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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

The problem is that the diplomatic moves aren’t mirroring the PAF wishes. The state department really is pushing Pakistan out and the attempts to make them jealous by PDA with China isn’t working.
Any threat the Russians posed is being mowed down in Ukraine so now its going to be all about China. In that environment the only way Pakistan get the same attention is if the current government (and its policies) are displaced via regime change.

Yes a V upgrade would be great and the PAF will likely stock up on extra spares as it has done for the current crop. Without a HOBs and the AIM-120D though it would be a handicapped asset and it is unlikely those will be approved throughout the chain be it from the state or legislature.
The real question is our worth to the US establishment. I suspect currently we seem not to carry any traction with them at all. Even our help in evacuafion from Afghanistan seems to have been shrugged away as something we HAD TO DO, rather than a favour we have done to them. I dont know whether the Pak side extracted some advantage out of it or not( if not I strongly feel they should have done so). The US believes in transactional arrangements and not favours and it is time our establishment realizes that.
They are courting India ignoring Pakistan. Even Indian refusal to take a stance against Russia seems outwardly not to have dampened the love Affair. Unless the US requires a strategic leverage from us, it seems unlikely their policies will change. Even Pakistan's effort at coaxing a more moderate policy out of the US state department seems to have not gone any where. Gen Bajwa did visit the US but the outcome was totally blanked out both by the US and Pak. It seems the latest assessment of the Pakistani side is we are not going to get anywhere in the US calculus.
My thoughts totally so feel free to present a counter.
The real question is our worth to the US establishment. I suspect currently we seem not to carry any traction with them at all. They are courting India ignoring Pakistan. Even Indian refusal to take a stance against Russia seems outwardly not to have dampened the love Affair. Unless the US requires a strategic leverage from us, it seems unlikely their policies will change. Even Pakistan's effort at coaxing a more moderate policy out of the US state department seems to have not gone any where. Gen Bajwa did visit the US but the outcome was totally blanked out both by the US and Pak. It seems the latest assessment of the Pakistani side is we are not going to get anywhere in the US calculus.
My thoughts totally so feel free to present a counter.
You are correct - Pakistan is yesterday’s story to this administration and also the state. Even the military to military ties aren’t moving into DC with a very anti-Pakistan sentiment fully lobbied into by the Indians within the legislative branch.

Whether it wasn’t before, Pakistan is being seen by a larger majority of senators and congressmen as an enemy state. Just because they are focused on Ukraine, party feuds or China doesn’t mean it isn’t brewing. India has won the information war on US soil against Pakistan completely
You are correct - Pakistan is yesterday’s story to this administration and also the state. Even the military to military ties aren’t moving into DC with a very anti-Pakistan sentiment fully lobbied into by the Indians within the legislative branch.

Whether it wasn’t before, Pakistan is being seen by a larger majority of senators and congressmen as an enemy state. Just because they are focused on Ukraine, party feuds or China doesn’t mean it isn’t brewing. India has won the information war on US soil against Pakistan completely
I think there is more of an internal deep state assessment of the direction the US wants to take than just Indian influence although the raised skirt of the golden promise of trade and investment opportunities which the huge market offers may have swayed the decision making. The powers that be want to scale the ramparts and pillage the bird that once laid golden eggs again, but now appears to have a limitless supply 9f gutter rats willing to slave away to their master's tune for a few scraps. The Pakistani squirrel( for fear of reprisals, although scavangers none the less) seems too dazed by the dazzling lights of adversity to want to do anything.
The rupture of the US's long held partnership with the shuyoukh of the middle East despite their roling in front of the Israelis and acceeding to every just/ unjust demand of the US points towards a different direction in which the muslim world no longer plays any role. Their treatment of the UAE despite initially agreeing to sell them F35s suggests a whole paradigm shift in which muslims of all and any denomination have bèen parked into the opposite camp. The Mid east policy may have been subtly pointing to this for many decades but now the bias is blatant. Whether this is the clutching at straws of a dying empire or a paradigm shift remains to be seen. The US seems hell bent on using force to exert its influence knowing well they do not have the clout they used to have 1-2 decades ago. This will lead to more strife and economic instability possibly leading to collapse of the financial world as we know it today. Even though it seems unlikely at the moment the signs are very much there.
Recsnt changes in Pakistan also seem to be related to the same picture as instalment of a pliant more corrupt, and therefore manageable leadership will not only weaken the state financially but policy wise as well it will make Pakistan more susceptable to outside pressure. Our weak financial condition and an economy on respirator has not helped the matter.
What the Pak deep state wants to do remains to be seen. Whether Bajwa saheb has more of an appetite than seems the case remains to be seen . What is obvious is that on the one side we have the relatively honest but totally incompetent vs totally dishonest and corrupt setup hell bent on looting Pakistan further. The awam on the other hand are in limbo too caught up in feeding theor families on a day to day basis expecting miracles from ab9ve when clearly there will be none.
We live in interesting times indeed where no one anywhere is safe.
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3. Do you know the difference between a block 50 versus a 52?

4.Correct - would be waste of funds

5. You sure about that

6. No money

7. Geopolitics - doesn’t mean the ones Pakistan has cannot fight

8. Numbers change with funds, time and geopolitical considerations

Here comes another claim.
You are correct - Pakistan is yesterday’s story to this administration and also the state. Even the military to military ties aren’t moving into DC with a very anti-Pakistan sentiment fully lobbied into by the Indians within the legislative branch.
That was true before Ukraine. Not anymore. Pakistan is a large, anglophone, nuclear power on Russia's southern flank. The American need to engage again.
Whether it wasn’t before, Pakistan is being seen by a larger majority of senators and congressmen as an enemy state. Just because they are focused on Ukraine, party feuds or China doesn’t mean it isn’t brewing. India has won the information war on US soil against Pakistan completely
The Afghanistan bitterness will pass as Russia again becomes a major threat.
Engine and inlet but otherwise there is no difference between a block-52+ and a block-50+
So the comment made by the poster why the MLU only were upgraded to 50 versus the 52 made no sense.

Well, there are differences between MLU and Blocks 52s, apart from just engine and CFTs ;)
But let's not talk about it.
Off topic but Russia is no longer a major threat
Look at NATO action not think pieces released in propaganda outlets.
They aren’t increasing their Eastern Defences for the lack of a major threat
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