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Pakistan and China: Sweet as can be?

It turns out that 'The Economist' has been right all along. The Chinese govt pledged $ 220 million & has yet only delivered only $ 19.8 million even after a year since the floods. The Saudis have done better with delivering $ 45 million till date. This is what the 'Ministry of Economic Affairs & Statistics, Govt of Pakistan' says. Here is the link:

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Statistics

it's just too hard to belive but the Ministry of Economic Affairs & Statistics, Govt of Pakistan can't be wrong either...
I don't want to drag out this pointless discussion much further, so just a few points.

The Pak-China relationship blossomed because:
- China is our biggest neighbor.
- Any fool could have known that, sooner or later, China would become a major player and it's always best to start the relationship early.
- Geographic importance of Pakistan as China's gateway to the Middle East and Islamic world.
- Yes, the India/Russia factor was there, no doubt, but it was one of many considerations.

As for Afghanistan, only the Indians are obsessed with strategic depth. Our interests are primarily due to the Afghan reluctance to accept the Durand Line as an international border and their penchant to cause trouble in Balushistan. India only exploited that Afghan obsession. This indicates India's obsession with Pakistan, rather than the other way round. Same as what happened in Bangladesh.

Finally, about the dime-a-dozen columnists and op-ed writers, most of them are intellectually bankrupt and simply parrot each other. You can take any of their articles and, after shuffling words and phrases around a bit, you will have another article. It's meaningless and predictable babbling just to sell articles. Like the Economist article above.

If we were to go a step further, beyond the undoubtedly solid and friendly all-weather relationship between China & Pakistan, the western media in general has consistently proven to be anti-Islamic, anti-Pakistan & anti-Chinese, hence why the bhartis proclaim its accuracy as if it were the word of God. So the garbage written on CNN, BBC, Fox, Economists, etc must be taken with a grain of salt.

I find the Chinese media to be more reliable than all the western media outlets combined.
What surprises me is that China just offered $ 18m for flood relief. Heck!! we had offerd Pakistan $ 25m.

economist has done a good home work before posting the news..
indeed a breaking news in all standerd..
economist has done a good home work before posting the news..

The person who wrote it sounded like someone who's parents left them at an early age and is jealous that he or she is not loved the same.

indeed a breaking news in all standerd..

If this is breaking news then we will never have any trivial news.
Spent countless hours to write up a lengthy page only try explain one point? That China and Pakistan are not firends but the Americans are? :eek:

As a matter of fact, for every 1 dollar the U.S. spends, 42 cents comes from the China. So are they trying to sell the American brand of good will with the money they borrowed from China? :lol:
If you take a moment to think, as what could have happened to Wikileaks had they been in China, in comparison to that nothing has happened to wikileaks.

Julian Assange is still a free man, while Ai Wie Wie has disappeared for much less & even his family has not been told where he is being held, forget even informing them about his arrest.

what like been tortured and beaten to death?? what else can come out your stereotyped imagination??

and you are comparing a man decoding governments dirty secrets to a media attention seeker``yet anyway with western one-side probaganda surely you would think Ai Wei Wei is innocent``:cheesy:

again growup, face the real not perfect but beautifully realistic world``:wave:
i can only laugh at the suggestion of comparing a forum where people can nearly say anything & press in a tightly controlled environment to a free & credible news source like The Economist.

lol``still lives in the can created by western media and some western wannabe media``learn some chinese and try to brows few`and you will find out how stupid and naive you sound..if the Economist is so realiable how on earth they came out the theory that the Chinese economy will collapse in 2008??

do you even have a brain to comprehend the difference bewteen biased hype and reality??
People need to know China looks after China interest first, if you be kind to China first then they will be kind to u.

Piss them off like Norway did, then they will take it seriously.
More important. China DIDN'T want give more AIDS to beggers (Zardari, PPP, etc), they only prefer to use wise choice to build up infrastructure.

US GIVE more aids to please beggars, and more attacks innocent people. See differences !
People need to know China looks after China interest first, if you be kind to China first then they will be kind to u.

Piss them off like Norway did, then they will take it seriously.

what was the interest of chinese in offering to build and fund 80% of lahore metro project and will not take any markup on the funding
More important. China DIDN'T want give more AIDS to beggers (Zardari, PPP, etc), they only prefer to use wise choice to build up infrastructure.

US GIVE more aids to please beggars, and more attacks innocent people. See differences !

So there are Chinese roaming the flood-ravaged areas of Pakistan like Santa Claus, with a big sack of money, giving it only to those that need it?

Once again, truth hurts. The "sweeter than honey" friend did diddly-squat for Pakistan while Americans in helicopters were bringing in food, water, and blankets.


So there are Chinese roaming the flood-ravaged areas of Pakistan like Santa Claus, with a big sack of money, giving it only to those that need it?

Once again, truth hurts. The "sweeter than honey" friend did diddly-squat for Pakistan while Americans in helicopters were bringing in food, water, and blankets.



Well said, clapping, and I even red flag it for you.
Alright. Feel at peace then.

But your word against an reputed international magazine published in a country that guarantees freedom of press, is simply not good enough.

The Economist just like Strategypage and CNN are known to be anti-China. Don't forget the bullshit economic predictions regarding the economic growth of China and India. How a defaulting and indebted country can give $ 690 m except to once again borrow it from China. This money will never be returned back of course so lets consider that China had contributed 250+18+690=$958 M to Pakistan.
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