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Pakistan can come up with 20-25 billion dollars annualy if we impose defence tax.

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Jul 23, 2016
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If we impose a defence tax on major part of the population, atleast this can begin by imposing defence tax on those whose income is documented, a set percentage can be set and based on the income of the individual, the relevant ammount can be drawn on a monthly basis, countries like the Us claim to be welfare states but they are in reality the heaviest tax imposing regimes, why cant we do this? why cant we come up with unique ideas to counter threats to our national security, obviously such a tax is justified as we have an enemy that is spending atleast 4 times more than us on defence annually and as much as our armed forces and defence circles keep at par with the enemy we are bieng and will be left far behind and such an occuring is directly detremental to our very existance, this defence tax if imposed can be coupled by a nation wide fatwa by clerics branding this tax as a neccesary tool for jihad and progress of the muslim ummah, im sure the majority of our population would be more than happy to comply with this if a religious fatwa is envolved, isnt it high time we muslims learned to use islam for national benefits? We are the ummah of a prophet(pbuh) who despite not having anything to eat in his(pbuh)'s house had 9 swords hanging on his(pbuh)'s wall, such a tax if rightly imposed can generate 20-25 billion usd extra for defence spending and than we can really go for providing most of the pakistani mainland with high end long range Sam coverage, an airforce which has atleast 700-800 high end aircraft, a true blue water navy and even a carrier group or two. We are a nation of 200 million, why cant we expolit this advantage to project power where necesary, fund raising drives can be initiated by the army to annually collect donations from the public, if Imran khan can use his popularity to collect billions from pakistan for a cancer hospital the army can collect a lot more using thier influence and the trust they command with the pakistani nation, a country does what it has to make things work according to its own needs, why cant we come up with a unique idea like this to counter our enemies even if our direct gdp doesnt allow such spending, so what? we can come up with the capital from other means such as this...
There should be proper campaign so public can donate money for certain defense projects. Like we need over 200 capable air crafts, a dozen ships, few sub marines, good air defense and anti ballistic missiles, modern technology for army, laser weapon, research and development and the defense budget can not afford so public can come up with sacrifice and help nations defense stronger.

Also zero corruption
Expand your tax base by accurately documenting the economy.

Do things the proper way, as all other societies have done. Such "totkays" don't work in economic systems of modern scale.

Be efficient, or perish. It's Pakistan's choice.

Your "techniques" or "short cuts" or "totkays" will only make you a further laughing stock of the world.

Hard work and honesty has no substitute..

You can $30 billion defence budget? Work for it!
Money from Defense tax will go in pockets of Respected & Brave Generals, Air Marshals & Admirals, not at place where you are expecting to go .........
Expand your tax base by accurately documenting the economy.

Do things the proper way, as all other societies have done. Such "totkays" don't work in economic systems of modern scale.

Be efficient, or perish. It's Pakistan's choice.

Your "techniques" or "short cuts" or "totkays" will only make you a further laughing stock of the world.

Hard work and honesty has no substitute..

You can $30 billion defence budget? Work for it!

Actually agreed. Such things do more harm than good. For example let's say we want to elavate literacy and reduce illiteracy. Many will say " easy build more schools" but that isn't the only or even the most effective solution.

The most effective solution is asking " what is wrong with the current system of education that we can't produce the desired literacy rate". You point out the reasons and combat them for example the teachers are not present so you give a solution to increase the attendance of teachers, you find out there are ghost schools so you combat that by issuing stricter check and balances to combat ghost schools, you find our students can't study due to lack of reading material and books, so you provide them books. What I am saying is rather than focusing on let's do this and that why not find out the reasons as to why previous steps didn't work. As I highlighted the example of schools so rather than building more and have them get plagued with the same issues, build more but also find out as to why the current aren't working.

Same principle here. Rather than creating another indirect tax that will only create issues and rifts between the civilians and the army, why not increase the tax base, focus on direct taxation and have that build the defence budget. With increase in tax collection the budget will increase and that will result in an increased defence budget. Yes defence expenditure is important and ours is very less but we also need to highlight other reasons as to why its less.

Use this principle on every issue we have and we just made ourselvea ultra developed.
Already there is no accountability for the military high ups in our country, majority of whom end up making millions of dollars before retiring from the army. And if they don't make money serving in the army, they take up key Posts in the government afterwards and stay till they pass away. The bureaucrats are held accountable, mud is slung on politicians non stop, but the army people, they always get away with it, all in he name of protecting the LArGer national interest of the country. The excuse is that if the prosecute an army man, it will defame the army as a whole. Who happen to be the sole protectors of the nation. There is no law in our country. If the military doesn't set examples, there's gonna be a day when all land in this country is going to be owned by the military.
I think for Economy like Pakistan
  • They should cancel 100% tax on people income as the group of folks will not pay it
  • 100% demand tax from Corporations
  • Impose 20% Sales tax on all commodities (Food / Clothes / Services/ Petrol ) collect sales tax from Businesses, make it mandatory that all sales are "tracked" in country. All Shops that have a premiss , Must have Way to Track Sales / Receipts (Proper Shop)
  • Impose 20% sales tax on food in hotels and resturants
  • Impose 7% Property sales tax on Property Transfer after sale from one buyer to other.
  • No Tax on Street Vendors , that have movable Stalls on street (They must carry a Licence fixed price licence for service on street renewed yearly 5,000 Rupee fixed price )
  • 7% Sales tax on animal sale for Eid Ul Azha , collected paid by person selling animal in open market (Must have licence to sell Animals)
  • 1% tax on medicine
  • 1% Property Tax collected from Owners of Homes yearly
  • Toll on Metro Highways 100 Rupee 1 way (For Cars / Motor Bikes)
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Sure lets do that so Politicians can use it for themselves which tax is actually helped poor people of Pakistan just like every pakistani have to pay some amount for PTV so the Politicians use it to support the Gov.
we cant we built a society where we realize everyones roll instead of putting burdon on those who already paying or register tax payers....
they made a dolphin force before it was elite force do you think the crime stopped?
they add another party with police to loot people.
If we impose a defence tax on major part of the population, atleast this can begin by imposing defence tax on those whose income is documented, a set percentage can be set and based on the income of the individual, the relevant ammount can be drawn on a monthly basis, countries like the Us claim to be welfare states but they are in reality the heaviest tax imposing regimes, why cant we do this? why cant we come up with unique ideas to counter threats to our national security, obviously such a tax is justified as we have an enemy that is spending atleast 4 times more than us on defence annually and as much as our armed forces and defence circles keep at par with the enemy we are bieng and will be left far behind and such an occuring is directly detremental to our very existance, this defence tax if imposed can be coupled by a nation wide fatwa by clerics branding this tax as a neccesary tool for jihad and progress of the muslim ummah, im sure the majority of our population would be more than happy to comply with this if a religious fatwa is envolved, isnt it high time we muslims learned to use islam for national benefits? We are the ummah of a prophet(pbuh) who despite not having anything to eat in his(pbuh)'s house had 9 swords hanging on his(pbuh)'s wall, such a tax if rightly imposed can generate 20-25 billion usd extra for defence spending and than we can really go for providing most of the pakistani mainland with high end long range Sam coverage, an airforce which has atleast 700-800 high end aircraft, a true blue water navy and even a carrier group or two. We are a nation of 200 million, why cant we expolit this advantage to project power where necesary, fund raising drives can be initiated by the army to annually collect donations from the public, if Imran khan can use his popularity to collect billions from pakistan for a cancer hospital the army can collect a lot more using thier influence and the trust they command with the pakistani nation, a country does what it has to make things work according to its own needs, why cant we come up with a unique idea like this to counter our enemies even if our direct gdp doesnt allow such spending, so what? we can come up with the capital from other means such as this...

Assuming the idea you have proposed to be feasible. Think about this..the money you will collect from the tax would be in PKR while the weapons you want to purchase are sold in Dollars or Euros.So how do you plan to get the forex given the central bank reserves are in the range of $ 23 bn or so?
This new tax will end up in politician or other bureaucratic mafias..
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