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Pakistan: A nation in turmoil (Pictures)

My solution for peace.

the GOP should humbly ask Americans to leave and alllow us to to search and distroy these terrorists.

if Americans leave than it will take away the excuse these terrorists use to entice unsuspecting and uneducted folks.

It will be a win/win situation for all. Pak. Army can handle these undesirables and the proof is in the pudding.
I don't quite get the purpose of this thread. Is this where we are supposed to post and view pictures of all unfortunate incidents that happen in Pakistan? Do you intend to start similar threads about other countries too?

Please clarify the purpose of this thread and the rather jingoistic headline which might be welcome at a two bit outlet like Fox, but not at PDF.

You can change the title if you would like. I thought this title was appropriate, as there no sense in obscuring the truth.

I'm posting pictures for those who have not seen what has happened on the ground and only have seen and heard news reports. Pictures carry powerful messages of the current situation in Pakistan.
It is not about obscuring the truth, it is about overstating a case already drastically overstated in the international media.

It is quite unlikely that participants here are unfamiliar with any of these events since all of them have their own threads and have been subjected to intense discussion. You starting yet another thread which is a pictorial summary of everything that has already been hashed and rehashed is quite confusing to me.

I would submit to you that those on the ground know the situation better than what pictures put across. Pictures can actually be quite deceiving. From your location I gather that you are not actually on the ground in Pakistan... am I correct in my assumption?
Well the situation in Pakistan is blown way out of proportion by the foreign media. But then again they have always depicted Pakistan 10x worse than ground reality anyhow. You can select pictures of many places and make it look really bad when the ground reality might not be as bad as the media wants you to believe.

You know, I lived in Pakistan for over a decade. I didn't live in DHA or Clifton but a lower-middle class area. Over and over again we were told by the foreign media about the bad things of Pakistan, yet living there was very different. It was nothing like what the media says and wants you to believe.
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Pakistani chefs prepare traditional dishes at a roadside restaurant in Karachi in the evening on April 11.

While the pictures in this thread seem to be rather unsettling to look at; there is no denying they depict a reality.
Nonetheless, i hope that the picture of traditional dishes being cooked and enjoyed by people, becomes so many and so common, that the other pictures turn in to a distant memory.
I second TechLahore, what is the purpose of this thread? We're all very aware of how tumultuous the year 2009 has been for Pakistan and how little things have improved this year. What are you posting all these pictures to remind us of?
Some times i wonder if people are originally naive, or they choose to be oblivious.
It is time we focus our Interior Defense as we have our best outer defence and for that
1. We should upgrade our Para Military force by training them
2. Our internal Intel by upgrading them to Scotland Yard base.
3. We should call all our political parties and make 20 years agenda on Interior defense

Sums it up perfectly!
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Revolution is an evolutionary process.

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.”
John Fitzgerald

“Those who hate most fervently must have once loved deeply; those who want to deny the world must have once embraced what they now set on fire.”
Kurt Tucholsky
i am an indian and i am saying that the pictures are really heart wrenching.... i seriously hope the things get fixed up soon in your country and good sense prevails on all sides.. scenes of children cryin, women and men wailing over their dead loved ones can never be a good sight..
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