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Pakistan-India talks “first step” towards rebuilding trust


Mar 31, 2009
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Saudi Arabia

NEW DELHI: India and Pakistan will “remain in touch” to build trust with each other, Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao said on Thursday, after talks with her Pakistani counterpart.

Rao said that the first official talks with Pakistan in 14 months had been a “first step” towards rebuilding trust between the nuclear-armed neighbours.

Rao did not say if there would be a next round of talks.

Earlier Rao shook hands with her Pakistani counterpart Salman Bashir at a former princely palace in the centre of the Indian capital.

“I welcome the foreign secretary of Pakistan Mr Salman Bashir to New Delhi this morning and I look forward to our talks,” Rao had told reporters.

Bashir said he looked forward “to a very good, constructive engagement”.

DAWN.COM | World | Pakistan-India talks ?first step? towards rebuilding trust
Wastage of TIME & MONEY.

why waste of time and money? pakistan and india must and need to talk to each other. rivalary between pakistan and india is not a joke. it is affecting india, pakistan and the whole region. if you dont want to talk then do you want war? do you think it is a good idea? if there is a war none of you will win and instead you'll both lose everything. are you 2 proud of your nukes? do you use it on each other? the subcontent is already hugely suffering from poverty and hunger and if there is war then people will die fron hunger as well as war. so lets learn from the europeans and stop all these mistrust. this can happen if we talk and talk to each other.

why waste of time and money?

Because some portion of a power establishment in Pakistan want to keep militancy as a foreign policy towards india till india not give up Kashmir.And india will never give up a single inch of it's land.
(Unfortunately majority of pakistanni socity is very Extremis with lot's of mis-conception as comparison to india)

pakistan and india must and need to talk to each other. rivalary between pakistan and india is not a joke. it is affecting india, pakistan and the whole region. if you dont want to talk then do you want war? do you think it is a good idea? if there is a war none of you will win and instead you'll both lose everything.
are you 2 proud of your nukes? do you use it on each other? the subcontent is already hugely suffering from poverty and hunger and if there is war then people will die fron hunger as well as war.

We never proud of our nukes ,we have a no first use policy.
We understand this very well and we always want to remove this hates and want peace and prosperity with our most important neighbor(Or you can say a younger brother) in the region(It will help us to be a major power of a world) .We always take initiative but our past experience is not good and with this attitude i don't think that it will be anything different from the previous one.

so lets learn from the europeans and stop all these mistrust. this can happen if we talk and talk to each other.

I have seen on internet more indian than Pakistani that talk about peace and friendship with Pakistan.

@EU: any attempt here which suggest EU style friendship between these 2 country(My biggest childhood dream) will be consider an evil indian dream to again takeover pakistan and will further attract flame insult from both side of the border nothing else.
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India NEVER EVER wnated to have a peace full dialogue with Pakistan.

Why. . . . . ?

Because this is not into their favour at all to have good relation with Pakistan.

Now what happened today after Pak deli cation went to India for dialogue, then you got a very poor result of this talk.

Indian says only 1 thing again and again:
Mumbai Attack, Mumbai Attack, Mumbai Attack

They got Mumbai Attack only once, and Pakistan had it more than 100 times.

Not a single words about what happening in Pakistan since year 2000 til today!

Who care. . . . . . for Pakistan or Pakistan?

No one!


Because its 1st ever Islamic Nu-Clear Power in the world that is a biggest problem for especially for India, US, UK & Israel.

Many 1000`s people has been killed in Pakistan for last many year during Bomb Blasts & Suicide Attacks.

Nobody wants to say to those RIP "Rest In Peace"

3 Pakistani Sikhs were killed in Peshawar, Pakistan and what I saw on Indian channels was a like "Horror Movie" for me against Pakistan. They shown so aggression and hate against Pakistan for all that even they are fully aware by that they were Pakistani and its Pakistan`s own matter.

More than 3000 Innocent Muslim were burened allive in Indian State Gujurat just because of Order from Gujurat CM Nirander Modhi.
In Orrisa many Christian were killed by Hindu Extrimists . But as usual everybody keep quite over it.

In Kashmir more than 100.000 Innocent Muslim were killed under investigation.
But those 1000`s Innocent people in Pakistan has been killed since Bomb Blast & Suicide Attacks "ALL KEEP QUITE"

I were banned at many different International Forums, just because that I tried to support Pakistan. Huge Indian Lobby there around me and they get me banned. Indian saying there too much ugly, bad words against Muslims & Pakistan and no ban to them:devil:


To the smaller neighbours definitely yes. You can see that many behave like masters, not guests, in this Pakistani forum.
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NEW DELHI: India and Pakistan emerged on Thursday from their first official talks since the Mumbai attacks with a vague promise to keep in contact but no progress on their core disputes.

Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao and her Pakistani counterpart Salman Bashir met for three hours in New Delhi for talks seen as vital for regional stability and a key part of US war strategy in Afghanistan.

Rao described the meeting as “a first step towards rebuilding trust,” while Bashir said he was grateful for the occasion but expressed disappointment at India’s narrow focus on the need to combat insurgents in Pakistan.

“We have agreed to remain in touch,” Rao added, without offering any detail on where or when another meeting would take place.Mr Bashir complained that India’s focus on the Mumbai attacks was ‘unfair’ given Pakistan’s efforts to fight militancy and its own struggle against the Taliban and militants.

“We have suffered many, many hundreds of Mumbai’s. We have lost a great number of civilians,” Bashir said, before adding: “Pakistan does not believe that India should lecture us and demand Pakistan does this or that.

“That is not how inter-state relations are conducted.”

Rao rebuffed Pakistan’s request to resume a fully-fledged peace process, called the Composite Dialogue, which began in 2004 and seeks to resolve all outstanding issues between the rivals.

Bashir said that the gap between Pakistan and India was widening and he had not seen any substantial progress in his talks earlier in the day with his Indian counterpart.

Talking to the Pakistani media representatives at the Pakistan High Commission in the evening, he said: “Pakistan has given some suggestions and India has also submitted proposals during the meeting but I told them that Pakistan wants result-oriented and meaningful dialogue. There is no need of secretary-level talks if India remains stuck to its stand on outstanding issues.”

He said India’s attitude was untenable as it was sticking to its stand on issues including that of terrorism while Pakistan’s position was that this issue should not be allowed to hold talk’s hostage.

When asked whether there was a deadlock in talks, Bashir said he would not opt to use this word. “I cannot say whether these talks were successful or unsuccessful. Pakistan wants good neighbourly relationship with India and wants to engage New Delhi for meaningful and result-oriented talks.”

In reply to a question about the water issue, he said Pakistan had handed some documents to the Indian side and expressed the hope that India would consider them to resolve this issue under the Indus Basin Water Treaty.

He said Pakistan had informed the Indian side about the violation of Indus Basin Water Treaty, storage of water, India’s plan to build more dams, the Kishanganga hydel project, pollution in sources of water and glacier melting.

“Water is a very important issue for us and Pakistan wants constructive engagement with India.”

Bashir said he sought greater cooperation, including intelligence sharing, to effectively deal with terrorism.

Pakistan, he said, had taken up steps against suspects of Mumbai attacks and it would also look into three dossiers handed over by India containing names of some wanted persons.

He said Composite Dialogue process had made achievements, including that of cross-LoC trade and movement of Kashmiris, adding he told the Indian side that Kashmiris should be included in any future talks on Kashmir and this issue should be resolved for the sake of peace in nuclearised South Asia.

The foreign secretary said he also raised the Kashmir issue during his meeting with Indian National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon, adding that both countries were close to resolution of the Siachen and Sir Creek issues.

Answering a question about India’s reported involvement in fomenting trouble in Balochistan, Bashir said Pakistan had documentary proofs, including photographs, to this effect.

To a question, he said (Jamaatud Dawa leader) Hafiz Saeed did not speak for Pakistan and that Pakistan had taken legal and administrative measures to counter terrorism.
DAWN.COM | World | India focus on Mumbai 'unfair': Salman Bashir
A first step all right.

It remains to be seen in which direction.
I dont see how some lonely talk between two Foreign Secretaries will help build something that is based on mistrust to begin with. So we shouldnt get carried away as was seen by the attitude of many in Pakistan. Its a complete waste of time and resources imo.
for last 63 years building and rebuilding is going on,but we didn't see anything constructive,so simply no use with this talks...wastage of time
Cynicism In Both India And Pakistan After Talks

Commentators in both India and Pakistan greeted on Friday the first official talks between their countries since the 2008 Mumbai attacks with a degree of cynicism even though no breakthrough had been expected.

The two nations' top diplomats met in a former princely palace in a heavily guarded New Delhi neighbourhood on Thursday and agreed to "remain in touch" to build trust.

But India, intent on keeping the focus on Pakistani efforts to tackle Islamist militants who allegedly attack into India, ruled out a resumption of a broad "composite dialogue" on all issues, including their decades old dispute over the Kashmir region.

India's Hindustan Times newspaper carried a headline reading: "India, Pak dialogue: new round, old story". Pakistan's Nation newspaper said: "Meaningless talks end in meaningless way".

Neither diplomat said if there would be another round of talks though their prime ministers have an opportunity to meet at a regional summit in Bhutan in April.

Expectations had been modest.

India broke off a tentative four-year-old peace process after the Mumbai attacks, saying dialogue could resume only if Pakistan acted against militants on its soil.

India blamed the attacks, which killed 166 people, on Pakistan-based militants.

Pakistan, facing its own surge of Islamist violence, says it has taken steps to fight the militants. Talks with India should not be held hostage to "non-state actors" but should be resumed on all outstanding problems, it says.

"It was a bit disappointing that they couldn't make much headway," said former Pakistani foreign minister Khursheed Mehmood Kasuri.

"But on the other hand, that they decided to break the log-jam after a gap of about 15 months is a bit of progress and I hope the two prime ministers would meet in Bhutan."

Siddharth Varadarajan, strategic affairs editor at India's Hindu newspaper, said in a commentary that the talks had served their purpose of opening a path for a new process of engagement.

"When Mr Bashir told reporters the meeting was neither a success nor a failure, he was stating the obvious," Varadarajan said, referring to Pakistani foreign secretary Salman Bashir.

"'Success' for the Indians would have meant having their concerns on terrorism fully addressed, while for the Pakistanis it would have meant resumption of the composite dialogue."

The United States wants to see ties improve between the nuclear-armed neighbours, who have fought three wars since 1947, so Pakistan can focus on fighting militants on its Afghan border.

U.S. State Department spokesman Philip Crowley said in Washington the two countries had taken "a courageous step to open the door to dialogue" and he hoped it would be built on.

Re-engaging Pakistan was a politically fraught move for India, given strong public opinion against talks, but a nudge from Washington and dwindling diplomatic options saw India reaching out.

Pakistan's civilian government also has domestic critics watching for any signs of weakness in the face of perceived Indian intransigence.

"For Pakistan, it would be difficult for any government to accept an arrangement in which you put yourself on a uni-focal leash set by India," said former Pakistani foreign secretary Shamshad Ahmed Khan.

The conservative Nation newspaper said Pakistan should refuse any offer of more talks unless they cover the real conflicts, especially the "core issue" of Kashmir.

Khan said Pakistan should not fret.

"Pakistan shouldn't be losing any sleep if India is not ready for dialogue," he said. "Let India make up its mind, and whenever it is ready, Pakistan should remain always open for dialogue."
Patience. First meetings of "rebuild trust" talks are usually just posturing.

On the other hand, I don't like the fact that another round of talks isn't scheduled. It's like neither of the two ministers are interested and they're just going through the motions.

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