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Pakistan ka matlab kya…who cares?

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Quite the idiotic statement. If you want to be a Hassan Nisar revisionist fan boy, then I have no objections. Zia might have been religious, but that in no way reflects that he was a fundamentalist. He didn't cheer lead Saudi Arabia. He used whatever options were available to him for the success of his nation. Unlike you democrazy supporters, that have elected leaders trying to sell the nation, his loyalty was to Pakistan. What escapes your simple minds is that if an organization such as the TTP existed during Zia's tenure, he would have buried them mercilessly.

Your convoluted thoughts are attributed to ignorance and riding the lib band wagon of bashing him. It's like a cult following.

Says the Zia fanboy. Perhaps you think like him.. no wait.. you do think like him. What success of the nation? extremism?
Your own thoughts betray your thinking of supporting dictatorship and extremism.

This is the last address after which the Great General was killed. Watch the video and decide yourself

Shows exactly what misled ideals he had. His Nizam-e-adl of where blasphemy laws are used for politcal purposes, and religion is used like toilet paper to wipe clean misdemeanour's is plain and clear.
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