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Pakistan may study other fighter options as US asks Pakistan to make full payment for F-16 purchase

Pakistan will get F-16s from elsewhere if funding not arranged

He's Talking about F-16's not any other jet read the title again sir.... i Know Pakistan is not a big Client but why Pakistan is keep going to US

Maybe I am just trying to read between the lines but I am sure that Sartaj Aziz is well aware of the requirement to get permission from US for sale of US military equipment to 3rd parties and that any such request will have to be routed through the US Congress.

Based on the above, I am assuming that Sartaj Aziz is actually threatening the US of finding some other supplier and thus dumping US military equipment altogether. The repercussions for such a move, for both countries, is enormous. In my opinion, dumping the US as a military supplier would be exponentially beneficial for Pakistan.

He is doing what is known as a " Thankless Job "
It is very difficult to Lobby in favour of Pakistan ; in the US

He has served your country for a long time ; have some respect

Even if you appoint A Young man in his place ; He CANNOT get these F 16s for you
Instated his statement shud have been that "We will get similar capability aircraft from any other country if Uncle Sam does not provide us F-16s as promised".

Just say these magic words and see how fast these aircraft are released as promised.
But your Uncle sam is providing you F 16....
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan will acquire F-16s from elsewhere if the United States (US) does not arrange funding for the sale, Sartaj Aziz, the prime minister's adviser on foreign affairs, cautioned the US as both countries lock horns over the purchase of the fighter jets.

Pakistan had earlier reached an understanding with the US for buying eight F-16 planes. Under the deal, Pakistan was required to pay about $270m from its national funds. The US was supposed to provide the rest from its Foreign Military Financing (FMF) fund.

But at a congressional hearing, US lawmakers last Wednesday made it clear that they would not allow the Obama administration to use US funds for the deal.

Last Friday, a State Department official told Dawn that Congress had placed a hold on the deal, forbidding the administration from using US funds for enabling Pakistan to buy the planes.

And on Monday afternoon, the department confirmed that Pakistan will have to use its own funds if it wants the planes.

The latest announcement practically kills the deal as Pakistan may find it difficult to buy the planes at two and a half times more than the agreed price.

Aziz said Pakistan valued the F-16s for their effectiveness, but said that they could be replaced by JF-17 Thunder jets in its anti-terrorism campaign.

The adviser also expressed concern over India's growing military power and said if it isn't checked, Pakistan will be "forced to increase its strategic power" too.

"The international community should avoid steps which may disturb the strategic balance in South Asia", Aziz warned.

Aziz reiterated the government's resistance towards handing Dr Shakeel Afridi over to American authorities.

"We have rejected American pressure on Pakistan regarding Afridi, who helped the US trace Osama bin Laden. For the US he is a hero but for Pakistan he is a criminal," he stated.

Afridi's case is under review by a tribunal, and he is also suspected of links with terrorist organisations, Aziz added.

The adviser also confirmed that an Afghan Taliban delegation from Doha is in Islamabad for explanatory contacts and such contacts are maintained by all members of the Quadrilateral Coordination Group which consists of the US, China, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Last week, the Afghan Taliban's spokesperson in Doha formally confirmed that a delegation from their political office in Qatar was visiting Pakistan and promised “fruitful results”, but rejected the impression that the group was there to discuss participation in peace talks with Kabul.



Thread title & even first two para of this news are different than what you have posted .... ??


link same as in your post: http://www.dawn.com/news/1256000/pa...here-if-funding-not-arranged-aziz-cautions-us
Actually, Pakistan will only be allowed to buy certain types of F-16s, with certain types of avionics, and only with certain types of weapons. Given the growing Indo-US cooperation, it's going to get more difficult for Pakistan to acquire US hardware even if they are paying for it.

Actually, that is true for India too - it will only be allowed to buy certain types of planes, with certain types of avionics, and only with certain types of weapons. Nothing new here for both Pakistan and India.
Aziz said Pakistan valued the F-16s for their effectiveness, but said that they could be replaced by JF-17 Thunder jets in its anti-terrorism campaign.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/pakistan...ranged-aziz-cautions-us.429123/#ixzz47ac4lheN

Aziz is contradicting himself, If F-16s can be replaced by Jf-17s , then why aren't they, afterall its an in-house production?

Or If Pakistan is so desperate for F-16s and F-16s only then why not shell out measly 700 million for them or is it PAF has only $ 270 million left in its kitty?

Isn't this begging bowl humiliating? Blowing hot and cold because another nation's tax payers refused to subsidize your purchase.

JF-17 can replace F-16 but after one year with JF-17 block III pakistan need planes with presentation guiding on a very difficult terrain with Targeting Pods which JF-17 does not have right now but it will
indians also considering S-400 we also have to start work to acquire these , J-11 local production with AESA from Thales or BAE can be good choice
Wait and watch, my Indian friends. We have a nasty habit of breaking your hearts.
I don't know why Pakistanis are so happy.

For a sovereign nation, another country is indirectly saying that we know you guys are poor but we won't foot your bills from now on. Give money and take the deliveries.

In all these, its us Indians who are getting our hearts broken, having a budget of 46 billion USD that Pakistan is struggling to pay 700 million USD for 8 ancient F-16s,..... yeah right. :-)
They still intend to purchase them from others. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever. We are blatantly on a collision course with the US. Why would we then want a fighter jet which is a product of the very same country? It is highly sanction prone platform and for many spare parts we depend on the US. Just ditch the fighter and concentrate on JF-17.
Actually, that is true for India too - it will only be allowed to buy certain types of planes, with certain types of avionics, and only with certain types of weapons. Nothing new here for both Pakistan and India.

Well IF we were to get F 16 ( But we are not going for them )
we have been promised the Best F 16 ever -- F 16 IN ( IN stands for India )

Read this Lockheed Martin's own website page for F 16 --IN Super viper

I don't know why Pakistanis are so happy.

For a sovereign nation, another country is indirectly saying that we know you guys are poor but we won't foot your bills from now on. Give money and take the deliveries.

In all these, its us Indians who are getting our hearts broken, having a budget of 46 billion USD that Pakistan is struggling to pay 700 million USD for 8 ancient F-16s,..... yeah right. :-)

Neither happy nor sad. It's business. Nothing personal.
Please get them and do us a huge favor. Tell your lobbyists to try harder. We will for once in our lives thank you.

We would have but France is giving a better deal in
Rafale Plus USA is hesitant to transfer Technology

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