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Pakistan Clarifies Conditions for Tactical Nuclear Weapon Use Against India

First you give a try to test mighty Cold Start and you will know where it will take the situation, and remember Pakistan now have 2nd strike capability too. :D


When did Pakistan deploy SSBNs or SSGNs?
Your enemy won't be the only one wipped out "Completely " so will you just remember that.

Quite honestly. Lets say Pakistan uses a Nuke weapon on IA invading ur nation. And India for some reason hesitates to respond back in next 2-3 days. Do you honestly believe USA or Russia or UK will be sitting merrying around? The moral authority of Pakistan will vanish as soon as you guys use it. And if they start using Nukes on you, whom will you respond? (Mind you, India-Russia Friendship pact is still On, and Russia can still attack on India's behalf). Any usage of Nukes, and Pakistan is history. Oh. Not destroyed. But invaded, and divided into nations.
And above more than that, India can still respond.
Your enemy won't be the only one wipped out "Completely " so will you just remember that.

Well here is the thing..once Pakistan initiates the nuclear war with those tactical nukes, it is a fight to the death for both the nations.

So as many Pakistani nukes, we can destroy in our first strike are so many less that will be fired on us later on.

So it makes absolute sense for India to unleash its entire arsenal in first go .

And if enough Pakistani weapons , command and control, weapons storage facility are taken out.. there is good chance..Pakistani third strike will too feeble to make a difference.
Lets say Pakistan uses a Nuke weapon on IA invading ur nation.

Has India ever been the first to initiate hostilities against Pakistan? What could it possibly gain from attacking a nuclear-armed neighbor?
Use the Nukes. And Indians will enjoy the whole world Nuking Pakistan. From USA to Russia, and I bet even Israel would be glad to join the party.
And that would be the end of Pakistani nation.
We don't want to nuke india...we just want Sir Modi to continue his policies without hindrance and our objectives will be met without using a single bullet.
Has India ever been the first to initiate hostilities against Pakistan? What could it possibly gain from attacking a nuclear-armed neighbor?

India would never initiate hostilities in the nuclear age.

But rest assured we will respond decisively to any first strike.

we just want Sir Modi to continue his policies without hindrance and our objectives will be met without using a single bullet.

Thank you for having an objective of 8%+ real growth rate long term for India...it means a lot
India would never initiate hostilities in the nuclear age.

But rest assured we will respond decisively to any first strike.

Thank you for having an objective of 8%+ real growth rate long term for India...it means a lot
We Muslims are not afraid of death but hindus will be decimated and then Muslim from Afghanistan, Iran and Arab will repopulate it. Ghazwa-e-hind is round the corner.
We Muslims are not afraid of death but hindus will be decimated and then Muslim from Afghanistan, Iran and Arab will repopulate it. Ghazwa-e-hind is round the corner.

Speak for yourself kid, and how convenient you live outside Pakistan.

Iran is killing your border guards, expanding cooperation and trade with India at much higher levels than Pakistan and tons of other things....Saddam Hussein supported India over Kashmir....India's got good cordial working relationships with every Muslim country outside Pakistan....to the extent that many of them give Visa on Arrival or even Visa free to Indians....whereas Pakistan is relegated to the lowest category without exception (long visa process + police check/background check required without exception).

Yet you still preaching some ummah brotherhood crap....trust me if there was any brotherhood, Israel would not exist....and/or the whole Arabian desert would have been turned into glass by now.

Don't talk about whole countries suiciding so easily and cheaply. Aint gonna happen.

Ghazwa-e-Hind is always going to be "around the corner". Enjoy staying so desperate as India becomes more multiples of your entire GDP with each passing year.
Speak for yourself kid, and how convenient you live outside Pakistan.

Iran is killing your border guards, expanding cooperation and trade with India at much higher levels than Pakistan and tons of other things....Saddam Hussein supported India over Kashmir....India's got good cordial working relationships with every Muslim country outside Pakistan....to the extent that many of them give Visa on Arrival or even Visa free to Indians....whereas Pakistan is relegated to the lowest category without exception (long visa process + police check/background check required without exception).

Yet you still preaching some ummah brotherhood crap....trust me if there was any brotherhood, Israel would not exist....and/or the whole Arabian desert would have been turned into glass by now.

Don't talk about whole countries suiciding so easily and cheaply. Aint gonna happen.

Ghazwa-e-Hind is always going to be "around the corner". Enjoy staying so desperate as India becomes more multiples of your entire GDP with each passing year.
What you can't comprehend even in the wildest of the dreams is that we Muslim (talking about common people, sans rulers e.g. Saddam Hussain, King Abdullah, Ahmadi Nejad, Pervaiz Musharaf etc), we love each other. I don't need a hindu telling me about Iran or other Muslim countries when I deal with my Iranian, Saudi, Palestinian, Syrian, Malaysian, Turkish and Moroccan Muslim brothers and sisters on daily basis and pray (offer salat) with them. So whatever you read in newspapers, keep it to yourself. Just look at a bit of history if you want to open up your eyes, Muslims from Iran, Afghanistan, Arab and Central Asia have ruled India previously. Were there no issues between them? Of course they had and they disagreed and even fought wars with each other but one thing was common, they were Muslim who believed in oneness of Allah and all were against the idol-worship.
What you can't comprehend even in the wildest of the dreams is that we Muslim (talking about common people, sans rulers e.g. Saddam Hussain, King Abdullah, Ahmadi Nejad, Pervaiz Musharaf etc), we love each other. I don't need a hindu telling me about Iran or other Muslim countries when I deal with my Iranian, Saudi, Palestinian, Syrian, Malaysian, Turkish and Moroccan Muslim brothers and sisters on daily basis and pray (offer salat) with them. So whatever you read in newspapers, keep it to yourself. Just look at a bit of history if you want to open up your eyes, Muslims from Iran, Afghanistan, Arab and Central Asia have ruled India previously. Were there no issues between them? Of course they had and they disagreed and even fought wars with each other but one thing was common, they were Muslim who believed in oneness of Allah and all were against the idol-worship.

Yah ok....you go by the fanciful idealism of shared religion.

I go by the tangible realities on the ground.

No ones going to move into irradiated post-nuclear south asia anyways....or are you afraid large parts of India are going to survive unscathed...so the non-Pakistan muslim hordes will be essential to ensure some pyrrhic victory? Trust me we got contingency plans with Israel and USA if that should be the case....and we ourselves will definitely have some extra tritium submerged under the sea to spread around after dealing with Pakistan should the need arise.
Use the Nukes. And Indians will enjoy the whole world Nuking Pakistan. From USA to Russia, and I bet even Israel would be glad to join the party.
And that would be the end of Pakistani nation.
So in simple words your predicting a world war 3 huh ?? o_O
Yah ok....you go by the fanciful idealism of shared religion.

I go by the tangible realities on the ground.

No ones going to move into irradiated post-nuclear south asia anyways....or are you afraid large parts of India are going to survive unscathed...so the non-Pakistan muslim hordes will be essential to ensure some pyrrhic victory? Trust me we got contingency plans with Israel and USA if that should be the case....and we ourselves will definitely have some extra tritium submerged under the sea to spread around after dealing with Pakistan should the need arise.
Then why not you indians learn to live peacefully and resolve all the issues through dialogue, stop sponsoring terrorism???
Then why not you indians learn to live peacefully and resolve all the issues through dialogue, stop sponsoring terrorism???

Same can be asked to Pakistan.....ask almost any country worldwide what their opinion is w.r.t Pakistan and India in the terrorism context.

Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism, Chris Alexander says - Politics - CBC News


The Pakistani military undertook operations against groups that conducted attacks within Pakistan such as TTP, but did not take action against other groups such as Lashkar e-Tayyiba, which continued to operate, train, rally, propagandize, and fundraise in Pakistan. Afghan Taliban and HQN leadership continued to find safe haven in Pakistan, and although Pakistan military operations disrupted the actions of these groups, it did not directly target them.

Pakistan second 'most unpopular country' in the world: Poll - The Express Tribune

We are going off topic here, lets go back to the discussion at hand rather than bringing in "terrorism" and ghawa-e-hind and the likes.
if Pakistan is gonna use the nukes, they better use the real ones instead of tactical.
because response from India will be same.
No matter if you use small yield or high yield,
Response will be full on nuclear retaliation.
Unlike Shiv sienna RSS or Indian keyboard warring Netizens,real life is different where everyone fears for their lives and life of own citizens is important.
If Pakistan uses Nasr mounted Neutron Bombs it will not make any significant blast,just massive neutron flux which wont last long either. But that Neutron flux will penetrate armored divisions and kill or incapacitate the crew,thus stopping a massive armored assault by India . Obviously soon after that All strategic missiles will be primed and just a push button away,awaiting Indian madness of the so called "Total annihilation". So if India does credibly establish that Nukes had been used,which will be very difficult as it was just a Neutron bomb which does not make mushroom clouds and very low residual radiation,by that time many Indian soldiers will already be our POWs as we just stopped a massive armored assault in its track.
So India firing Strategic Missiles on Pakistan will also mean killing own soldiers while there will still be no conclusive evidence of a Nuclear weapons use by Pakistan,and most probably India firring Agni will be considered first strike by the rest of the world and many Indians,and then the cherry on the top will be Agni Killing a brigade or two of Indian soldiers,and starting a "Second Strike" by Pakistan.
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