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Pakistan economy is on the verge of collapse: Financial Times

ur comment is condemning PTI demand of election

Again, please stop lying. This is my comment:

Now let me wait for claims that somehow elections will solve these problems. They won't. :D

I am NOT condemning PTI demands for early elections. I am pointing out that claims of early elections solving Pakistan's grave financial problems are simply unbelievable.

Here you go again, lying:

u r trying to make us belief u r not supporting crooks lolz ...

I am NOT supporting any crooks. I am ALSO not falling for some other false messiah.

Again, I can choose to no longer respond to you unless you can comprehend the above and stop making false accusations simply because I do not share your views about IK and PTI.


It is just a matter of how long they want this show to continue, except for PTI supporters. We know very well Pakistan has always been in crisis (mostly self made).

The choice not to intervene is more of a personal choice rather than anything else, in the end, constitution is what? a piece of paper that can at any time be thrown in dustbin, judges can be bought or harassed into submission, people will once again distribute sweets, who wouldn't after all this naked show of incompetence by politicians.

That is why I am perfectly content to wait and see what they will actually do, and the timing of such steps.


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Again, please stop lying. This is my comment:

I am NOT condemning PTI demands for early elections. I am pointing out that claims of early elections solving Pakistan's grave financial problems are simply unbelievable.

Here you go again, lying:

I am NOT supporting any crooks. I am ALSO not falling for some other false messiah.

Again, I can choose to no longer respond to you unless you can comprehend the above and stop making false accusations simply because I do not share your views about IK and PTI.


That is why I am perfectly content to wait and see what they will actually do, and the timing of such steps.
U just explain me how come a thread on Pakistan financial crisis is linked with PTI demand for election or even the belief of PTI that they can resolve it if come back to power ?

No comment on performance of PDM or establishment stupidity who directly responsible for financial meltdown ...

Yet claiming to be not supporting crooks ... Lolz
U just explain me how come a thread on Pakistan financial crisis is linked with PTI demand for election or even the belief of PTI that they can resolve it if come back to power ?

No comment on performance of PDM or establishment stupidity who directly responsible for financial meltdown ...

Yet claiming to be not supporting crooks ... Lolz

I have openly called the present government utterly clueless clowns and criminals who have no chance of solving the present crisis many times, and in multiple threads. None whatsoever. If it makes you feel better, I will say that here, again as clearly as I can.

The reason I pointed out the futility of elections in improving this deep rooted and enduring structural crisis is to keep pointing out that anyone - and I mean ANYONE - who says they can resolve this situation is LYING to the people, just like loadshedding, circular debt, social development, the defense budget, the list goes on and on.

That is the TRUTH people need to hear again and again, and realize that running after any promises of short term fixes will NEVER work.

No lulz here, either.
@VCheng sb

There is no question that PAK needs to make extremely hard and unpopular decisions to put the economy back on rails. The thing is it will be easier for a government to take such decisions which is either a:

1. Dictatorship which isn't accountable to the people at all
2. A govt which enjoys popular support and has made clear that people will have to grin and bear it.

If #1 isnt feasible then clearly fresh polls are the only way. That is a NECESSARY but needless to say not a SUFFICIENT condition to start the painful path back.

@VCheng sb

There is no question that PAK needs to make extremely hard and unpopular decisions to put the economy back on rails. The thing is it will be easier for a government to take such decisions which is either a:

1. Dictatorship which isn't accountable to the people at all
2. A govt which enjoys popular support and has made clear that people will have to grin and bear it.

If #1 isnt feasible then clearly fresh polls are the only way. That is a NECESSARY but needless to say not a SUFFICIENT condition to start the painful path back.


Even dictatorships have never undertaken the required structural changes despite having absolute authority, and neither has any civilian façade, whether on the famous same page or not, and despite claims of huge public support or not. With that observation in mind, one can agree with the assertion that elections would help, but they need to be on time, not early as PTI wants them, and not delayed, as PDM would want them. They should be on time within the period stipulated by the Constitution, and then they would help in getting a tradition of periodic, timely and peaceful transfers of power established. Whether they would help in creating a national resolve to begin taking the sort of steps that are needed remains unlikely, even then. That is the sad, but ugly truth.
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I have openly called the present government utterly clueless clowns and criminals who have no chance of solving the present crisis many times, and in multiple threads. None whatsoever. If it makes you feel better, I will say that here, again as clearly as I can.

The reason I pointed out the futility of elections in improving this deep rooted and enduring structural crisis is to keep pointing out that anyone - and I mean ANYONE - who says they can resolve this situation is LYING to the people, just like loadshedding, circular debt, social development, the defense budget, the list goes on and on.

That is the TRUTH people need to hear again and again, and realize that running after any promises of short term fixes will NEVER work.

No lulz here, either.
Even dictatorships have never undertaken the required structural changes despite having absolute authority, and neither has any civilian façade, whether on the famous same page or not, and despite claims of huge public support or not. With that observation in mind, one can agree with the assertion that elections would help, but they need to be on time, not early as PTI wants them, and not delayed, as PDM would want them. They should be on time within the period stipulated by the Constitution, and then they would help in getting a tradition of periodic, timely and peaceful transfers of power established. Whether they would help in creating a national resolve to begin taking the sort of steps that are needed remains unlikely, even then. That is the sad, but ugly truth.
Today's effort is poorer than yesterday's. 0.9/10
I have openly called the present government utterly clueless clowns and criminals who have no chance of solving the present crisis many times, and in multiple threads. None whatsoever. If it makes you feel better, I will say that here, again as clearly as I can.

The reason I pointed out the futility of elections in improving this deep rooted and enduring structural crisis is to keep pointing out that anyone - and I mean ANYONE - who says they can resolve this situation is LYING to the people, just like loadshedding, circular debt, social development, the defense budget, the list goes on and on.

That is the TRUTH people need to hear again and again, and realize that running after any promises of short term fixes will NEVER work.

No lulz here, either.
Yes short term fixes will never work but if these clown keep on continuing then things will destroyed to the position of no return.

Even for long term strategy whats the starting point if not elections ? Establishment proved to be part of the problem not the solution. Experimentation with technocrats has failed in 1971 then how come it will be successful now ?

If election is not the solution then what it is ? Only a popular leader can make long term tough decisions. Previously establishment used to have that power but now they are not. International establishment was supposed to help us but apparently they r playing double game and enjoying disintegration and Pakistan society ... Whats the solution ?
Reason clearly is current regime and the many years of bad management across the political board.
Economically, years of rot since Bhutto nationalized industries without any plan for them to be competitive. Until then, even under military rulers, Pakistan had a five year plan South Korea studied. They implemented it, and we didn’t and the rest is history.

Internationally, for western partners of Pakistan, it would look bad if Marshall law is declared and then they came to bailout it out. Undermines the democracy mantra.
Study yearly trends not combining all years togather .. export increased manifold in 2021-22. Imports increased in same period but due to commodity prices which was bound to reverse in 2023 however darnomics kicked in by artificially lowering the money and smuggling of dollar under protection from government ... Due to artificial holding of currency imports from banking channel was cheaper whereas exports and worker remittance from hundi was cheaper thats why exports and worker remittance declined in the year 2022-23
Yes short term fixes will never work but if these clown keep on continuing then things will destroyed to the position of no return.

These clowns have been doing quite well actually for over half a century, and their hold on power remains strong. That, by itself, shows a pretty enduring long term strategy, so I am not sure what to make of your contention that election can form the basis of a (new) long term strategy. In my view, no changes to a tried-and-proven strategy in use for over half a century need be required unless there is some drastic change. Yes, I am aware that an apocalypse is being claimed right now, but then again, such claims have been made many times in the past as well.

Please do note that I am NOT making any judgements as to whether the existing long term strategy is right or wrong, before you or anyone else gets upset at me for merely observing its enduring nature.
Koi ghairatmand qoum hoti to ab tak GHQ occupy kar chuki hoti. Turks, Iranians, Egyptians tahrir square, ya New York occupy Wall street ki tarha.

Qoum mutmain beghairat. Hukumran, Askeri hukaam bwakoof aur uss bewakoofi par muttaqabir hain. Lekin takabur to Allah ki chadar hai.

Just one example. Our nation still worships graves and asks from the dead. How much more stupid can our people get??
These clowns have been doing quite well actually for over half a century, and their hold on power remains strong. That, by itself, shows a pretty enduring long term strategy, so I am not sure what to make of your contention that election can form the basis of a (new) long term strategy. In my view, no changes to a tried-and-proven strategy in use for over half a century need be required unless there is some drastic change. Yes, I am aware that an apocalypse is being claimed right now, but then again, such claims have been made many times in the past as well.

Please do note that I am NOT making any judgements as to whether the existing long term strategy is right or wrong, before you or anyone else gets upset at me for merely observing its enduring nature.
I am not sure whats your point or suggestion or strategy to way forward. Apparently u think that establishment is the answer to our problems. Please correct me if i came to a wrong conclusion.

Which clowns are you talking about ? In last half century the most of the tenure was enjoyed by musharaf and zia in both of which Pakistani got extremism and terrorisim. Even when establishment was not there foreign policy was being run entirely by establishment.

It was a silent alliance between establishment and these two parties. Protecting interest of each other and doing noora kushti ... Imran khan was brought in with the same intentions but he proved to be a difficult nut to crack and once he decided to make indpendent foreign policy not alligned with interest of west both western powers and general got furious ... Now whats next should we keep running things the way they are ? Then surely its a path of destruction.

The only way out is give power to someone who wants to do it in a different way and has public support as well ...
The only way out is give power to someone who wants to do it in a different way and has public support as well ...

Why would anyone who has power give it away just because someone else wants to do it in a different way and claims to have public support?

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