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Pak may target India with biological weapons, intel note reveals

The thing is...looking at the amount of dirt and filth Indians already live in, and don't die , the biological; weapons needed top actually make Indians sick may not be within Pakistan's or any country's technological grasp.
We all know that Stink bombs used as crowd control apparatus, imported from Israel, did not work on Indians.
Muslim areas , even middle class ones are dirtiest in India.
I can well imagine what most areas of pakistan look like with 98% muslims.
Mate... i been to India and seen the filth in the Hindu holy River Ganga Mayya and people stood in it as ritual. If they dont die of germs, then no Bio weapon can kill them,.
hahahah Today I spoke with english person and she mentioned India dirty ganga river.
Maybe Pakistan and china are going to spray India with dettol to kill all Indian bacteria and virus.

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