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Pakistan prepares for US mango launch


Jun 14, 2010
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Pakistan prepares for US mango launch


Pakistan is poised to make its mango export debut in the US this season, a year after its first mango shipments to Europe

Pakistan is ready to export mangoes to the US this year - just 12 months after the country made its mango export debut in Europe, the Pakistani press report.

Pakistan's federal minister for food and agriculture Nazar Muhammad Gondal said all necessary procedural formalities, including logistic arrangements, have been finalised, ready for exports to the US to start in the forthcoming season.

Standard operating procedures for orchard and packhouse certification and registration of mango orchards, as well as harvesting and packing have been drawn up, he said. And the ministry of agriculture, together with the ministry of commerce and the Pakistani produce export board (PHDEC), would help local mango exporters prepare consignments in line with USDA/Aphis standards.

Mr Gondal said Pakistan's total mango exports are expected to reach US$3m by the end of next season.

Increased mango exports will directly benefit two million Pakistanis, increase revenues for business, generate employment and boost the economy, especially in southern Punjab and northern Sindh, The Express Tribune said.

Pakistan is in a position to export mangoes to the US thanks to work carried out by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), according to local press reports.

Over the last year, USAID helped Pakistani mango producers ship mangoes by sea to Europe. USAID was instrumental in introducing local farmers to GlobalGAP certification, training them in modern techniques, upgrading infrastructure and forging links with international buyers.

"Mango growers have demonstrated tremendous dedication and investment in the previous year, with the support of the ministry of food and agriculture and US government," Mr Gondal told The Express Tribune.

"Their success will encourage other farmers to attain international standards and certifications and compete in the international market."

Pakistan is the fifth largest producer and third largest exporter of mangoes in the world, according to The News International: Latest, Breaking, Pakistan, Sports & Video News.

Pakistan prepares for US mango launch - Fruitnet.com|The Global Fresh Produce Portal
as a user of pakistani mango i have one concern why our mango never been transfered in good condition after 4000km away when we get mango its not as we got in pakistan.
I should share this news with my brother....

Congratz :tup:
Great news!
Seems like some people are gonna have best salads of their lives! :D

Pakistani mangoes are hot sold in the world, the best I dare say!

@Imran....Sir, these fruits are kept preserved in the Aeroplanes, maybe with a Radiation of Gamma Rays, it keeps it nice and steady dor a long period! :tup:
What we need to insure is that they reach the markets in perfect shape because most of the mangoes that reach canada are in bad condition!
Pakistan prepares for US mango launch


Pakistan is poised to make its mango export debut in the US this season, a year after its first mango shipments to Europe

Pakistan is ready to export mangoes to the US this year - just 12 months after the country made its mango export debut in Europe, the Pakistani press report.

I dont know about the US but in the UK pakistani mangos have been selling for years.
first i read the title i understood: Pakistan prepares to launch mangoes on US :rofl::rofl:

Pakistan is poised to make its mango export debut in the US this season, a year after its first mango shipments to Europe

Pakistan is ready to export mangoes to the US this year - just 12 months after the country made its mango export debut in Europe, the Pakistani press report.

last year in Europe?
I'm eating Paksitani mango from several years here in italy :partay:
may be some small importers import them on there own. :pakistan:
03 February 2011
Pakistani Mangoes Set to Sweeten U.S. Markets

A joint U.S.-Pakistan project will bring Pakistan's mango industry — which had its best year ever in 2010 — into U.S. markets in 2011.

By Carrie Loewenthal Massey
Special Correspondent

New York — Americans are in for a treat.

In spring 2011, Pakistan will send stateside the world’s sweetest mango — validated by universal scientific sweetness measurements — sure to delight even the most discerning of palates.

Unique not only in their high sucrose to water ratio, but also in their smooth, low-pulp flesh and strong, pleasant aroma, Pakistani mangoes will make their first trip to the United States in May or June.

This initial export marks a milestone in an ongoing joint project with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Pakistani farmers and mango growers to expand Pakistan’s mango industry.

“Pakistani mangoes are a symbol of Pakistani pride, so to export those is a symbol of Pakistan reaching out to the world,” said Zachary Orend, USAID economic growth adviser in Pakistan, in an interview with America.gov. Pakistan produces the third-largest crop of mangoes in the world, growing more than 1.5 million tons annually. Pakistan’s mango exports reached their highest levels ever in 2010, according to a U.S. Embassy Islamabad press release.

The USDA works with Pakistan’s Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock to obtain U.S. market access for the mangoes, Orend said, while USAID helps Pakistani farmers build on-farm mango processing centers. Farms with these infrastructures can remove fungus from the fruit and wash, sort, grade and chill it. As of January 15, four farms had received this equipment, and 11 more farms in Sindh and Punjab will have it by March 31. Each of the farms, all of which are medium to large in size, contributes 50 percent of the investment costs of the processing infrastructure.

Wajahat Gardezi manages one of the farms receiving the new equipment. His 350-acre (142-hectare) orchard, called Mumtaz Agri Farms, in the Kabirwala Tehsil of District Khanewal, will hire 30 people to operate the new production line and anticipates a surge in productivity as a result of the new machinery.

“The USAID-supported mango processing facility will help increase the fruit’s shelf life for better survival during sea transfers and market displays,” Gardezi said in a USAID profile. “Pakistani mangoes are going places.”

With 15 on-farm systems in place by spring, the Pakistani farmers can preserve large portions of their harvest, which begins in May and goes through September. USAID hopes the on-farm systems will help meet Pakistan’s ultimate goal of increasing its mango industry revenues from $30 million to $60 million over three years.

“The trick is to encourage more investing. We’re supporting the 15 [farm systems], but if we get to 200 or 300, we’ll have a huge industry,” Orend said. “Pakistan can sell as many mangoes as they can successfully treat, chill and ship,” he added.


Pakistani mango farmer Wajahat Gardezi manages a 350-acre (140-hectare) orchard that includes a new mango-processing center built as part of the U.S. project.


Currently, Pakistan exports less than 5 percent of its mango crop, and the exported mangoes go mostly to wholesale markets, according to a USAID fact sheet. A 2010 test shipment to the United States proved Pakistani mangoes have a promising audience among the Pakistani-American community, USAID said. There are 700,000 Pakistani Americans in the United States, in such cities as New York, Houston and Chicago, as well as in northern and southern California, according to the American Pakistan Foundation.

The first Pakistani mangoes will arrive by air at an irradiation treatment center in Iowa. After treatment, the produce will be shipped to cities with large Pakistani-American populations. USDA and USAID hope to establish weekly air shipments of a little more than one ton of mangoes, Orend said.

Ultimately, the United States would like to coordinate sea shipments of the mangoes because that allows for much larger exports than air shipments accommodate, and sea shipments cost less, which helps reduce the price a customer will pay for a mango. While the USDA works on logistics, which include transferring irradiation facilities to a portside location, USAID is helping Pakistani farmers qualify for certification in Global Good Agricultural Practice (GlobalG.A.P.) production standards. Europe accepts GlobalG.A.P. certification and can receive mangoes from the 20 farms that have already received it.

“The money [for Pakistan] is in getting sea shipments in volume to Europe and eventually the U.S.,” Orend said.


USAID’s mango program aims to spur far-reaching economic gains for Pakistani farmers. The 15 farms set to have their processing infrastructures in place by spring will act “as centers of clusters of mango producers,” pulling in the farms around them in order to produce the volume of fruit needed to fill the large sea shipping containers, said Orend. A 40-foot (12.2-meter) refrigerated sea container holds 16 tons of fruit.

Gardezi hopes to inspire his neighboring Pakistani farmers to join him to form a mango cluster. He sees banding together as crucial to economic growth, and he is proud to be at the forefront of the new fruit handling practices, according to USAID.

“There is an overall atmosphere of change and other farmers are now following in our footsteps,” he said in the USAID profile.

The on-farm systems give the farmers the ability to grade their fruit, which also increases its economic value.

“When you grade produce, you can sell it at higher prices, so there are better earnings for participating farmers. They can also fetch higher prices on the local market,” Orend said. “This ties into our larger policy project, which is trying to improve the way the Pakistani fruits and vegetables are marketed and sold.”

When mango season ends, the farms can use the new blast chillers and cold storage spaces to keep tomatoes, cucumbers and other fruits and vegetables fresh for longer periods of time.

In addition to working with the mango infrastructure systems, USAID has trained close to 1,500 farmers from smaller farms in helpful pre- and post-harvest practices. As a result, these farmers have increased their per hectare productivity by as much as 15 percent, according to USAID. In the aftermath of the 2010 floods that devastated and destroyed crops across Pakistan, USAID also taught 350 mango growers how to minimize flood damage to their orchards.

USAID has also worked to identify other products that add export value to Pakistan’s mango crop. Dried sliced mangos, confectionary and cereal products, preserves, mango-seed oil for cosmetics, mango-kernel oil products and animal feed all have potential on the market, according to USAID’s fact sheet. In 2010, a sample consignment of 1,500 kilograms of dried mangoes went to major U.S. retailers, including Whole Foods and Costco, for product feedback.

USAID’s work on the mango project is part of several efforts focused on building Pakistan’s business sector. The United States has partnered with Chemonics, a development consulting company based in Washington, and dedicated nearly $90 million to the mango project, which runs from May 2009 to May 2013.

(This is a product of the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: America - Engaging the World - America.gov)
solomon2 says pakistani mango is a terrorist mango, israel yahudi mango saves the palestinians and it also defends jewish occupied land against the mavi marmara so israeli mango wins....
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