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Pakistan Inadvertantly Admits That Its First Strike Capability Is Neutered:--

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Here is my view

1 Single Soldier name RAMBO will infiltrate Indian launching facility and sabotage the button to launch

And US helicopters will rescue the guy at sea

The End

I like this ending better


Code name Mastan
Well Indians have T-900 tetminators.... Also Rambo is a Hindu Baniya.... Rambo Yadav...
This is called making minds of Pakistanis on accepting the false fact that nuclear capability is useless to have and the only solution is conventional strength. This is the agenda of current government as well that is hell bent on coercing Pakistan to handover it's nuclear warheads to UN in return of write-off of certain loans. Issuing high interest bearing bonds and increase in external debt everyday (despite the fact that oil prices are at lowest level of past decade and Pakistan saving much of its reserves by not decreasing the prices of oil products) is one of the many clues that lead us to think why we are taking loans when we don't need them, that too with high interest rates.

We Pakistanis will start reading these kind of statements soon by our beloved politicians in Government.

Thank you democracy, you are making us proud.


Welcome to the forum----it gets exciting at times----but if it was not---who would want to visit the place.

The security of your nukes depends on your conventional strength---. The more conventional strength you have---the more your nuc threat will go into the background---jut like israel---.

The world did not care about your nucs---till you morons started threatening to use them every other day---okay---. Now that you have gotten the attention of all the world focused on you---you guys are getting deeper into the muck.

You guys think that nucs are like toys and you can lob one here and lob one over there and then everything else would be hunky dory---it don't work that way.

And why don't your politicians want to tell you that---because they will be exposed when you would ask them where are the funds to buy the conventional weapons.
OK, OP and a few Pakistani members on this thread, you destroy say Mumbai and Delhi. But would you live to see (if you are inside Pakistan) what happened to Pakistan?

BTW, why always thinking of destruction? Can't you think anything constructive? Is Complete destruction of Pakistan is worth of Kashmir/annihilating Hindus?
Oppurtunits---anarchist see the moment and want to ride the wave---a fire here a fire there---traffic jams---gas tanker lit on fire on a bridge---or a tunnel---water main breaks---slowly the city is coming to a stop in a massive traffic jam---a massive panic starts to spread and then things go totally out of control---looting and plunder---rape and mayhem----fires---electricty outages---phone outages---and things like that---name a crime that can be committed will be starting to commit worldwide in cities large and small.

But---if you can shutdown the internet and media just from the gitgo---there maybe a chance to salvage the chaos.

That what I am saying---pakistan is making these nuc threats and taking it too lightly---even though it is stating that it will do it on its own soil if the indian military breaks thru.

See----what amazes me is that the pakistanis are so bought into the nuc drama that they are BLIND to looking seriously into other options---and that is the most scary part.

Man MK, this shiit above is crazy to say the least. I never thought anyone could shut me up. But I honestly don't know how the hell to respond to your Tom Clancy fiction above. You should write books!!

But I agree with your idea. No one likes blackmailing. SPECIALLY not the nuk one. The world simply doesn't have room for it. Now the real wars will happen on economies, business, price, trading, etc. Not weapons. I think Pakistanis and Pakistan need to grasp that concept quickly.

On the threat, you are right, every other poster on here says crap like it. I just wrote a post asking someone to watch what they say as that reflects bad on their country. But I don't know what it is......is it the arrogance or the stupidity or both. When you give an example of India, like how those guys play like a team and don't write too much negative stuff about their country online, irrespective of how many issues they may have internally........even then it doesn't matter. These crazy heads don't listen. So I agree, Pakistan's half the problem is its people who for whatever reason, can't stop showing the bad side of the country!!!!! And threatening anyone at that level obviously isn't even civil at this point in the human history.
Hopefully, all these programs in Pakistan can complete and millions of new jobs can open up. May be these crazy heads will get a job and will actually get busy :o:o_O :angel:
Dear Sir I have great respect for you but kindly quote me one source where Pakistani official admits that Indian ABM is operational and take out first strike capability of Pakistan, in fact in that sense any strike capability.
My cousin is suffering from constipation and spend lot of time in washroom, while struggling with his condition in washroom he often coined strange things which doesn't have any substance at all, after some time while discussing his out of the world thinking I advised him to use ISBHGHOOL KA CHILKA with yogurt, believe me this totka works very well now he is quite normal.
how would India and the U.S intercept dozens of these.

I think you are overestimating anti missile defense systems.

Wow! :woot: What a chest thumping graphic! The system looks more potent than the American Star Wars program! :rofl:

Click on my screen name---and you will have the info.

Ok then, why do you talk like an amateur? I have seen Pakistani people who are settled in US mostly give negative comments against Pak forces & its capabilities
I side with the OP.

Its a forum for discussion and kept alive through expressing views at the the content posted.

Dont like the thread, walk away, stop pointing fingers at the OP.

If the Moderators dont have a problem, then nobody else should also.
Dear Sir I have great respect for you but kindly quote me one source where Pakistani official admits that Indian ABM is operational and take out first strike capability of Pakistan, in fact in that sense any strike capability.
My cousin is suffering from constipation and spend lot of time in washroom, while struggling with his condition in washroom he often coined strange things which doesn't have any substance at all, after some time while discussing his out of the world thinking I advised him to use ISBHGHOOL KA CHILKA with yogurt, believe me this totka works very well now he is quite normal.


I never had issue with that---sometimes the hemmorhoids hurt real bad---but in the last few days---they have been doing wonderful as well---.

There is a better cure for your cousin---ask him to eat a 4 or 5 dried anjeer / figs daily----make the system do wonderful things.

I never said about pakistani officials quoting about indian ABM's---I am saying that---and I am also saying that the U S will interfere as much as it can to take them out for both the sides that are within the range of its aegis frigate close to the coastline.

Ok then, why do you talk like an amateur? I have seen Pakistani people who are settled in US mostly give negative comments against Pak forces & its capabilities


Put a little detail in your post---so that I can understand it better.
@MastanKhan Good scenario.............................. competent minds and planners always tend to think worst worst case and plan solutions for it. Anyhow in my opinion nuclear war is most probably never happening, not because sub continent people and leaders are very sensible but because the rest of the world cannot afford it. So only options left for Pakistan and India are either meaningful dialogue and peaceful solutions to their problems....................... which will never happen, or the conventional superiority (which you referred to) where India with its size and population will always outmatch Pakistan considerably........... but still chances of full conventional war are very limited, baniya is not that foolish unless the akhand baharat dream is still there somewhere. This leaves us with proxy war..................... where Pakistan has failed miserably, so in my opinion better if Pakistan starts working in this area as well and learn something from the baniya how it's done without world pointing fingers at you.
Mastan has some weird fantasies, I think he must be kinky as hell, someone should ask his girlfriend/wife.
Any future Pak-India war will be based on kashmir. With Nukes or without nukes, its still impossible to take kashmir conventionally for PA. However Pakistan can defend its side of Kashmir.
Its difficult to take Kashmir because:
1. The population of Kashmir is not tilted towards Pakistan to think of it as its saviour. It was a rude shock in 1965, Op Gibraltar.

2. Conventionally, PA would need to break into and take pathankot (6th armoured Div, 17th infantry Div, 37 Infantry Div) and keep the IA engaged there, till PA Mountain forces (FNCA, 12th infantry Div) from North make inroads towards Kargil, Dras and Leh while the others (19th Infantry Div(Mangla), 23 Infantry Div(jhelum) reinforced by 7th Infantry Div and 9th infantry Div from Peshawar) take on Anantnag,Srinagar and Jammu. This is an inadequate force of 6 Mountain and Infantry divisions which would be facing 7 Mountain and Infantry divisions of IA. The equation is good for pakistan from defensive pov. For an offensive force, 3:1 superiority is required.

Even if Pakistan can field 21 divisions to IA 7 divs, a very fast approach for capture of Kashmir would be required. By-passing strong points of defense by a massive heliborne force(prone to lots of losses), landing in weak spots throughout IOK and exploiting them to keep the IA engaged while the advancing force faces resistance on the borders only.

Any delay will cause International intervention and all the sacrifices will be in vain.

3. Instead of moving USN AEGIS systems in the sea for an India-Pakistan war, USA will start diplomatic ways and means to end this war within days. First will be embargo followed by sanctions for use of nukes. USA will make sure that the war ends before nukes are used ( 7-10 days war).

Pakistan Armed Forces objective is not nuking Mumbai, its objective is taking kashmir. This matter should be handled through dialogue, not war.

I personally wish there are no more wars between Pakistan-India. Wars cause deaths and damages to both sides. It takes a country backwards by many years. Its a logistical and medical strain.
Nuke war is more destructive and unforgiving. It destroys man kind in the worst way possible.

The generals whom you are cursing have seen all forms of Armed Forces Services, Operational area and Administration. They have a far better perception of enemy threat than you and are far capable of leading a force or this nation than you. Show some respect.

Pakistan Army should not be made a mercenary Army. Its a professional Army, it fights on orders and for Homeland, not for money. The Arabs can keep their money and spare lives of Pakistan soldiers.

Oil is enough to keep country going through sanctions, in an event of war.
PAF is a good defensive force with offensive capability. If nuke missiles can be intercepted, then so can aircrafts be. There is no guarantee that F-15S or F-16 Block 60 will get through and make it back.

Gawadar is envisioned as an economic hub, not a military base to scare away potential investors and international trading.

Thats is just a wishlist, those numbers suit Russia or China, not Pakistan

For the size of country, PAF has enough aircrafts already to be an offensive and defensive force. PAF knows how, when ,where to use its aircrafts. It knows strengths and weaknesses of own and enemy aircrafts. The strategies and tactics are constantly evolving and new doctrines being followed.

Even 6 Frigates are more than enough for the coastline that PN is defending, and all the forces will be deployed towards east, unlike India which has a huge coastline to defend.

Army has cut down its troops. Your plan is inducting another 300,000 active troops.
Lighter forces are being formed and equipped to fight the new type of warfare Aka WOT.

10 divisons of armour and artillery? what are you planning to do with extra 2500 tanks, 4000 APC, 1500 SP Guns, 1500 AD SP and thousands and thousand of logistical trucks and other vehicles and troops to support them?

Nuke is a deterrent and a very effective one. if things turn ugly, this remains a threat but i hope its never used.

Please, lets not even talk about destruction of cities. There are millions of innocents living in these cities.
India and Pakistan both know this and there are some cool heads at important designations in both nations which is why both are not at war at this time.
Agree with most except Air force and also need Navy Air defense system, some tanks and helis
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