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Pakistan Army contingent lands in Russia for joint exercise

Yes it's true that Pakistani special forces and spetsnaz clashed, but Pakistanis didn't far well, despite the propaganda. I also have family that was in that war including a KGB colonel so I may know a little more then you...

Back to topic, your article is the worst propaganda ever. The Soviets would just airlift its soldiers out if defeat was ever imminent and superior airpower and artillery would make it impossible that 3000 Paratroopers and Spetsnaz died. There were 39 Soviet paratroopers that fought up to 400 Pakistani special forces, the Russians came away with 6 killed, the Pakistanis with up to 250 killed.

There was 16 Russian special forces in Syria that battles 300+ jihadists armed with tanks, ATGMs, armored bulldozers, APCs and mortars and the Russian special forces suffered zero casualties.
Your claim is rededicolous, Russian clearly have better trained forces, more experience and more assets, so 3000 Spetsnaz dying is beyond stupid.

Bro times were different our countries were at war.
Now we are progressing towards friendship and brotherhood so let us cherish this good.:cheers::smitten::-)



Hazrat finally a Pakistani soldier with his hands on a ak-103

Yes it's true that Pakistani special forces and spetsnaz clashed, but Pakistanis didn't far well, despite the propaganda. I also have family that was in that war including a KGB colonel so I may know a little more then you...

Back to topic, your article is the worst propaganda ever. The Soviets would just airlift its soldiers out if defeat was ever imminent and superior airpower and artillery would make it impossible that 3000 Paratroopers and Spetsnaz died. There were 39 Soviet paratroopers that fought up to 400 Pakistani special forces, the Russians came away with 6 killed, the Pakistanis with up to 250 killed.

There was 16 Russian special forces in Syria that battles 300+ jihadists armed with tanks, ATGMs, armored bulldozers, APCs and mortars and the Russian special forces suffered zero casualties.
Your claim is rededicolous, Russian clearly have better trained forces, more experience and more assets, so 3000 Spetsnaz dying is beyond stupid.
Frankly speaking sir neither account seems plausible in the least, yours and ours.Kudos
what else Pakistan has in its inventory from Russia? I know of some Mi choppers & transport aircraft.
there is long list i made few years ago sir
small arms
AA guns
thunder engines
il-76s via ukrine
yeah but shamefully we have relations of thousands of years we should not need help
Sadly our politicians have kept this matter alive for winning elections. jisse ye siyasi rotian sek sake. & Whats happening on LOC since 2000 thousands of troops from both side martyred which haven't been even in a war.
Right, so the SSG would "likely suffer no casualties" yet many Pakistanis believe that SSG took out an entire brigade of VDV and Spetsnaz backed with artillery and airpower. If Pakistan dropped a nuclear weapon on those Soviet positions then it is plausible but that never happened.

A number of Soviet soldiers including Spetsnaz have admitted to clashes with Pakistani special forces during the Afghan war, Soviet forces even raided Pakistani compounds inside Pakistan.

Pakistani SSG would regularly fight amongst regular 'mujahadeen' and it wasn't difficult to identify them either spesnaz alway search dead bodies for identification including collecting body parts for processing. Some years ago I also read of a Spetsnaz accidentally crossing into Pakistan where they actually suffered some fairly bad losses but the Pakistanis didn't do well either.
That page is from Aukai Collins book, not Pak authors.

As for SSG... no they didnt fight directly in numbers.

As per Brig Trimzi who ran the Afghan ops.

ISI (SSG troops are also involved) officers volunteered to lead operations against soviet and Afghan targets .. inside soviet territory aswell....(shelling soviet bases and even raids)..

But they were never in numbers... it was more like 1 ISI/SSG officer leading the operation involved in planning and seeing it through.

Soviets didnt invade Pak territory but there is mention of them coming very close to the border and clashes happening.

However soviet and afghan forces were involved in airspace violations.. which were curbed after PAF started shooting soviet and afghan jets and choppers.

One such shot down pilot later became your Vice President.
Sadly our politicians have kept this matter alive for winning elections. jisse ye siyasi rotian sek sake. & Whats happening on LOC since 2000 thousands of troops from both side martyred which haven't been even in a war.
LOC killings are pointless.

Have zero benefits and only cause suffering on both sides.
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