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Pakistan has ICBM Technology Defence Production Minister

why horus ? an ancient Egyptian god, the eye of Horus worshipped by the zionists too...
now just like the way you are insulting the minister (I am not taking his side),
you could also be pointed out for your nick name "Horus"... are you a freemason ? a zionist agent ? and what not....

Lets watch 'Arrivals' in HD?

@Bilal. Can i get some popcorns bro?
He should totally keep his mouth shut. Those who should know, already do. I think this minister is getting influanced by our Indian friends. He is going around and talking way too much.

I believe who talks seldom knows any thing and those who knows never talks!
why horus ? an ancient Egyptian god, the eye of Horus worshipped by the zionists too...
now just like the way you are insulting the minister (I am not taking his side),
you could also be pointed out for your nick name "Horus"... are you a freemason ? a zionist agent ? and what not....

At this point there are no confirmed reports on what Horus say.. some say that he is the twefth descendant of a tribe of the Medjai who ran from the armies of Anubis when Imohtep was on a rampage in Egypt and settled here.

Others say he may just be a human shaped Kofta..

To this day.. we dont know.
why horus ? an ancient Egyptian god, the eye of Horus worshipped by the zionists too...
now just like the way you are insulting the minister (I am not taking his side),
you could also be pointed out for your nick name "Horus"... are you a freemason ? a zionist agent ? and what not....

who knows........ :whistle:

this site is sponsored by CIA and Centcom keep close watch on all of us .... and before to post Horus is required to take approval from Mossad .... I tell u its secret not to share it with anyone else ..... ;)
Yes didn't you know? This forum is run by Illuminatis of Pakistani origin and our sole agenda is to turn Pakistan into our private slavedom... And yes... some of our members make it a point to be obvious freemason agents by naming themselves Horus and so forth...

Since Mother Russia and Pakistan are busy indulging in bromance, Russian mafia wants to partner with MQM/Sindhi Waderas/Punjabi Chaudharis/Balochi Sardars/ Pashtun Warlords and sees fit to take control of this board and trick/influence people into thinking we come in peace and just want to access warm waters of Karachi/Gawadar. Hence, there is behind the scenes war happening b/w free masons and bratva :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
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Should it come as a suprise even if you did ...its not that you guys have a dearth of decent scientist or the tech knowhow.
But just pondering what your minister wanted to convey..if it is true its aimed mainly at the domestic market to instill confidence. The world *might* take a very negative view of you guys dropping bombs half a world away :P
And it takes nothing from India!?
Some things should not be said in public and this is stupidity. I wonder why this was said and who told him to say it because I do not see ministers being privy to knowledge like this, at least I hope they are not.
He should totally keep his mouth shut. Those who should know, already do. I think this minister is getting influanced by our Indian friends. He is going around and talking way too much.
Don't tell me you actually believe that Pakistan has the technology
But ur comments are enuff to delude a lot of members......

My comments were quite clear. MDP needs to refrain from making silly comments. If we have ICBM tech or not is completely irrelevant to our current geopolitical narrative. We need to maintain ambiguity over issues like this to avoid unwanted attention from other regional powers.
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