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Pak-US relations

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Pak-US relations
Published: September 30, 2011
Pakistan’s stand that it would not tolerate any aggression against its territory, a threat that was evident in the bitter diatribe of US army chief Admiral Mike Mullen and Defence Secretary Leon Panetta launched against the ISI must have come as quite a surprise to the Obama administration. It had become accustomed to a Pakistani leadership stomaching criticism quietly or only responding in a perfunctory manner. Instead, it encountered the entire nation virtually up in arms, demanding a firm and unequivocal denouncement of the baseless and unsubstantiated allegations and a challenge that should it dare step on its soil, it would be met with a matching response. Prime Minister Gilani and Foreign Minister Khar accused the US of looking for a scapegoat to cover up its defeat in Afghanistan, and the army and ISI warned it against any attempt at putting boots on Pakistan’s territory. The convening of an APC and a special National Assembly session to evolve a national response against the threat showed the leadership’s resolve to defend the country at all costs.
The nation stood united and the White House has blinked. According to Washington Post, the Obama administration is annoyed with the Admiral and the White House, which had virtually endorsed his statement earlier, now refuses to go along with his views about the ISI. The Pentagon favours the sorting out of differences. The truth that without Pakistan’s help, the exit from Afghanistan would be too difficult to achieve has finally driven home. Yet, Admiral Mullen is calling for a tougher line and has even gone to the extent of predicting that the partnership approach with Islamabad that he had long championed would be difficult to revive. He has nobody more to blame than himself!
The turn-around of the situation affords a golden opportunity for Pakistan to get away from the lure of US friendship that has, previously more than once, stabbed us in the back. A radical review of our foreign policy is urgently called for. The people are looking up to the APC and the National Assembly session to come up with its outlines.
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