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Pakistan needs more nukes?

Pakistan need ICBM with 12000 km range.

and why we need that?- to hit india on the missile's 5-6th flypast?-

More Nukes More money wasted....Instead of useful purpose & development...... More economic downturn ..more public resentment..more instability.....
When u want to kill someone..best way is to compel him & make himself commit suicide ..That is the best way to get away with murder......
Same thing that US did To USSR ....
Revenge is a Dish best served COLD ;)

There is a huge possibility that someone will shoot you first before shooting himself-
First use against nuclear weapons countries - this is unofficially of course, no official nuclear doctrine was published.

Why? You can cover most of India with a range of 2,000km.

So there's no clarity as to the purpose of possessing a specific number of nuclear arms, what or who is their threat perception, If the qty is more than a 10 then it is meant for offense rather than defense.
Hello everyone,

Just a general question: Why Pakistan develops more nuclear weapons?

According to most estimates it already possess more than 50 nuclear bombs which are more than enough to deter India from any military campaign. The proofs are India's restraint in the Kargil Crisis, in the 2002 tension after the terror attack against the Indian parliament house in New Delhi, after 26/11 terror attack in Mumbai, and in the crisis of 1990.

Developing more nuclear weapons requires building an expensive plutonium programme: nuclear powers, nuclear fuel fabrication facilities and of course plutonium processing facility. Furthermore, it requires developing long-range missiles in equivalence to a satellite/space programme and tactical nuclear weapons for use against India's conventional forces. Pakistan has no extra money to spend around and all these nuclear capabilities cost a lot of money. Some of the nuclear infrastructure could be used for producing electricity but clearly most of the nuclear programme is design to developing nuclear weapons.

Any ideas will be welcomed.

50 or even 100 nuclear bombs (of 50 kT yield which pak possesses) are not nearly enough for deterrence against India, from Pakistan's perspective.

This is because even 100 nuclear bombs will only cause marginal damage to india's cities. India would still have significant military capability as well as economic even after being nuked full scale by pakistan.

I personally think pakistan would be better off developing tactical nukes. 100 strategic nukes are technically enough as a deterrence. But more tactical nukes are needed to match india in battlefield.

So what? Pakistan will launch missiles on Europe and North America? I do not think you have any understanding about the issue.

Deterrence can work even from moon- as long as you have the payload delivery system- Enough Said-
This is off topic, but I hope you are wrong. Although the current regime in power in Islamabad is irresponsible and unreliable, unstable and impoverished Pakistan means bad news for India.

Off course a failed pakistan would be a grave danger to India....But there is nothing India can do to stop Pakistan from buliding up Nuclear Arsenal.... I just showed you the bright side of the happening ...
Believe me Nothing would make happier then to see a these two nation gt along peacefully ...None of brotherly stuff(that too far fetched) but a peaceful co existence...

50 or even 100 nuclear bombs (of 50 kT yield which pak possesses) are not nearly enough for deterrence against India, from Pakistan's perspective.

This is because even 100 nuclear bombs will only cause marginal damage to india's cities. India would still have significant military capability as well as economic even after being nuked full scale by pakistan.

I personally think pakistan would be better off developing tactical nukes. 100 strategic nukes are technically enough as a deterrence. But more tactical nukes are needed to match india in battlefield.

Then why Pakistan is developing long range missiles? 2,000km is enough to hit most significant targets in India.

How many nuclear bombs Pakistan needs to destroy India?
There is no and there never was any threat to Makkah and Madinah. KSA is a US ally.

Pakistan's nukes are against the US and Israel?

We can not reach US and Israel is of interest only in that you are assisting India
And KSA is helping Pakistan, so India is trying to attack it?

KSA bribe our leaders to act against our people. In fact we do not appreciate American/Israeli support of leaders that have no popular mandate but to keep our people caged and act against our interest.

But to be honest mate if there was not a nexus between Hindutva and Zionism that imo acts against us we have no interest in Israel.

We have made mistakes in the past by backing Arabs against Israel and I wish we had not. I am all for detente between Pakistan and Israel.

But back to your main point we do need nukes for Israel if Israel is acting in concert with India. Our nukes are Indian centric

I have found it easier to do business with Israeli people than Arabs.
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