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Pakistan needs more nukes?

Pakistan should continue making the bomb and upgrading this as well as the delivery system. Pakistan should look at her nuclear assets as assets of the Muslim world. Gradually these should be distributed to Muslim nations needing this. BD would be the first candidate.

LMAO build your own nukes, they ain't giving you any :laugh:
Since you are using politics (that suite your likings) for a military argument to prove the existence of an apartheid and illegitimate regime called Israel. The facto existance of israel is a temporary de facto...

I than repeat, and if you do not understand go further you studies on the subject.

The comparison of Israel( an extremely tiny country with an atheist majority) with Pakistan is farfetched;

Jews in ancient times had a few tribes on Arab lands (by the way these original Jews were Arabs converted to Judaism, like the first batch of Christians too), while Pakistan Has the original Indus valley civilisation populace along with Afghanistan and south eastern Iran.
(existentional facts not comparable).
To compare a western political implant in the middle east with original people of a land called Pakistan, is not sound, nor is the military depth of Israel and Pakistan. Let alone the whole situation of the middle east and the south Asian one.(legitimacy is not comparable)

So, go take a hike with your intellect and meditate on this before vomiting what your AIPAC tells you to tell.

My man, you've essentially ruined some main points I was trying to make and may be show our Jewish friends a few things he didn't know.

People like you are out of touch with reality and don't understand how the world works. Thus, why Pakistan and the muslim world is where it is today.

Israel's accepted by many of your ow brethren muslim countries...they've got ties internally with the rest of them. Jews are the biggest middle men and investor advisers to all arabs and maintain their money for them. They also run the financials in the world. They've also lived in Medina since the beginning of Islam. So here's my question to you, when the prophet who brought the religion let them live side by side with muslims, who the hell are you to rule otherwise or make comments such as jews were implants, etc, etc??? Did you even know that many sahabas worked for jews??? It is SAD how people claim to be muslims don't know what they are talking about sometime.

Here's the reality check, Jews run and own arabs in whatever shape they want to. Whatever the situation may be in 1940's when jews started to settle around Palestine, it is MUCH different now. Frankly speaking, Jews have just as much of a right to exist as anyone else. You can't turn back the clock. You can learn to adjust and live peacefully. That's what needs to happen. A coexisting society where arabs & jews can live side by side knowing that both of them can live and prosper in life!

There is and will always be animosity between different races and religions but not all jews hate muslims just like all muslims aren't talibans. I have a lot of friends that are jews and frankly speaking, they just want to normalize relations with the Islamic world. That doesn't mean they'll give up Israel back to Palestine. Similarly as if peace between India and Pakistan doesn't mean that one will leave Kashmir. Ground realities and the right to exist or coexist is a right given to everyone by God. No one can or should take that from another human being.

Did you know that after 911, there were a lot of issues faced by the muslim community in the US due to various immigration or just being muslim reasons. But it was the jewish community that actually provided a LOT of legal assistance to muslims? Muslims till DATE don't really have a strong setup. It's sad. Indians came decades after muslims to America and they run the second most potent lobby after the jews. The above post that I am responding to is an example as to how there is a lot of talk from muslims but no one walks the walk!!
Going forward, I am not going to waste time in responding to your posts. If you don't have the decency to tolerate or respect others for their differences....you shouldn't be on a diverse forum like this. If I was sitting in Israel reading your posts, all I'd understand is how arrogant and out of touch with reality you are. THAT's what's hurting the muslims the most. The perception of being intolerant of others. Sad part is, Islam is actually very tolerant for others. People like you've made a cocktail out of what's is supposed to be a moderate, simple and easy to follow religion!
Who is out of reality? did you reread your post before posting it?
Pakistan should continue making the bomb and upgrading this as well as the delivery system. Pakistan should look at her nuclear assets as assets of the Muslim world. Gradually these should be distributed to Muslim nations needing this. BD would be the first candidate.

Pakistan's main enemies are - India, Israel and the US. Religion and the hatred for Hindus and Jews is quite evident from the posts so Pakistan should one day have enough nukes to kill all Hindu's and Jews in the world. Pakistan being the only nuclear country should be able to supply nukes to any endangered Muslim country. Pakistan should one day lead the Muslim ummah and should one day conduct an invasion of India - Gazwa Hind and invade Israel - Gazwa Jew. Pakistan should possess enough nukes to distribute them to all Muslim countries. The Islamic countries along with China will one day take over all kaffir land and rule over the world. The 1000 year era of the Islamic forces on white horses with swords that emit light will one day return back to rule the world. The great forces of Islam will one day sweep clean the world of all kafirs.

There, I have summed up the wet dreams of many :D
yeah we need more nukes..sure . its okay if we don't produce locomotive. yes we should invest all the money in buying nukes. so that we can eat these weapons in adverse condition. its all right if we don't produce even a TV. yes i am really happy that
our military is getting everything. yeah sure we should get more nukes. wtf?? our railways is crippled . if we give them money other than buying nukes, than i guess it will help a lot of us.
Pakistan's main enemies are - India, Israel and the US. Religion and the hatred for Hindus and Jews is quite evident from the posts so Pakistan should one day have enough nukes to kill all Hindu's and Jews in the world. Pakistan being the only nuclear country should be able to supply nukes to any endangered Muslim country. Pakistan should one day lead the Muslim ummah and should one day conduct an invasion of India - Gazwa Hind and invade Israel - Gazwa Jew. Pakistan should possess enough nukes to distribute them to all Muslim countries. The Islamic countries along with China will one day take over all kaffir land and rule over the world. The 1000 year era of the Islamic forces on white horses with swords that emit light will one day return back to rule the world. The great forces of Islam will one day sweep clean the world of all kafirs.

There, I have summed up the wet dreams of many :D

1. The reality is not wet, but clear to see. Every child born in W Asia, C Asia and S Asia dream for the day when the green standard of Islam shall flutter from the ramparts of the Red Fort. That will deliver the Muslims from the atrocities and subjugation they face at the hands of Hindu Revivalism, Christian Incursion and Buddhist Extremism - depending on the location. All have one goal which they follow ruthlessly - the ethnic cleansing of the Muslims from SA.

2. Only when the green standard flies on the Lal Qilla will SA society be rid of cast-ism, superstitions, paganism and inhuman behavior against fellow humans. No other system or ism has worked here. Islam will again bring peace, prosperity and happiness in SA.
3. If anybody is having wet dreams it is those who think Hindustan will be another Al Andalusia.
1. The reality is not wet, but clear to see. Every child born in W Asia, C Asia and S Asia dream for the day when the green standard of Islam shall flutter from the ramparts of the Red Fort.

You mean every Muslim Child right?

That will deliver the Muslims from the atrocities and subjugation they face at the hands of Hindu Revivalism, Christian Incursion and Buddhist Extremism - depending on the location. All have one goal which they follow ruthlessly - the ethnic cleansing of the Muslims from SA.

:lol: yeah right, all fancy words to turn your misguided young into fanatics and terrorists - we know the modus operandi - hey look the Christians and the Hindus and the Buddhists and the Jews are killing our people our God asks you to rise up, take up arms, put on a suicide vest, blow up a car in a crowded market place, You will be the chosen one, U will go straight to heaven, and will enjoy the fruits of Jannat. You with your sacrifice will make the land pure again, cleansed from all the evil Hindus, Christians and Jews and Buddhists. We have killed millions of them in the past - how dare they hold a grudge against us. We are entitled to kill more of them.

2. Only when the green standard flies on the Lal Qilla will SA society be rid of cast-ism, superstitions, paganism and inhuman behavior against fellow humans. No other system or ism has worked here. Islam will again bring peace, prosperity and happiness in SA.
3. If anybody is having wet dreams it is those who think Hindustan will be another Al Andalusia.

May God give u strength to form an invasion party and may the invaders get early martyrdom and may they reach jannat in bulk.
So many pplz are educated but have no job so whats the use of more education man???........its useless to spend money on the useless education.......its better to raise sheeps and goats.....the inflation is skyrocketting and is no return from any education......:smokin:

Education always pays off.
It is the JOB of the government to create the job opportunities for the educated populace and not so educated people, It is an intellectual feat put on the shoulders of governments and able private citizens can help in achieving it.
First is the local production consumption to generate more capital, to do R&D on the products , innovate, find market niches and start exporting them.
At the same time exploration and exploitation of Pakistani natural resources (Japan and others who did well didn't even had it) to give it a general boost.
... It is the JOB of the government to create the job opportunities for the educated populace ...

Not really. Creating more jobs should be left to private enterprise with minimal government interference. This ensures that people are employed based on qualitification and criteria-matching rather than political affiliation. Look at the condition of government owned entities. They're in tatters simply because the government bacame obsessed with controlling everything.

Pakistan should continue making the bomb and upgrading this as well as the delivery system. Pakistan should look at her nuclear assets as assets of the Muslim world. Gradually these should be distributed to Muslim nations needing this. BD would be the first candidate.

We aren't going to give away nukes to anyone.

And what Muslim nations are we talking about? Half the Arab world has got the resources to build them on their own. They are just unwilling to face international sanctions.
And the GCC doesn't even have to worry about sanctions since they are oil exporting countries. They won't have to face the pressure we had to endure.
I said in cooperation with private institutions or individuals, not controlling the jobs that it should help create.
Pakistan's main enemies are - India, Israel and the US. Religion and the hatred for Hindus and Jews is quite evident from the posts so Pakistan should one day have enough nukes to kill all Hindu's and Jews in the world. Pakistan being the only nuclear country should be able to supply nukes to any endangered Muslim country. Pakistan should one day lead the Muslim ummah and should one day conduct an invasion of India - Gazwa Hind and invade Israel - Gazwa Jew. Pakistan should possess enough nukes to distribute them to all Muslim countries. The Islamic countries along with China will one day take over all kaffir land and rule over the world. The 1000 year era of the Islamic forces on white horses with swords that emit light will one day return back to rule the world. The great forces of Islam will one day sweep clean the world of all kafirs.

There, I have summed up the wet dreams of many :D

When you talk about practical dreamers, you will be the lady with whom they'll have a practical wet dream.
Education always pays off.
It is the JOB of the government to create the job opportunities for the educated populace and not so educated people, It is an intellectual feat put on the shoulders of governments and able private citizens can help in achieving it.
First is the local production consumption to generate more capital, to do R&D on the products , innovate, find market niches and start exporting them.
At the same time exploration and exploitation of Pakistani natural resources (Japan and others who did well didn't even had it) to give it a general boost.
How its paying off? pplz have double degrees, double MA's, Double MBA+MSc's, double engineering degrees, diploma's etc etc. they couldn't find no jobs.....I know so many pplz from COMSATs having MBA's for the last 3 to 4 years and have no jobs....what kind of fkkg education is this that after spending so much money U don't get nothing....This means our eduction is just the wastage of money and time of our young generations. I guess our eduction is not doing what it is suppose to do. It is not creating humans, the Universities are so many nowadays and selling pieces of Paper degrees like hot cakes......:D
The Universities are robbing the simple pplz/students of their hard earned money, they need to be shut down right away....:eek:
I guess we shold not get fooled to pay so much money for these rubbsih degrees.....The govt need to pay for our education otherwise they don't deserve to be in the govt.When the Govt is going to pay from its own pocket for the students then they will be serious about the job prospects of the young students otherwise not cuz now we paying for it....They are playing with the future of the young generations........:smokin:
It is very sad to see people with university degrees not able to find jobs suiting their education.
Some argue that it is because countries like Pakistan and others lack skilled workers, and too many people choose to go to Universities instead of technical schools.
Some speculate that it is because these countries are poor and they lack private investments, so jobs are scarce.
Others go further, and say it might be due to political activism on campuses and the control of it.
I personally think it is a combination of all this and more...

OT: Pakistan knows how many nukes it needs for deterrence and self defence.
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