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Pakistan military faces rare opposition over secret courts


Sep 20, 2013
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ISLAMABAD — After army hearings ordered the execution of more than 100 terrorism suspects in the past two years, some Pakistani politicians are pushing back against the opaque courts in a rare sign of backbone against the nation’s powerful military.

The courts were set up about a month after Pakistani Taliban massacred more than 100 schoolchildren in December 2014. The military’s closed-door proceedings have drawn ire from human rights organizations and admiration for swift rulings in a country where civilian courts are clogged. Investors have also noted Pakistan’s improved security since a militant crackdown.

However, Pakistan’s army chief Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa, appointed in November, is facing off with emboldened politicians in a bid to continue the secret courts. As their mandate expired earlier this month, the government has yet to commit to an extension and opposition politicians openly object to it. The tussle will likely increase strains between the two branches of power in the nuclear-armed nation, which the military has ruled for much of Pakistan’s history. The military also dominates foreign relations and controls large chunks of the economy.

“They are on a course of pushing their limits, testing the water,” said Ishtiaq Ahmed, vice chancellor at the University of Sargodha. “They know the new army chief needs time to assert himself.”

Businesses will also keenly watch for any effect on security in an economy that is growing by about 5 percent annually and has seen increased investment as attacks decline. Since 2014, fatalities in Pakistan from violence have dropped 66 percent to 2,610 last year, according to the Islamabad-based Center For Research and Security Studies.

“That’s why our number of visitors has increased substantially and so have activities,” said M. Abdul Aleem, chief executive officer of the Karachi-based Overseas Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which represents 195 foreign companies.

Foreign direct investment is also up 10 percent to $1.1 billion in the six months through December, according to the central bank. S&P Global Ratings Ltd. raised Pakistan’s credit rating in October in part on improved domestic security.

The military said earlier this month the courts have “yielded positive effects” and Gen. Bajwa’s predecessor, retired Gen. Raheel Sharif, told a panel at the World Economic Forum in Davos last week that they had stopped insurgents.

“Freedom of speech and other things like human rights and all, they are limitations and they are difficult to handle when you are dealing with hardcore terrorists,” said Gen. Raheel Sharif, no relation to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. “Hardcore terrorists who have been holding heads of two of my soldiers, one in each hand, and playing football with the third one.” There is a need to “create deterrents,” he said.

Yet the biggest opposition parties, including the Pakistan Peoples’ Party and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, have objected to their reinstatement. Officials from the ruling Pakistan Muslim League have said they won’t extend the army’s remit without a political consensus.

“Ideally the country cannot depend on this parallel mechanism,” said Shazia Atta Marri, a PPP member of the National Assembly. We “would like to see necessary reforms in the judicial system to ensure strengthening of the justice system, but the government has failed to show any effort in that regard.”

Once disposed in 1999 by a coup in an earlier stint in power, Nawaz Sharif will be hesitant to overtly cross the military as he plans for his re-election bid next year. It’s unclear what his party plans.

On Jan. 3, Attorney General Ashtar Ausaf said in an interview that Mr. Sharif is working to enable civil courts to take up terrorism trials after the mandate’s expiry. In an interview last week, PML Sen. Nehal Hashmi said the party did want the extension to go ahead to resolve the more than 100 pending cases and appeals. Only 12 hangings have gone ahead.

“The government does not appear to be very interested or they would not have raised the issue after expiry,” said Mazhar Abbas, a political analyst in Karachi.

If the military hearings are dropped, there are doubts about the readiness of the civilian courts in trying terrorism cases. The civil court backlog is a “serious problem” and the government is attempting to bring in new technology to speed up the legal process, Mr. Ausaf said.

There should be no sympathy for Terrorist , and MIlitary got this right 100%

I think if army captures somone fully armed with granades and machine gun or explosives , it is a done deal as far as Terrorism charges

I am not sure what has social rights or right to speech have to do with it

Military is capturing Terrorist with full arms, heavy weapons and deadly explosives

You know what thank you Pakistan Military for your wonderful work and please carry on with your effort

If some political party's own mafia members are being caught in the Web of defence forces, perhaps they need to properly get necessary licence and registration for any weapons and designate any person as member of personal security (Licenced)
If the pathetic criminal justice system and politicians did their job there would be no need for militery courts. These dam politicians are sympathetic towards militants.
Off course PPP wants to object it.
They are the cause of Pakistan's demise each time and they would like to see it fall.

They are pro-Iranians and Iran cant see a strong Pakistan.
What a surprise, our politicians defending criminals.
Judiciary in Pakistan has always been a question mark. If anyone remembers some big memorable decision on any case, please do share. Military courts had proved to be the only quick fix. People got speedy justice and terrorist faced gallows 'actually' for the first time in history Though we knew that the Mil Courts can't stay forever. Unfortunately as their time expired the terrorists took a sigh of relief along with the Government and opposition both. All have vested interests. They want a Judiciary which is By the Govt, For the Govt and Of the Govt. Judiciary fuels with money. The rich get justice and poor is guilty until proven innocent. Armed forces have a pledge to save our beloved country to the last drop of their blood and time has proven the Nation stands behind them, not the political mafia. I am not supporting a Martial Law but there must be some way?

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