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Pakistan Can Live Without United States of America

Afghanistan is a trap for US, and historically it has been proved to be a trap for many expansionist states.

Now US wants to drag everyone into it. And Pakistan as the neighboring country of Afghanistan, who has been considered as the first cannon fodder.

Now it is Pakistan paying for the mess that has been created by US. And i hope Pakistan can get rid of its current Pro-US government.

Pakistan would be much more stable if without the US military intervention.

Is it not ironic, when the US and Pakistan are victims of the same injustices that you claim Pakistan can live without the US? Is now not the time for the US and Pakistan fight to insurgents with renewed vigor and to bring stability to the country as well as justice to the families whose loved ones were killed or maimed by Taliban. Different strategies are discussed between allies, but the US does not “diktat” to the great nation of Pakistan. Allies are, by their very nature, dependent on one other. The government of Pakistan continues to make independent decisions, for example their decision to allow the Taliban into Swat, and to use military aggression to force the Taliban out of Swat Valley.

Would the US give $2 billion in military assistance along with $7.5 billion in civilian aid over the next 5 years to a weak and indecisive ally? No. Further, would the US expend this level of aid and assistance if our alliance were a shortsighted one? Aid and assistance are forthcoming because this is no longer a US and international community war. It is, like it or not, the great nation of Pakistan’s war as well. Should we give in to terrorism and forget that we are on the same side? Should we not continue to be the obstacle for terrorists to overcome? Should we not work together to be eliminate terrorism instead of turning our strategic alliance into a blame game? Or should we, as Afghan, Pakistani and coalition forces did on 23DEC10, form a tripartite commission to build a common future based on security gains?

Afghanistan, Pakistan, ISAF Military Leaders Seek Future Cooperation | ISAF – International Security Assistance Force

Pakistan and the US have an enduring mutually beneficial relationship.

CDR Bill Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

U.S. Central Command
Is it not ironic, when the US and Pakistan are victims of the same injustices that you claim Pakistan can live without the US? Is now not the time for the US and Pakistan fight to insurgents with renewed vigor and to bring stability to the country as well as justice to the families whose loved ones were killed or maimed by Taliban. Different strategies are discussed between allies, but the US does not “diktat” to the great nation of Pakistan. Allies are, by their very nature, dependent on one other. The government of Pakistan continues to make independent decisions, for example their decision to allow the Taliban into Swat, and to use military aggression to force the Taliban out of Swat Valley.

Would the US give $2 billion in military assistance along with $7.5 billion in civilian aid over the next 5 years to a weak and indecisive ally? No. Further, would the US expend this level of aid and assistance if our alliance were a shortsighted one? Aid and assistance are forthcoming because this is no longer a US and international community war. It is, like it or not, the great nation of Pakistan’s war as well. Should we give in to terrorism and forget that we are on the same side? Should we not continue to be the obstacle for terrorists to overcome? Should we not work together to be eliminate terrorism instead of turning our strategic alliance into a blame game? Or should we, as Afghan, Pakistani and coalition forces did on 23DEC10, form a tripartite commission to build a common future based on security gains?

Afghanistan, Pakistan, ISAF Military Leaders Seek Future Cooperation | ISAF – International Security Assistance Force

Pakistan and the US have an enduring mutually beneficial relationship.

CDR Bill Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

U.S. Central Command

The ironic part is America was the one who supported these insurgencies to begin with and is now fighting against them.

We must first ask ourselves questions - Does fighting against them actually bring stability to the country? or will it create more problems for the future? There are no substantial improvements made on the situation as a whole if you take Afghanistan and Iraq into consideration. Using war on terror is no excuse to justify American presence all around the globe.

Speaking of which, America, UK and France are also doing the very opposite by supporting insurgencies in Libya as we speak. War on the people will only generate hate and further esculating the instability.
hahha......uncle sam<===== sheikh imran said this................?Kabhi a Nujawa Muslim kabhi tadabur kia tum ny......wo kia gardoun tha jis ka tota howa hi tu tara.................................
Only selling to the US wall street regime's children.

So you agree that China is just as lawless as America, and that said lead paint in toys was planned by your government then? Very good. *

All nations are indeed lawless. Well no. If you're strong enough you become the law and everyone else is lawless.

Stop talking in flip-flops, you're not a politican. ;)

*Note to all sane Chinese forum members; I know damn well it wasn't planned. Don't make a giant post explaining it. :P
Would the US give $2 billion in military assistance along with $7.5 billion in civilian aid over the next 5 years to a weak and indecisive ally? No. Further, would the US expend this level of aid and assistance if our alliance were a shortsighted one? Aid and assistance are forthcoming because this is no longer a US and international community war. It is, like it or not, the great nation of Pakistan’s war as well. Should we give in to terrorism and forget that we are on the same side? Should we not continue to be the obstacle for terrorists to overcome? Should we not work together to be eliminate terrorism instead of turning our strategic alliance into a blame game? Or should we, as Afghan, Pakistani and coalition forces did on 23DEC10, form a tripartite commission to build a common future based on security gains?

Afghanistan, Pakistan, ISAF Military Leaders Seek Future Cooperation | ISAF – International Security Assistance Force

Pakistan and the US have an enduring mutually beneficial relationship.

CDR Bill Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

U.S. Central Command

(01) Enough of this $2 billion and $7.5 billion useless money?? It is costing Pakistan more tha what US is providing.

(02) Lets get this straight today, reimbursement of expenses for money spent to support US and ISAF cannot be counted as Aid. Pakstan military provides for example Rs. 150,000.00 for fuel to trucks, US reimburses it and then counts it in the total aid provided. We do not need aid, we need trade.

(03) The highway/bridges from Karachi to Quetta are broken/damaged in places because of the NATO Trucks which alone is a $5-6 billion project to rebuild, so do not give us this $7.5 billion bluff.

(04) The lives of 3,500 Pakistani soldiers martyerd, US is giving $2 billion, even it for $2 trillion is not more than the valuable lives of the sons of Pakistan.

(05) You can keep the $2 billion + $7.5 billion and take the war some where else.
So you agree that China is just as lawless as America, and that said lead paint in toys was planned by your government then? Very good. *

Stop talking in flip-flops, you're not a politican. ;)

*Note to all sane Chinese forum members; I know damn well it wasn't planned. Don't make a giant post explaining it. :P

I was going to cancel my order of OptimusPrimeRibs and have MegatronRibs instead. Since you explained yourself in the end, I will sit and wait for my tasty OptimusPrimeRibs.

Yes the lead paint incident was a disgrace to our nation. I am glad it was properly addressed in the end. China is growing rapidly and certain individuals are trying to take advantage of the increased consumption and demand, often ignoring moral principles. Those individuals needs to be punished and standards must be kept high on quality checks at all times.

(01) Enough of this $2 billion and $7.5 billion useless money?? It is costing Pakistan more tha what US is providing.

(02) Lets get this straight today, reimbursement of expenses for money spent to support US and ISAF cannot be counted as Aid. Pakstan military provides for example Rs. 150,000.00 for fuel to trucks, US reimburses it and then counts it in the total aid provided. We do not need aid, we need trade.

(03) The highway/bridges from Karachi to Quetta are broken/damaged in places because of the NATO Trucks which alone is a $5-6 billion project to rebuild, so do not give us this $7.5 billion bluff.

(04) The lives of 3,500 Pakistani soldiers martyerd, US is giving $2 billion, even it for $2 trillion is not more than the valuable lives of the sons of Pakistan.

(05) You can keep the $2 billion + $7.5 billion and take the war some where else.

I hope they are aware that US is living on heavy debt and the money given out to Pakistan may very well be the money that was lent to them by China. The amount is nowhere near enough to pay for all the damage caused, needless to say, how much of that money actually lands on to the hands of the right people?

Maybe if war was taken over to America and we pay them $2 billion + $7.5 billion instead and see how they like it? ;)


I really like Dr. Shireen M. Mazari. I believe she lived in the United States and got her PhD from the United States so she knows more about Americans and the American government than any other Pakistani politician.

Americans are really not that bad, but yea American government can not be trusted. They will torture and kill innocents anywhere to achieve their goals. They think they rule the world. The Zionist lobby in America is very dangerous for the world, especially for Muslim countries.
than tell your politicians to PROVE that.
They are not coming to help, but to loot the natural resources and to occupy the strategic locations.

They want to permanently set down in Afghanistan, yet forcing Pakistan to bear their burden.
May I dare to ask, what natural resources did they “loot”, any specific example?
May I dare to ask, what natural resources did they &#8220;loot&#8221;, any specific example?

Come on man...why u so naive??:woot:...What they r getting from Iraq...????:eek:
Are they doing Picnic over there????:smokin:
May I dare to ask, what natural resources did they &#8220;loot&#8221;, any specific example?

Afghanistan has over 3 trillion dollars worth of mineral deposits... that is old old news...

But there is more to why they are there... and China is one of the important reasons... Strategic location...

lastly according to the British they are there to prevent the establishment of an Islamic State...
Of course they can live without the US.

They can live without being the client state of one or the other power, if they chose to do that.

Unfortunately, even now they just want to become the client state of another kaffir country, nothing more than that.
Pakistan can sure live without USA but Pakistanis can't live without USA Green card and blood money.
The ironic part is America was the one who supported these insurgencies to begin with and is now fighting against them.

We must first ask ourselves questions - Does fighting against them actually bring stability to the country? or will it create more problems for the future? There are no substantial improvements made on the situation as a whole if you take Afghanistan and Iraq into consideration. Using war on terror is no excuse to justify American presence all around the globe.

Speaking of which, America, UK and France are also doing the very opposite by supporting insurgencies in Libya as we speak. War on the people will only generate hate and further esculating the instability.

These people thrive on conflict and bloodshed... they are like a serial killer who gets the taste of blood and cant stop his mad and sick slit throat rampage...

Oh btw... many of them have actually been paying the Taliban not to fight with them... LOL... indeed united in the same goal... preachers of freedom and democracy... I love the Hindi saying that fits them so beautifully...

Baghal main churi moon main Ram Ram!!!
Of course they can live without the US.

They can live without being the client state of one or the other power, if they chose to do that.

Unfortunately, even now they just want to become the client state of another kaffir country, nothing more than that.

There never was another... its been the same Kaffir country raping us on each and every possible occassion for the past 60 years thanks to the house slaves that rule us... of course we can survive but then thats bad for some people's bank accounts... and you know what... you may have the most sincere intentions when you say this but some people will tell us... LOOK this is what Indians want... so we should nt be doing that...

If you want to help us out here... you should promote Pakistan continuing its slave relationship with America...
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