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Pakistan Expanding Nuclear Program

Before someone spanks and gyans me, that in South-East Asia you do need Nuclear deterrence, I would like to say "I know. I was just talking about alternatives".
Before someone spanks and gyans me, that in South-East Asia you do need Nuclear deterrence, I would like to say "I know. I was just talking about alternatives".

I dont think you said anything offensive.................
iT ll t take 0nLy 8 Minutes 4 both India n Pakistan 2 hit their respective targets if their weapons r in ready state.
Another Shaun Gregory on the loose?!



Don't you Indians know how to draw maps? :pakistan:
iT ll t take 0nLy 8 Minutes 4 both India n Pakistan 2 hit their respective targets if their weapons r in ready state.

Eight approximate minutes? Damn, can I borrow that Nuclear watch of yours for precise timings? :whistle:
US scientist also said the other day india would do the underground nuclear test again ,who would take their words seriously,they crap like AK47 everyday
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