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Pak - Israel threat!

Well we live in a business minded world and almost all the major businesses belong to Jews who fund Israel.

I don's understand the jew-phobia of most muslim countries. Can you give me a list of companies owned by jews who fund Isreal.

If possible, plesae post a geniune link.
Israel is already buzy with SERIA IRAN and LEBENON, so there is little possibility that it will be a major threat to us .
I don's understand the jew-phobia of most muslim countries. Can you give me a list of companies owned by jews who fund Isreal.

If possible, plesae post a geniune link.

Agree with you please dont mess religions between two states.
To counter Israel we must need to have an Airbase in middle east. May be in Saudia Arabia Or Egypt Or Syeria . Or we need to have a naval base in Saudia Arabia . Every Body Knows Pak Air force has the capability to fire nuclear warheaded cruise missile from any one of its Planes . And our sbmarines can too fire it while submerged.
To counter Israel we must need to have an Airbase in middle east. May be in Saudia Arabia Or Egypt Or Syeria . Or we need to have a naval base in Saudia Arabia . Every Body Knows Pak Air force has the capability to fire nuclear warheaded cruise missile from any one of its Planes . And our sbmarines can too fire it while submerged.

Why only in the middle east why not in Russia, Europe and also in the USA.


To counter Israel we must need to have an Airbase in middle east. May be in Saudia Arabia Or Egypt Or Syeria . Or we need to have a naval base in Saudia Arabia . Every Body Knows Pak Air force has the capability to fire nuclear warheaded cruise missile from any one of its Planes . And our sbmarines can too fire it while submerged.

Why are pakistanis obsessed with having bases in other countries it usually doesnt do anything as far as national security goes i mean look at the us how many bases does it have over the world only thing it does for them is create more hostility among the local population because there soldiers dont follow the rules of the host country. i think having bases in other countries is a bad idea and we should try and avoid it as much as possible.
Pak and Israel are far away from each other.We dont have any concern with them

The only problem is sympathy .The sympathy of pakistanis lies with Palestinians .

Plus the fact that Israel has many times planned to strike pakistani nukes,And then Netanyahua called pakistan ENEMY N.O 1,A BEN GURION saying that pakistan must be destroyed by all disguised and secret plans so we do consider them a HOSTILE NATION but not much of a Big threat.

BUT ISRAELIS DO CONSIDER US A THREAT as evident from Netanyahua and Ben Gurions statements.
and their arm sales to INDIA and now they are supplying them anti insurgents weapons to fight Kashmiris.

But we still want to keep our selves away from them .
Only if US threatens us from Afghanistan an we are left with no option but the one mentioned by Gen Aslam Beg and Hameed Gul.TAKE ISRAEL AS HOSTAGE IF US THREATENS US.OUR MISSILES CANT REACH US BUT CERTAINLY CAN HIT ISRAEL.
Israel was considered a threat till May 28th, 1998 but going nuclear and having achieved the capability to retaliate has minimised the possibility of any Israeli raid on our nuclear facilities.

Israel has adopted a different approach instead by arming India to the teeth.

Neo, by that logic every country that sells arms to India including russia, US, UK Sweden or whoever else chooses to sell weapons to India should automatically become a threat to pakistan. Why single out Israel? Conversely the US and other countries supplying arms to Pakistan become a threat to India.
Israel is not giving away weapons free of cost, India is buying them just like it buys from numerous other countries.
I don's understand the jew-phobia of most muslim countries. .

Well I can't understand Islamophopbia in all western countries MOST OF IT HAPPEN BEFORE 9/11

Beside before you critise any muslim countries or muslim as jew-phobia
remember it is you western or white that have killed many jews

HINT: Starlin and Hitler

and that many Muslim during WW2 help jews to hide against the Nazi

Heres the link:
altmuslim - On Holocaust zeroes & heroes

Heres something on youtube aswell:

diz3FqI4Tpg[/media] - Muslim Family Hid Jews!!!
JcjECD2Fb7I[/media] - Albanian Muslims rescue Jews in WW2 #2[/QUOTE]

TALWAR if you want a list heres a few:

Marks and SPencer
...and many more
just look it up
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Agree with you please dont mess religions between two states.

Its not my Intention to mess up with religions. But what is it that unites all the Arab countries against Isreal. Its just one thing, because the Isrealies have a different faith.

If pakistan does not give their nuclear weapons to Anti-Isreal countries, there is no reason why Isreal should be a threat to Pakistan.

There is lot of Anti-Isreal sentiment among Indian muslims also, but why ? Its not justified. None of the muslim community is bothered when there is problem in Srilanka or anywhere. But when Isrealies attack palistinians, everybody is supportive of Palistine [I am not saying its wrong, buy why they are not able to look outside of the Arab world] .
Its not my Intention to mess up with religions. But what is it that unites all the Arab countries against Isreal. Its just one thing, because the Isrealies have a different faith.

If pakistan does not give their nuclear weapons to Anti-Isreal countries, there is no reason why Isreal should be a threat to Pakistan.

There is lot of Anti-Isreal sentiment among Indian muslims also, but why ? Its not justified. None of the muslim community is bothered when there is problem in Srilanka or anywhere. But when Isrealies attack palistinians, everybody is supportive of Palistine [I am not saying its wrong, buy why they are not able to look outside of the Arab world] .

hmmmmm....... good point. But this will take us nowhere. The solution has to come from both sides. Blame game will only spoil the whole thing.
Israel considers Pakistan infact all muslim countries with some degree of military strength and good relations with arabs a threat to itself. At the moment Iran is high on their agenda once that is settled then perhaps they are going to focus on Pakistan.
Israel considers Pakistan infact all muslim countries with some degree of military strength and good relations with arabs a threat to itself. At the moment Iran is high on their agenda once that is settled then perhaps they are going to focus on Pakistan.

I totally agree with you. It doesn't matter what Israelis think....it is their powerful lobbies, that are much more right wing than the average Israeli, that call the shots. They consider us and our nuclear weapons a threat as can be evidenced by Netanyahu's statements. They will never tolerate a Muslim country with Nuclear weapons. Once they're done with Iran...we're next...that's for sure. The fact that we're now considered part of the "Greater Middle East" should be ominous to those who see how the levers get pushed and pulled in the US.
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