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Pakistan opposes Trump’s plan to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital

I'm surprised about one thing where is United Nation standing at the moment? They don't have their own stance whether its kashmir or jerusalem?
While Kashmir has properly been on the U.N. agenda as part of the post-WWII decolonizing Trusteeship project, the status of Palestine, including Jerusalem, is governed by the post-WWI League of Nations Mandate of Palestine, which under Article 80 of the U.N. Charter the U.N. cannot modify without the permission of the recognized beneficiary: the Zionist Commission which eventually became the Israeli government. So while the U.N. has the legal right to mediate Kashmir matters it has none when it comes to Israel.
Good point. This US act expose MBS, Raheel Sharif and so called military alliance is just farce.

On the realistic note. International law, peace and anything goes with it, is no longer valid. US just set the precedence that "survival of the fittest". This jungle law may fit US and zionist today but it will not when balance of power shifts which had already begun.

This is true, always. Survival of fittest has been the ultimate truth, time changes and so as the ruler. Ottomon, Greeks, Persian, Great Britain all faded, US will fade too and will replace by someone else. The crown will never be empty though.
KSA must have known it. Contacts bw tel Aviv Riyadh are open secret. Iran also responsible pushing KSA close to israel by its gross intervention in ME.
Pakistan has been effectively neutralized thanks to 17 years of Afg War, India on both borders. This was a fait accompli.
Tick tock.
Saudi has been cozening up with Israel these days.

Plus I also got to know about a new project being discussed by Saudi Arabia and Israel to manufacture a new technological city known as NEOM. It would pave way for the Saudis to accept Israel's status.
Next they will come out and say that Israel is a legitimate state and there is no such thing as Palestine.

Then whatever Zaid Hamid says is true.
Even the way he says it is wrong and he is mocked for it.

Then all of this world peace, human rights, international laws etc etc bulls**t is exposed to be a drama.

I think zionists and people who dont care about any sort of religion are growing impatient to meet their false Lord.
Plus I also got to know about a new project being discussed by Saudi Arabia and Israel to manufacture a new technological city known as NEOM. It would pave way for the Saudis to accept Israel's status.
Israel is involved in the multi-billion Dollar project to build two new cities, I didn’t know that.
Turkey has the OIC chair. And if the leader get corrupt or compromised the Leader has to leave like Nawaz had to Leave. Saudia is no more leading Muslim Nations the fact is obvious as Turkey is taking the lead in this fight for Jerusalem. These shots were previously called by Saudis I agree but the countries that Matter are Pakistan Turkey and Iran because Gulf has only money no military power. Israel understands the language of war not peace.

Who gives a hell about what violation. Israel never works with Law and world should do what ever it likes against Israel.
Lol you don't even recognize state of israel so why worries about usa changing it's embassy in the country which as per you does not even exist.
jews and christian want ligitimacy to their religions second coming of jesus and jews are waiting for final prophet but Allah already sent prophet to arabia so no one will come to rescue them except only them by use modern science and technology by proving that they are genuine not islam but in Quran Allah said they thier plan but i have mine its a human vs Allah so just sit back and see Allah is the best planner its our imaan :) if your are still curious about events read Ahdith of Rasul Allah saw they reveal their plan and Allah counter plan still interested read bibical prophecies about jews and christian but they best relax and trust Allah as he is the creator and his creations are challenging his authority.

While Kashmir has properly been on the U.N. agenda as part of the post-WWII decolonizing Trusteeship project, the status of Palestine, including Jerusalem, is governed by the post-WWI League of Nations Mandate of Palestine, which under Article 80 of the U.N. Charter the U.N. cannot modify without the permission of the recognized beneficiary: the Zionist Commission which eventually became the Israeli government. So while the U.N. has the legal right to mediate Kashmir matters it has none when it comes to Israel.
R you israeli?
While Kashmir has properly been on the U.N. agenda as part of the post-WWII decolonizing Trusteeship project, the status of Palestine, including Jerusalem, is governed by the post-WWI League of Nations Mandate of Palestine, which under Article 80 of the U.N. Charter the U.N. cannot modify without the permission of the recognized beneficiary: the Zionist Commission which eventually became the Israeli government. So while the U.N. has the legal right to mediate Kashmir matters it has none when it comes to Israel.
Who was first president of all india muslim league dont be surprised to see him as president of league of nation..which paved way for israel a nation which was created for formation of israel to legitimize saudi arabia by british govt.
It wont beba complete coincidence that his name mey be on plaques of lodges belonging to Indian Freemasonic movement.
Who was first president of all india muslim league dont be surprised to see him as president of league of nation..which paved way for israel a nation which was created for formation of israel to legitimize saudi arabia by british govt.
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