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Pakistan nuclear staff go missing!


Apr 4, 2007
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Two employees of Pakistan's atomic energy agency have been abducted in the country's restive north-western region abutting the Afghan border, police say.
The technicians went missing on the same day as Pakistan's ambassador to Afghanistan, Tariq Azizuddin, was reportedly abducted in the same region.

Mr Azizuddin had been going overland from the city of Peshawar to Kabul.

Pakistan's north-west has witnessed fierce fighting between Islamist militants and government troops.

The pro-Taleban guerrillas declared a unilateral ceasefire last week after months of clashes with troops garrisoned there.

The workers from Pakistan's Atomic Energy Commission were on a mission to map mineral deposits in the mountains when they were kidnapped, police say.

The technicians were going for some geological survey in the area when they were kidnapped at gunpoint along with their driver," Romail Akram, a senior police official, told Reuters news agency.

Their vehicle was intercepted by masked gunmen in the Dera Ismail Khan district, a stronghold of local militants.

"We don't know if the abductors were militants or members of some criminal gang," a local police chief, Akbar Nasir, told the AFP news agency.

He said efforts to locate the missing men had yet to yield any results.

Karzai concerned

Efforts are also continuing to locate the missing Pakistani envoy, Tariq Azizuddin.

Mr Azizuddin went missing on Monday as he was travelling overland from the Pakistani city of Peshawar to the Afghan capital, Kabul.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai said he was certain the envoy had been abducted, adding: "I hope he is safe and I hope he will be released soon."

The Khyber region has long been a base for bandits and smugglers but has seen little of the unrest linked to an uprising by Islamist militants in adjoining areas.

Pro-Taleban militants recently kidnapped more than 200 Pakistani troops in the South Waziristan region.

The soldiers were reportedly released in a prisoner exchange with Pakistani authorities.

'Protected road'

Pakistan's government has refused to confirm Mr Azizuddin has been kidnapped, saying only that he was missing.

The Pakistani embassy in Kabul said contact was lost with Mr Azizuddin at around 1045 local time (0645 GMT) on Monday.

There were reports on Pakistani television of his car going through a checkpoint without stopping.

An official of the Khyber agency tribal administration told the BBC that the ambassador went through the Khyber agency without taking a security escort that was waiting for him at the start of the tribal territory.

Correspondents say that such escorts are routinely sent with dignitaries and officials when they travel through tribal areas.

But some travellers dispense with them because they think it makes their movements more noticeable.

Mr Azizuddin is said to have previously travelled to Kabul by road, often without the tribal security escort.

The route through the agency is believed to be the shortest and quickest way between Peshawar and Kabul.

Being the main trade route, the Khyber agency road is busy in daylight hours, supplying reinforcements and to the US and Nato forces in Afghanistan.

It is also one of the most protected of all the tribal roads, with a contingent of tribal police posted every 100m. The paramilitary Frontier Corps have a fort along the road.

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Pakistan nuclear staff go missing
the taliban seems well informed, to know about the movements of an ambassador and nuclear staff. personally i think it was foolish of the ambassador to refuse security.
These kidnappings are probably happening due to severe lack of discipline and carelessness about following protocol. One of the officers whose company got kidnapped in FATA was actually fooled into sitting down in a chair and drinking tea prepared for him by tribals who later disarmed them all.

This kind of sloppiness cannot be tolerated in such a serious profession where literally lives are at stake daily. Physical punishment should be considered to discipline rulebreakers. Severe, torturous and painful punishment, not just the mild humiliation they get today because it is not working.
Su the news you posted is Amalgamation of two news with a misleading healine.

But anyway.

These were Technicians who were abducted and this is not new as in the past too the lower staff of the commission had been used to abducted by Criminal gangs for ransome.
Who were later got released either on payment of ransome or immense pressure in shape of action.

This time too the technicians were abducted in Southern part on the boundry of Lakki Marwat District and DI Khan District of NWFP. In Lakki Marwat there is a very strong notoriouse gang of Kidnappers called the Arsal Group.
This dreaded gang has become a headach for the locals specillay for Bhettani tribe who's many members including women were kidnapped by the Arsalis or members of Arsal group.

In most of the cases the staff of the commission either from Bhettani tribe or having links with Bhettani tribe often faced kidnapping at the hands of the criminals of Arsal group.

There is no link of Taliban to this issue.

Recently after it becomes every easy to call anyone Taliban or blam anything on Taliban, some local criminals from Lakki Marwat in the recent past started robbries and kidnapping besides hijacking oil tankers and afterwards abondoning these called took advantage of the word Taliban.
These were Technicians who were abducted and this is not new as in the past too the lower staff of the commission had been used to abducted by Criminal gangs for ransome.
Who were later got released either on payment of ransome or immense pressure in shape of action
This time too the technicians were abducted in Southern part on the boundry of Lakki Marwat District and DI Khan District of NWFP. In Lakki Marwat there is a very strong notoriouse gang of Kidnappers called the Arsal Group.
This dreaded gang has become a headach for the locals specillay for Bhettani tribe who's many members including women were kidnapped by the Arsalis or members of Arsal group.

In most of the cases the staff of the commission either from Bhettani tribe or having links with Bhettani tribe often faced kidnapping at the hands of the criminals of Arsal group.

The nuclear asset of Pakistan is not something which is commonplace. It is a very important aspect for Pakistan's defence.

Therefore, any actions performed in pursuance of the nuclear effort cannot be taken as something that is normal or ordinary.

The justification that these happen always or is not new is utterly callous, ridiculous and bogus. If it is not new and happens, then one should be all the more careful.

If the staff has links with the rebels or criminals, it is all the more important that all personnel be screened and the suspect, if they are so important to the project, should be under surveillance. That is the price for maintaining one's security.

Therefore, the justification that it happens and has happened before because their are chaps who are out to get the nuclear chaps or the nuclear chaps are disloyal etc are most pathetic. It is as good as selling the country because of the excuse "it happens"!!

There is no link of Taliban to this issue.

Recently after it becomes every easy to call anyone Taliban or blam anything on Taliban, some local criminals from Lakki Marwat in the recent past started robbries and kidnapping besides hijacking oil tankers and afterwards abondoning these called took advantage of the word Taliban.[/B]

There is no doubt about that since people are conveniently using these labels and flip flopping to suit the flavour of their posts and confusing all. I still marvel at the Afghans and Pakistani Taliban differentiation!

I wonder why the Pakistani Ambassador to Afghanistan was travelling through the badlands of both Pakistan and Afghanistan, when the normal course is by air! And he gets kidnapped, leading to many theories as to why! One wonders why he should ask for trouble, unless there is more to it than what meets the eye!
The nuclear asset of Pakistan is not something which is commonplace. It is a very important aspect for Pakistan's defence.
Therefore, any actions performed in pursuance of the nuclear effort cannot be taken as something that is normal or ordinary.

For your kind information the abducted technicians were not performing actions in pursuance of the nuclear effort rather, The workers from Pakistan's Atomic Energy Commission were on a mission to map mineral deposits.

The justification that these happen always or is not new is utterly callous, ridiculous and bogus. If it is not new and happens, then one should be all the more careful.
These are not at all Bogus i live here in NWFP and deals with all news from all the districts of NWFP specially Southern parts so i know the situation.

And i agree with you that care should be taken after such incidents in the past.

If the staff has links with the rebels or criminals, it is all the more important that all personnel be screened and the suspect, if they are so important to the project, should be under surveillance. That is the price for maintaining one's security.
Therefore, the justification that it happens and has happened before because their are chaps who are out to get the nuclear chaps or the nuclear chaps are disloyal etc are most pathetic. It is as good as selling the country because of the excuse "it happens"!!

Sir why on earth YOu DO NOT read carefully where did i say that the staff has links with rebels or criminals or the staff was disloyal ???????????????????????????????????????

I said the criminal gang often abduct people from rival tribe which is called Bhettani tribe and it was often happend that staff abducted was having links with bhettani tribe NOT The criminals.

There is no doubt about that since people are conveniently using these labels and flip flopping to suit the flavour of their posts and confusing all. I still marvel at the Afghans and Pakistani Taliban differentiation!

Sir we can not do anything about manufacturing fault in shape of confusion if someone has. ;)
God damn the media, it protays even the simplest news in something like all hell will gona break loose for the rest of the world if somethng is not done about pakistan's nuclear programe.
If the staff has links with the rebels or criminals
Usual Indian masala helps sell more news paper to local populace.
For your kind information the abducted technicians were not performing actions in pursuance of the nuclear effort rather, The workers from Pakistan's Atomic Energy Commission were on a mission to map mineral deposits.

Searching for minerals that sustain the nuclear assets is also an act towards the nuclear effort.

Further, dilploma holders are not the ones who go on missions to map or detect minerals. Geologist do. And they carry sensitive equipment.

These are not at all Bogus i live here in NWFP and deals with all news from all the districts of NWFP specially Southern parts so i know the situation.

And i agree with you that care should be taken after such incidents in the past.

The issue is that if a nuclear asset personnel is going into areas that are disturbed and there are elements inimical to the govt, it is all the more important that proper protection is given to personnel of any nationally sensitive organisation and not send them without the same.

Therefore, the failure to provide protection and their being captured is no excuse to wish away the gravity by stating it happens all the time!

Sir why on earth YOu DO NOT read carefully where did i say that the staff has links with rebels or criminals or the staff was disloyal ???????????????????????????????????????

I said the criminal gang often abduct people from rival tribe which is called Bhettani tribe and it was often happend that staff abducted was having links with bhettani tribe NOT The criminals.

Pot calling the kettle black?

Notwithstanding, at times you do leave things openended for ambiguous interpretation, and in this case, with by talking through the other side of the cheek!

I am sure the Bettanis, will also come a cropper, at a given time of your inconvenience.

Isn't the inter tribal rivalry around these badlands of Balochistan and NWFP a common happening?

Sir we can not do anything about manufacturing fault in shape of confusion if someone has. ;)

The creation of the confusion lies at your (generically used) doorstep!


The US is worried about Pakistan's nuclear assets. And the US is not the world.

I am sure they are as safe as safe can be!
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