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Pakistan is left with China as the only reliable military partner


Mar 21, 2007
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United States
Pakistan cannot afford to lose China as a friend

The recent upsurge in terror acts is blamed on the Operation Zarb-e-Azb, which, despite its shortcomings, the world has come to recognise as a step forward in the fight against terrorism.

Two weeks before the launch of Zarb-e-Azb, (on June 15, 2014), General Raheel Sharif paid a visit to China, holding meetings with political and military leadership of the new global power.

Since then, there has been a crisscross of meetings between US, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.

China has advised Pakistan to settle its disputes with India through talks. It has also exhorted ‘neighbours of Afghanistan’ to not meddle in its internal affairs. It has come out in support of the new government in Kabul and has signed economic cooperation agreements worth tens of billions of dollar with Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.

A new economy is emerging in the region, and China is a dominant player in it.

China and Pakistan have close cooperation in almost every sector of defense. According to SIPRI, during the five-year period 2009-13, Pakistan was the world’s third biggest importer of arms in the world (having a 5 per cent share in total international arms imports) and 54 per cent of Pakistan’s imports came from China.

Looking at it from the other side, China became the world’s fourth largest arms exporter during the same period and 47 per cent of its total exports were bought by Pakistan.

China has three main stakes in the region that are related to Pakistan.

One: it sees the militancy in Pakistan and Afghanistan as a source of unrest in its home province Xinjiang, and it has zero tolerance for religious extremism.

Islamic militancy in Pakistan and Afghanistan is a constant source of inspiration, if not support, for ethnic Uighurs of Xinjiang and a major irritant for Beijing.

Two: Xinjiang is important for China from more than one aspect. It has a fifth of that country’s oil reserves and its largest coal and natural gas reserves. It also serves as the distribution hub of the gas China imports from Central Asia.

Beijing has recently said it is investing $300 billion in the region and a good part of this is going in developing roads and railways that will link China with Europe and other regions. One important route shall pass through Pakistan and China wants its merchandise to flow on it, but is wary of religious extremism traveling back into its already troubled region.

Three: China has stakes in the region’s economy. It already has a $3.5 billion copper mining contract at Mes Aynak near Kabul. China's appetite for mineral resources is insatiable.

Besides that, many of the Chinese investments in other countries of the region can materialise or optimise if there are no cross-country hindrances. This provides “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kick-start the two redundant economies of Pakistan and Afghanistan.”

Pakistan’s western allies have been exhorting it to ‘do more’ in the war against terrorism with frustratingly limited success. The pressure to walk the last mile now may not be coming from the wily West but from ‘all-weather friend’ China.

Given the ‘unreliability’ of the US, Pakistan is trying to diversify. Its recent overtures to Russia are part of this effort but these are unlikely to yield anything substantial given the uncertainties faced by that country’s economy especially in the face of the current slump in oil prices.

So Pakistan is left with China as the only reliable military partner – and it certainly cannot afford to lose or annoy her.
The 'other' factors reshaping Pakistan's war on terror - Blogs - DAWN.COM
Not very true Russia is also coming as a reliable partner and in years to come this will be more clearer. So the title is wrong nor is what the author of report right up to the extend he tries to portray.
Not very true Russia is also coming as a reliable partner and in years to come this will be more clearer. So the title is wrong nor is what the author of report right up to the extend he tries to portray.

As far as Russia is concerned, everything has been on paper. Till now there are no military toys to show for it.

Ps: Russia is actually playing a clever game to make India notice. India is still Russia's biggest arms importer. Its just that we are now engaging more with Israel/ USA which is making the Russkies a tad annoyed....
Not very true Russia is also coming as a reliable partner and in years to come this will be more clearer. So the title is wrong nor is what the author of report right up to the extend he tries to portray.

Russia is hit hard on economy crisis. They will demand every arms deal or any cooperation based on non discount and hard cash transaction with Pakistan. China often offer partners with soft term like long and low interest loan or even barter trade.
Firstly, You can't really depend on friendship to get success in a war.
And secondly there is no friend or foe in the world.
If one country sees something in you, they will invest in you (china-pak relation), or if one country sees competition , they will try to stop you(india-china relation).

Firstly, You can't really depend on friendship to get success in a war.
And secondly there is no friend or foe in the world.
If one country sees something in you, they will invest in you (china-pak relation), or if one country sees competition , they will try to stop you(india-china relation).
Not very true Russia is also coming as a reliable partner and in years to come this will be more clearer. So the title is wrong nor is what the author of report right up to the extend he tries to portray.

We cannot compare years long, tried, tested and proven friendship with China and our new friendship with Russia which is still at papers with almost nothing to show.

Russians might be looking to tease India or are just looking for more export orders. China on the other hand, has helped us with a lot of military and other projects over the year.
A very thoughtful article. it depicts the volatility of the situation, however there's a reason why they're called the all weather friends. They have been through every thick and thin.the situation regarding the Uigars was much worse back in 2011-2012 and during various skirmishes and operation very positive results have been reaped. just like many other testing situations, this phase shall too pass,
Beijing just cant let go a partner that made her the 4th biggest arms importer.
just recently 2 contracts have been signed for the IT sector. despite all the relations still are booming and shall remain so.

Firstly, You can't really depend on friendship to get success in a war.
And secondly there is no friend or foe in the world.
If one country sees something in you, they will invest in you (china-pak relation), or if one country sees competition , they will try to stop you(india-china relation).

so why did little cuba send 100,000+ soldiers to angola in 1970's to fight against the capitalist imperialists... from ( Fidel Castro Reflections: A Prologue For Our Bolivian Friends )...
“In 1977, I left Namibia for Angola. I met Cuban internationalists for the first time in Cassinga. At that time, I knew little about Cuba and its people.

“As children, we were educated by the SWAPO leadership in exile, about why Cuban internationalists were in Angola. As children, this made us to think deeper.

The Cubans had volunteered to assist a nation in need. They were sacrificing their lives in order to save our lives and maintain peace in Angola. This greatly inspired us, coming from a colonised Namibia.

“While we were in Chibia, apartheid South African invaded Angola and mercilessly attacked Cassinga, killing many defenceless Namibians. We appreciated the care and bravery of the Cuban internationalist troops who came to our rescue.

why did ussr and prc together send million+ soldiers to help north korea in 1950-53... why did libyan jamahiriya support every revolutionary group, from nelson mandela'a anc in south africa to farc in south america... why does the palestinian pflp-gc fight alongside the syrian army in the syrian war... why does carlos ( the jackal ) be ever so proud of his decades of revolutionary direct action the western bloc...


there is something called pan-humanism which comes from the belief that all humans need to live with dignity and free, live as one humanity, and that comes from belief in socialism... any socialist society or activist will do their utmost to bring freedoms to other societies.

viva socialism.
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@jamahir have I said anywhere in my post that friends don't help?
I just said you can't depend on them.
Just a simple logic of life, like If you are marrying, although a friend will help you to manage your functions, ceremony etc but will you depend on your friend to get married? lol :rofl:
similarly a friend May help you but you can't depend on them in a war :p
Pakistan cannot afford to lose China as a friend

The recent upsurge in terror acts is blamed on the Operation Zarb-e-Azb, which, despite its shortcomings, the world has come to recognise as a step forward in the fight against terrorism.

Two weeks before the launch of Zarb-e-Azb, (on June 15, 2014), General Raheel Sharif paid a visit to China, holding meetings with political and military leadership of the new global power.

Since then, there has been a crisscross of meetings between US, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.

China has advised Pakistan to settle its disputes with India through talks. It has also exhorted ‘neighbours of Afghanistan’ to not meddle in its internal affairs. It has come out in support of the new government in Kabul and has signed economic cooperation agreements worth tens of billions of dollar with Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.

A new economy is emerging in the region, and China is a dominant player in it.

China and Pakistan have close cooperation in almost every sector of defense. According to SIPRI, during the five-year period 2009-13, Pakistan was the world’s third biggest importer of arms in the world (having a 5 per cent share in total international arms imports) and 54 per cent of Pakistan’s imports came from China.

Looking at it from the other side, China became the world’s fourth largest arms exporter during the same period and 47 per cent of its total exports were bought by Pakistan.

China has three main stakes in the region that are related to Pakistan.

One: it sees the militancy in Pakistan and Afghanistan as a source of unrest in its home province Xinjiang, and it has zero tolerance for religious extremism.

Islamic militancy in Pakistan and Afghanistan is a constant source of inspiration, if not support, for ethnic Uighurs of Xinjiang and a major irritant for Beijing.

Two: Xinjiang is important for China from more than one aspect. It has a fifth of that country’s oil reserves and its largest coal and natural gas reserves. It also serves as the distribution hub of the gas China imports from Central Asia.

Beijing has recently said it is investing $300 billion in the region and a good part of this is going in developing roads and railways that will link China with Europe and other regions. One important route shall pass through Pakistan and China wants its merchandise to flow on it, but is wary of religious extremism traveling back into its already troubled region.

Three: China has stakes in the region’s economy. It already has a $3.5 billion copper mining contract at Mes Aynak near Kabul. China's appetite for mineral resources is insatiable.

Besides that, many of the Chinese investments in other countries of the region can materialise or optimise if there are no cross-country hindrances. This provides “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kick-start the two redundant economies of Pakistan and Afghanistan.”

Pakistan’s western allies have been exhorting it to ‘do more’ in the war against terrorism with frustratingly limited success. The pressure to walk the last mile now may not be coming from the wily West but from ‘all-weather friend’ China.

Given the ‘unreliability’ of the US, Pakistan is trying to diversify. Its recent overtures to Russia are part of this effort but these are unlikely to yield anything substantial given the uncertainties faced by that country’s economy especially in the face of the current slump in oil prices.

So Pakistan is left with China as the only reliable military partner – and it certainly cannot afford to lose or annoy her.
The 'other' factors reshaping Pakistan's war on terror - Blogs - DAWN.COM
China needs to settle its issues with Muslims. Other wise if such news of China banning burqas closing mosques keep coming it would be hard for us to convince our people that China is a friend. As for military corporation we need to work more with China and Turkey in areas of defence and find new friends in Europe.
Pakistan also needs to enhance the indigenous manufacturing base. Defense projects with Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey, Ukraine should also continue concurrently with the acquisitions from US, China and Russia.
Pakistan also needs to enhance the indigenous manufacturing base. Defense projects with Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey, Ukraine should also continue concurrently with the acquisitions from US, China and Russia.
This is what I amsaying on this forum for long time and every second dumbo makes fun of me
Firstly, You can't really depend on friendship to get success in a war.
And secondly there is no friend or foe in the world.
If one country sees something in you, they will invest in you (china-pak relation), or if one country sees competition , they will try to stop you(india-china relation).

Firstly, You can't really depend on friendship to get success in a war.
And secondly there is no friend or foe in the world.
If one country sees something in you, they will invest in you (china-pak relation), or if one country sees competition , they will try to stop you(india-china relation).


Really----do you know of a country name Israel----!

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