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Featured Pakistan, Israel, Turkey flags marched together in Azerbaijan victory parade


Aug 19, 2014
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@TürkHizbullah @Turkreal @dani191 @Beny Karachun @Trango Towers @sammuel @Zarvan @Areesh
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no issue with Azerbaijan but some in Pakistan would have strong reactions...

like this...
add in Israel, India connection that'll turn off even the non-religious crowd who in the past may have asked for normalization
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Those who like israel as a Pakistani, I am not even sorry for what awaits you when you go six feet under. Ignorance is NOT the same as Innocence. And it is clear that those who call themselves Muslims and recognize israel .... you have no idea what you're messing with .... so don't be surprised when Malhamah breaks out and you find yourself staring down your own destruction. At that time you'd have no one else to blame but yourself. For when Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah punishment rains down, there shall be NO ESCAPE, NO EXCUSE, NO ONE TO PROTECT YOU .... you will feel the truth about fearing the punishment of Allah that day, but it will be too late for you then.

When you choose to live in ignorance, so shall you die in ignorance and what a terrifying death that shall be indeed

People who think recognizing Israel will somehow dramatically improve the growth and development of Pakistan, should wait and see what dramatic change for the better has come about for the UAE for recognising Israel.

There's that story of that guy who finds satan in the form of a person whilst on his way to do something for the sake of Allah. He ends up wrestling that man twice and both times satan in form of a man) loses. Realising he can't beat up the guy he tells him that the man would find gold under his pillow if only he were to return without doing what he was going to do. The man hesitantly agrees.

He finds gold a few times until it stops. The man sets out to do what he was going to do originally. Finds satan again and upon being asked says he intends to do what he came to do last time. He loses as he as his reasons for wanting to do that good deed were personal and not for the sake of Allah.

Recognizing Israel isn't a thing that can be undone with the same effect if it doesn't bring about the hoped change. It's a bullet that fired can't be unfired.

Let's see what quantitatively changes for UAE and once we can see the actual benefits maybe the ones propagating can point to them and make a case.

For now, I see nothing of significant benefit for Pakistan considering how the global political landscape has changed and continues to change. In addition to that, the problems of Pakistan are mostly to do with the internal weaknesses of Pakistan rather than outside forces. The 100 billion dollars plus in external debt amassed in the last decade and a half hasn't made the impact because we have a corrupt internal system. No amount of recognition of Israel would chabge that.


People who think recognizing Israel will somehow dramatically improve the growth and development of Pakistan, should wait and see what dramatic change for the better has come about for the UAE for recognising Israel.

There's that story of that guy who finds satan in the form of a person whilst on his way to do something for the sake of Allah. He ends up wrestling that man twice and both times satan in form of a man) loses. Realising he can't beat up the guy he tells him that the man would find gold under his pillow if only he were to return without doing what he was going to do. The man hesitantly agrees.

He finds gold a few times until it stops. The man sets out to do what he was going to do originally. Finds satan again and upon being asked says he intends to do what he came to do last time. He loses as he as his reasons for wanting to do that good deed were personal and not for the sake of Allah.

Recognizing Israel isn't a thing that can be undone with the same effect if it doesn't bring about the hoped change. It's a bullet that fired can't be unfired.

Let's see what quantitatively changes for UAE and once we can see the actual benefits maybe the ones propagating can point to them and make a case.

For now, I see nothing of significant benefit for Pakistan considering how the global political landscape has changed and continues to change. In addition to that, the problems of Pakistan are mostly to do with the internal weaknesses of Pakistan rather than outside forces. The 100 billion dollars plus in external debt amassed in the last decade and a half hasn't made the impact because we have a corrupt internal system. No amount of recognition of Israel would chabge that.
Azerbaijan is a secular country that has good relations with both Jewish State of Israel, Secular Turkey and Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Let them have their own foreign policy as a sovereign state. Nobody is forcing you to recognize Israel if both Turkey and Azerbaijan have very good relations with the Zionist State

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