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Featured Pakistan pulverize India at the UN, call out Indian support to terrorism

Of course. The world doesn't care about India. The whole world. Only AIIB will lend to India. Even when the India massacre Muslims, occupied Sikkim, Nepal and Bhutan manipulation. Invaded Goa. Tamil nadu. Manipur and Assam. But the Chinese Bank still lends to India. and Considering that India’s international credit rating is only BBB-. I think foreign investment in India is very prudent.
Ratings are irrelevant because India doesn't borrow from external commercial banks. GOI raises funds from only multilateral agencies. You keep talking as if AIIB is only Chinese. Go through the members board, India is the second largest shareholder in the bank. India had never defaulted on its international obligations ever and lending agencies have never shied away from extending loans when requested.

Also with the same credit rating India's FDI is $51 billion and India's PE-VC investment is $49 billion. And That FDI to GDP ratio of India is better than China. Lol.
Ratings are irrelevant because India doesn't borrow from external commercial banks. GOI raises funds from only multilateral agencies. You keep talking as if AIIB is only Chinese. Go through the members board, India is the second largest shareholder in the bank. India had never defaulted on its international obligations ever and lending agencies have never shied away from extending loans when requested.

Also with the same credit rating India's FDI is $51 billion and India's PE-VC investment is $49 billion. And That FDI to GDP ratio of India is better than China. Lol.
It seems that the BBB-country has too many illusions.
I don't give a flying fk really to your crappy Bollywood non sense. Rest assured, havent watched for decades the third grade cheap non sense.
Good for you lol! But hey don't dance to Bollywood like your generals.

On topic you said, there is no lockdown anywhere in Kashmir.
Good for you lol! But hey don't dance to Bollywood like your generals.

On topic you said, there is no lockdown anywhere in Kashmir.

LOL I have self respect to be associated with anything Indian, proper cringworthy just to even think about it. LOL

Indeed, IOK is in lockdown. Some staged dramas shown are laughable. Similar to what Ajeet Doval pulling some stunts in Sri nagar last august. lol
atleast we didnt make a gun so trash the l85a1 is a decent rifle compared to it
Credibility on what? We have lost 70K citizens in blatant campaign of terror run by India from Afghan soil, right under the nose of her ally America. These are the facts. OBL, if he was involved, killed how many Americans? We lost 70K Pakistanis! Do the math. The Indian state terrorist, the monkey Commander Yadev of Indian Navy that we caught, he alone is responsible of hundred of Pakistani death, including our minorities.

Frankly speaking, we are not in the business of convincing India or her sugardaddies in western world. We know both are partner in crime. India cannot sustain in Afghanistan without America/NATO blessings. All we want is the world to know our side of story, if and when push comes to shove, they will at least know why we exercise our soft or even hard power.

If you cannot deal with 4th rate tribal militiamen that is Pakistan's problem
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LOL I have self respect to be associated with anything Indian, proper cringworthy just to even think about it. LOL

Indeed, IOK is in lockdown. Some staged dramas shown are laughable. Similar to what Ajeet Doval pulling some stunts in Sri nagar last august. lol
Well, it's not like you're the most sort after people on earth.

Yeah, keep believing there is some eternal lockdown in J&K. Afterall, reality is something you have an issue it's easy to run around in circles (no pun intended).
If you cannot deal with 4th rate tribal militiamen that is Pakistan's problem

Tribes were never problem when Taliban were ruling Afghanistan before 9/11. Infact we never had any terrorism before yanks and their lapdogs Indian appeared in Afghanistan. Its the American/NATO controlled Afghan soil which became the sanctuary and the launch pad for all terrorist activities against Pakistan and its citizens.
Well, it's not like you're the most sort after people on earth.

Yeah, keep believing there is some eternal lockdown in J&K. Afterall, reality is something you have an issue it's easy to run around in circles (no pun intended).

Not claiming to be one, neither go on hugging every tom dick and harry for photo ops and clingy cartoonish "jhola" ride for tormentor in chief.

Jammu and Kashmir remains under curfew and lockdown a year after losing special status
like no body give a fuk about your rant on AJK?

Indians bring nothing to this forum, but lies and fake narratives.

The vehemently hate Imran Khan for revealing their true essence to the whole world.

I have had so much people come up to in person and thank Imran Khan for his UN speeches. Everyone is watching him today, he is a celebrity.


Pakistan reduced to bystander? HAHAHA. You are a funny chap. Whatever misery and humiliation you are getting at the hands of China on LAC, we are just enjoying the show from distance. Majority of your military assets are deployed against Pakistan, you , yourself have left your behind exposed to China. What this got to do with us ? Even small countries like Nepal are now claiming the territory that India think belong to her and are acting accordingly. This is what you been reduced to. In your obsession with Pakistan, you have exposed your behind other nations and now they are taking advantage of it, so don't moan now. It was your own choice and strategy.

Indians need to read this again and again, and let it sink in.

Great post.
Not claiming to be one, neither go on hugging every tom dick and harry for photo ops and clingy cartoonish "jhola" ride for tormentor in chief.

Jammu and Kashmir remains under curfew and lockdown a year after losing special status
Without hugging, the supposed handsome prime minister didn't bring any golden ducks to the country did he? Still the same old same old... On the other hand, the guy who did the hugging brought multilateral investments, added a trillion to the economy in his term. Handsome PM screaming at the top head Nazi Nazi didn't stop Al Arabis to bestow awards on Modi, the difference in Aukat?

Coming to Kashmir, hmm that's during Coronavirus the whole country was in lockdown phase also besides that there was an anniversary coming up, just a precautionary measure. Once it passed things went back to normal.
Besides people were taking road trips to Kashmir. Wonder how's that possible if there was a lockdown.

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