on pdf
@Horus @waz @Oscar
What a nice joke, stress buster...!!!


Oh my goodness, how dumb and idiot anyone can get is example all the INDIANS commenting without even reading the half-page worth of details where not a single nuke word has been used and the OP has falsely titled the thread. Regardless of what Mr Saeed has to say and whether one agrees with him or not, one must quote the TRUTH....I think a taboo word for Indians...
I request mods to take necessary action for spreading false information on pdf
@Horus @waz @Oscar

OP didn't alter the tittle, care to see the link..
It's a journo s work..
What a nice joke, stress buster...!!!


OP didn't alter the tittle, care to see the link..
It's a journo s work..
Oh I see and its even worse because it is not even a credible source www.DefenceNews.in, then not just the title but the whole story is doubtful and the responsibility stays with the OP.
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