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Pakistan calls upon Iran to ensure investigation into cross border terrorist attack in Panjgur - Jan 2023

Solution is very simple give a little bit of access of border to israel irani will learn their lesson they got so paranoid when alleged reports came that azerbaijan gave access to israeli mossad
Perhaps, but I am sure that siding with the mossad on the border is a very bad idea, as the Mossad can open up new pathway routes and cells within Pakistan, which is the last thing we want.
Furthermore, we don't want Iran to be dead against us, and colluding with their arch enemy on border matters is a massive escalation
I only said some small access to a few area is enough to keep the irani paranoid keep in mind takla bandar kulbhushan was caught sneaking from iran and your point that we dont want iran against us they keep playing double games also serve as BLA safe havens so why we keep watching we should also allow mossad some access or even partial anti iranian groups they bite us we bite them
Perhaps, but I am sure that siding with the mossad on the border is a very bad idea, as the Mossad can open up new pathway routes and cells within Pakistan, which is the last thing we want.
Furthermore, we don't want Iran to be dead against us, and colluding with their arch enemy on border matters is a massive escalatio
Unprecedented press briefing encompassing issues both east and west. In midst of economic crisis, both eastern and western borders face unparalleled challenges.
Classic cuck post by lumber 1 and PDM cabal instead should have launched some airstrikes but same as usual we call on them to take action on their side of the border lul
Are we asking IRGC to investigate itself?
We need to take a slightly more hostile stance to Iran too.

It's darn obvious that they spread their Venom through Balochistan, to ensure the destabilisation of their neighbours, and to retain their position as a regional power.

We don't want them to be set against us, but we need to show them where our boundaries lie.
Not someone who was accused of mass murder of its own people
Are we really telling Iran to investigate its minions?

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