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Pakistan army backs democracy after Islamabad clashes


Mar 12, 2013
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Pakistan's army commanders expressed concern and said they support democracy after clashes between police and protesters in Islamabad left three people dead and hundreds hurt. Protesters are demanding the resignation of PM Nawaz Sharif. Demonstrators loyal to opposition politician Imran Khan and cleric Tahirul Qadri have been taking part in a sit-in for two weeks. They accuse Mr Sharif of corruption and electoral fraud - charges he denies.

The army commanders' meeting was brought forward after violence overnight.

Army chief Gen Raheel Sharif chaired the meeting at the General Headquarters in Rawalpindi, close to Islamabad.Gen Sharif had stepped in on Friday to mediate, after Imran Khan ended talks with the government. In a statement, the army said the commanders viewed the ongoing political crisis with "serious concern".

The protesters broke security barriers to move closer to Mr Sharif's residence late on Saturday, sparking clashes with the police which continued overnight and into Sunday. Police used tear gas shells and rubber bullets to disperse hundreds of protesters armed with batons, gas masks and slingshots.

Islamabad police chief Khalid Khattak told the BBC that close to 100 protesters had been arrested, some armed with "axes, hammers and cutters". An official at the Polyclinic hospital in Islamabad told reporters that the wounds of those injured were caused by tear-gas shells, stones and batons. Overnight, a number of protesters were seen carrying clubs as they marched on the PM's residence. Nearly 100 protesters were arrested at the scene

One protester died of a heart attack in a ditch near the clashes, said Dr Wasim Khawaja, spokesman for the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences hospital in Islamabad.

A BBC correspondent who visited the same hospital reports that many of the injured are policemen.

Speaking to BBC World TV, Mr Qadri condemned the police's actions as an "unimaginable attack by the state upon the people", and denied that protesters were armed. Imran Khan said on Sunday: "I am prepared to die here. I have learnt that the government plans a major crackdown against us tonight. I am here till my last breath."

The protesters began their sit-in after a huge march from Lahore to Islamabad, vowing to camp out in the capital until the government stood down.

Last year's elections marked Pakistan's first civilian transfer of power.

BBC News - Pakistan army backs democracy after Islamabad clashes


Qadri, true to himself, adamantly denied that the protesters were armed with sticks. Here's a picture from the aforementioned BBC article:


What I don't understand is how he drums up the nerve to lie through his teeth, blatantly and unabashedly? What purpose does it serve him and how do you think it reflects on Sufi Islam?

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army is scared of World reaction , sanctions .. etc ... if not than sorry to say army is incompetent to protect civilians
Since qadri is not a elected representative..so article 62 and 63 does not apply to him.

On the other hand how dare nawaj sharif lied about mediation of army ? PAT had gone to court to dismiss PM on lines of Article 62 and 63.
The Army has been playing its part well. Marshal Law would have consequences bad for the country. The US has already made it clear that they support PMLN and Nawaz would become a political martyr if the Army takes any direct action. They are pressurizing the government and urging them to stop the violence, that's all they can do right now. General Raheel is clever, he knows what he's doing and we should trust him to do what's best for the country.

Unfortunately IK and Qadri's marches have clearly failed, PTI especially underestimated the extent to which PMLN will go to save themselves and they overestimated their own strenght.
They should have just accepted Shahbaz's resignation, an FIR and an Investigation and call it a day. PMLN is too strong to be defeated like this.

Lets just pray this ends before more people die.
Army has no idea what democracy is all about. They think Noora Kushti of Sharif is democracy. LOL.
observation on the outcome of the COAS meeting was correct.
- "Wait and Watch policy continue"

Analysis: Military actually waiting for another mistake like yesterday from the government side. In 3+ hours of (longest) meeting between the higher command of Pakistan military, they've definitely discussed from every angle and go-through from all plans with different perspectives. We believe that now the military has designed and developed strategy to handle the crisis.

Notice - Last statement of the ISPR:
"Army remains committed to playing its part in ensuring security of the state and will never fall short of meeting national aspirations."

Our analysis on ISPR statement (hint):
Clear message to the government - We've now planned how to handle the situation. If bloodshed continue, everyone see the deadly consequences for sure.

i F O R C E W a r f a r e
- www.facebook.com/iFORCEWarfare
what PMLN is trying to do is damage control. army exposed their lie and every pmln supporter have to come up with stupid logic.. now they said they are against using excessive force ... and they are trying to say if they support nawaz sharif.. army as whole hate nawaz sharif
Unfortunately IK and Qadri's marches have clearly failed, PTI especially underestimated the extent to which PMLN will go to save themselves and they overestimated their own strenght.
They should have just accepted Shahbaz's resignation, an FIR and an Investigation and call it a day. PMLN is too strong to be defeated like this.

Lets just pray this ends before more people die.

Any idea how you see it ending? I'm at odds here. IK not ready to proceed with negotiations until NS's resignation. NS not ready to tender his resignation. Qadri having called for open war with the government and refusing to yield to anything less than total submission from the government, public trials and hanging of half the parliament, army not ready to intervene - I don't see an end to the quagmire at all.
Yeah I don't care about j z s sh etc . They are all same to me.
Well than when you see a Zack try calling him a Jack and getting a black eye thanks to your stubbornness ...good luck with it!
itni achi army humaary to ansoo nikal ayee bhi :lol::lol::lol: wo 4 bar kon thy jo rule ker gaay :P
Army should not indulge in political matter. Let the politicians clear their mess
Any idea how you see it ending? I'm at odds here. IK not ready to proceed with negotiations until NS's resignation. NS not ready to tender his resignation. Qadri having called for open war with the government and refusing to yield to anything less than total submission from the government, public trials and hanging of half the parliament, army not ready to intervene - I don't see an end to the quagmire at all.

It's pretty hard to predict because so many factors are currently in play. Most likely outcome is that Nawaz remains in power, since, in my opinion, even the Army now thinks it would be bad for Pakistan's long-term stability if he was overthrown like this. It was fine when the protest was peaceful and, had Nawaz resigned back then, It would've set a good example but now the situation is a lot different.
PTI/PAT is now too weak to do much, as a result of people being scared and many wounded. The only way Nawaz loses now is if the Army takes direct action, which would not be good.
Since the Army is the biggest factor here, we must first examine the situation it finds itself in.

Firstly, the external situation: Afghanistan still hasn't gotten over their elections and America is withdrawing soon so more problems from the western borders are to be expected. Hostility along the Eastern border is also very concerning, as India is exerting pressure and cross-border firing is taking place frequently. The Army has to be prepared for the consequences and effects of these scenarios.

The internal situation is even more troubling, Zarb-e-Azb is entering crucial stages but I can't really comment on that since we don't get much info about it. But from what I can infer, the Army has been quite successful but have yet to launch a final push. Then comes the problem of keeping these terrorists out once they have been thrown out. The Army also has to deal with the IDPs and provide for them until they can return to their homes.

When all these factors are taken into account, I don't think Marshal Law is in the Army's (and the entire nation's) best interest.
That's why the Army is trying to get the government to behave without having to take direct action.

I agree with Imran Khan's arguments against rigging but since the beginning I was concerned about him joining up with Qadri. PAT people are too much on the fanatic side and Qadri is not good at organising. Its a big deal that they remained peaceful for so long, but in general the time was not right for such a protest. I support Imran Khan but my problem with him is that he's not a good politician. A good politician would have been able to achieve many goals (such as electoral reforms) without going out on the streets. He's a good leader but not a good politician.

At the end of the day, I don't see any of IK's goals being achieved. Nawaz will remain in power. The best that can happen now would be for this crisis to end quickly and PTI to find some way to cut their losses so that they can move on, deal with their losses, work on KPK and try to set the foundation to do better in the next elections.
PMLN should start behaving now, if they pull another stunt like model town it would be the end for them.

This is what we should hope happens but we'll just have to wait and see what really happens.
I could have started a new topic about this, lots to say. Sorry if the post is too long, I had plenty of free time on my hands
God help our beloved Pakistan :pakistan:

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